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Konrad Kokosa «Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!»

Konrad Kokosa «Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!»

Every request journey in a secured web application starts with the authentication process providing the essential information for authorizing the requests. The authorization process has been totally rewritten in ASP.NET Core to support the modern concepts of claim-based authorization based on the concept of policies.

During the session, after analyzing all the pieces that builds up the new authorization framework, we will see how to structure the resource-based authorization and analyze the different opportunities to filter database queries based on the effective permissions of the user.


May 14, 2019

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  1. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 1/101 ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything! Konrad Kokosa @konradkokosa https://prodotnetmemory.com 1 / 101
  2. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 2/101 2 / 101
  3. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 3/101 Let's start from the beginning... 3 / 101
  4. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 4/101 Let's start from the beginning... Class vs struct 4 / 101
  5. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 5/101 class Program { static int Main(string[] args) { static int Main(string[] args) => Experiment.Run(); } } public class Experiment { public static int Run() { SomeType data = new SomeType(); data.F = 10; Helper(data); return data.F; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static void Helper(SomeType data) { data.F = 12; //Console.WriteLine(data.F); } } 5 / 101
  6. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 6/101 public class SomeType { public int F; } Run(): mov rcx,7FFC9AB5CC38h call coreclr!alloc mov rsi,rax mov dword ptr [rsi+8],0Ah mov rcx,rsi call Helper(SomeType) mov eax,dword ptr [rsi+8] ; Total bytes of code 36 public struct SomeType { public int F; } Run(): mov ecx,0Ah call Helper(SomeType) mov eax,0Ah ; Total bytes of code 15 public static int Run() { SomeType data = new SomeType(); data.F = 10; Helper(data); return data.F; } .NET Core 3.0.0-preview3-27504-2, x64, Release 6 / 101
  7. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 7/101 public class SomeType { public int F; public int F2; public int F3; public int F4; public int F5; } Run(): mov rcx,7FFCC53BCC78h call coreclr!alloc mov rsi,rax mov dword ptr [rsi+8],0Ah mov rcx,rsi call Helper(SomeType) mov eax,dword ptr [rsi+8] ; Total bytes of code 36 public struct SomeType { public int F; public int F2; public int F3; public int F4; public int F5; } Run(): xor ecx,ecx lea rax,[rsp+38h] vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0 vmovdqu xmmword ptr [rax],xmm0 mov dword ptr [rax+10h],ecx mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],0Ah vmovdqu xmm0,xmmword ptr [rsp+38h] vmovdqu xmmword ptr [rsp+20h],xmm0 mov ecx,dword ptr [rsp+48h] mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],ecx lea rcx,[rsp+20h] call Helper(SomeType) mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+38h] ; Total bytes of code 60 public static int Run() { SomeType data = new SomeType(); data.F = 10; Helper(data); return data.F; } .NET Core 3.0.0-preview3-27504-2, x64, Release 7 / 101
  8. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 8/101 public static int Run() { SomeType data = new SomeType(); data.F = 10; Helper(data); return data.F; } public struct SomeType { public int F; public int F2; public int F3; public int F4; public int F5; } Run(): xor ecx,ecx lea rax,[rsp+38h] vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0 vmovdqu xmmword ptr [rax],xmm0 mov dword ptr [rax+10h],ecx mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],0Ah vmovdqu xmm0,xmmword ptr [rsp+38h] vmovdqu xmmword ptr [rsp+20h],xmm0 mov ecx,dword ptr [rsp+48h] mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],ecx lea rcx,[rsp+20h] call Helper(SomeType) mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+38h] ; Total bytes of code 60 public static int Run() { SomeType data = new SomeType(); data.F = 10; Helper(ref data); return data.F; } public struct SomeType { public int F; public int F2; public int F3; public int F4; public int F5; } ConsoleApp.Experiment.Run(): xor ecx,ecx lea rax,[rsp+28h] vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0 vmovdqu xmmword ptr [rax],xmm0 mov dword ptr [rax+10h],ecx mov dword ptr [rsp+28h],0Ah lea rcx,[rsp+28h] call Helper(SomeType ByRef) mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+28h] ; Total bytes of code 40 .NET Core 3.0.0-preview3-27504-2, x64, Release 8 / 101
  9. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 9/101 Manager pointer (byref) 9 / 101
  10. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 10/101 Manager pointer strongly typed i.e. System.Int32& or SomeType& it can point to: local variable method's argument object's field array's element it can live as: local variable method's argument method's return value CRITICAL - it cannot land in the Managed Heap "they cannot be used for field signatures, as the element type of an array and boxing a value of managed pointer type is disallowed. Using a managed pointer type for the return type of methods is not verifiable" - ECMA-335 10 / 101
  11. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 11/101 Manager pointer strongly typed i.e. System.Int32& or SomeType& it can point to: local variable method's argument object's field array's element it can live as: local variable method's argument method's return value CRITICAL - it cannot land in the Managed Heap "they cannot be used for field signatures, as the element type of an array and boxing a value of managed pointer type is disallowed. Using a managed pointer type for the return type of methods is not verifiable" - ECMA-335 "Note. Recently, since C# 7.0, managed pointers usage has been widened in the form of ref locals and ref returns (collectively referred to as ref variables). Thus, the last sentence from the above ECMA citation about using a managed pointer type as the return type has been relaxed." 11 / 101
  12. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 12/101 Ref parameters Managed pointers - aka byref type, because passing an argument "by reference" is nothing else than using them: private static void Helper(ref SomeType data) { data.Field = 11; } Helper(SomeType ByRef): IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 12 IL_0003: stfld System.Int32 ConsoleApp.SomeType::F mov dword ptr [rcx],0Ch IL_0008: ret ret ; Total bytes of code 7 12 / 101
  13. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 13/101 Ref locals (C# 7.0+) Local variable storing managed pointer: private static void Helper(ref SomeType data) { ref SomeType refSomeType = ref data; ref int refData = ref data.F3; Console.WriteLine(refSomeType.F2); Console.WriteLine(refData); } 13 / 101
  14. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 14/101 Ref return (C# 7.0+) Return type as managed pointer - obviously with limitations: "The return value must have a lifetime that extends beyond the execution of the method. In other words, it cannot be a local variable in the method that returns it. It can be an instance or static field of a class, or it can be an argument passed to the method" - MSDN 14 / 101
  15. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 15/101 Ref return (C# 7.0+) Return type as managed pointer - obviously with limitations: "The return value must have a lifetime that extends beyond the execution of the method. In other words, it cannot be a local variable in the method that returns it. It can be an instance or static field of a class, or it can be an argument passed to the method" - MSDN Bad: public static ref int ReturnByRefValueTypeInterior(int index) { int localInt = 7; return ref localInt; // Compilation error: Cannot return local 'localInt' by // reference because it is not a ref local } 15 / 101
  16. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 16/101 Ref return (C# 7.0+) Return type as managed pointer - obviously with limitations: "The return value must have a lifetime that extends beyond the execution of the method. In other words, it cannot be a local variable in the method that returns it. It can be an instance or static field of a class, or it can be an argument passed to the method" - MSDN Bad: public static ref int ReturnByRefValueTypeInterior(int index) { int localInt = 7; return ref localInt; // Compilation error: Cannot return local 'localInt' by // reference because it is not a ref local } Good: public static ref int GetArrayElementByRef(int[] array, int index) { return ref array[index]; } 16 / 101
  17. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 17/101 Ref return (cd.) Bad or good? public static ref int ReturnByRefReferenceTypeInterior(int index) { int[] localArray = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }; return ref localArray[index]; } 17 / 101
  18. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 18/101 Ref return - an example public class BookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new BookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } 18 / 101
  19. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 19/101 Ref return - an example public class BookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new BookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } Question: what is the result? 19 / 101
  20. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 20/101 Ref return - an example public class BookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new BookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } Question: what is the result? Konrad Kokosa 20 / 101
  21. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 21/101 Ref return - an example public class RefBookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public ref Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } 21 / 101
  22. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 22/101 Ref return - an example public class RefBookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public ref Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } Question: what is the result? 22 / 101
  23. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 23/101 Ref return - an example public class RefBookCollection { private Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public ref Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } Question: what is the result? Konrad Kokosa 23 / 101
  24. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 24/101 Ref return - an example public class ValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 24 / 101
  25. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 25/101 Ref return - an example Question: what is the result? public class ValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 25 / 101
  26. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 26/101 Ref return - an example Question: what is the result? Jack London public class ValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return books[ctr]; return nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollection(); var book = collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 26 / 101
  27. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 27/101 Ref return - an example public class RefValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ref ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefValueBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 27 / 101
  28. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 28/101 Ref return - an example Question: what is the result? public class RefValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ref ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefValueBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 28 / 101
  29. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 29/101 Ref return - an example Question: what is the result? Konrad Kokosa public class RefValueBookCollection { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild, The", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities, A", Author = "Charles Dickens private ValueBook nobook = default; public ref ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new RefValueBookCollection(); ref var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild, The"); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 29 / 101
  30. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 30/101 Ref returning collections We can expect a new API appearing: public class SomeStructRefList { private SomeStruct[] items; public ref SomeStruct this[int index] => ref items[index]; } As indexers are already taken (and we cannot break their back-compatibility) - ItemRef was choosen: // ImmutableArray: public ref readonly T ItemRef(int index) { return ref this.array[index]; } Currently: most of System.Collections.Immutable. problems with List<T> and Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - why? 30 / 101
  31. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 31/101 ref ternary expression (C# 7.2) Instead of a well-known ?:: <condition> ? <consequence> : <alternative> we can ref it: <condition> ? ref <consequence> : ref <alternative> Examples: public ref ValueBook RefTernary() { // byref parameter Do(ref (books != null ? ref books[0] : ref nobook)); // byref assignment (books != null ? ref books[0].Author : ref nobook.Author) = "Aaa"; // byref method call (books != null ? ref books[0] : ref nobook).ModifyAuthor("AAA"); // byref return return ref books?.Length > 0 ? ref books[0] : ref nobook; } public void Do(ref ValueBook book) { } 31 / 101
  32. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 32/101 ref foreach (C# 7.3) Thanks to a ref reassignment we can "iterate ref" if Current from an enumerator ref returns: public int Hyperlinq_Array() { var count = 0; foreach(ref readonly var item in array.Where(_ => true)) count++; return count; } 32 / 101
  33. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 33/101 ref foreach (C# 7.3) Thanks to a ref reassignment we can "iterate ref" if Current from an enumerator ref returns: public int Hyperlinq_Array() { var count = 0; foreach(ref readonly var item in array.Where(_ => true)) count++; return count; } Currently there are no APIs supporting it, but who knows?! 33 / 101
  34. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 34/101 Byref internals 34 / 101
  35. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 35/101 Byref internals public static ref int ReturnByRefReferenceTypeInterior(int index) { int[] localArray = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }; return ref localArray[index]; } ref int local = ref ReturnByRefReferenceTypeInterior(2); 35 / 101
  36. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 36/101 Byref internals public static ref int ReturnByRefReferenceTypeInterior(int index) { int[] localArray = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }; return ref localArray[index]; } ref int local = ref ReturnByRefReferenceTypeInterior(2); local is seen as so-called interior pointer - a pointer into an object it is just an ordinary pointer... unless GC happens - it now must be interpreted as the containing object root 36 / 101
  37. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 37/101 ref int local = ref ReturnByRef(2); Byref internals (cd.) 37 / 101
  38. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 38/101 ref int local = ref ReturnByRef(2); Byref internals (cd.) Interpretation: 38 / 101
  39. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 39/101 ref int local = ref ReturnByRef(2); Byref internals (cd.) Interpretation: brick - 4kB memory region: during Mark phase - we serch inside the whole region to find a corresponding object for an interior pointer 39 / 101
  40. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 40/101 Byref internals (cd.) Interpretation: brick - 4kB memory region: during Compact phase - we just search inside a specific plug found through plug tree 40 / 101
  41. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 41/101 Byref internals (cd.) [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void Test(ref int data) { data = 11; // it now has to be a root! } 41 / 101
  42. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 42/101 Byref internals (cd.) [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void Test(ref int data) { data = 11; // it now has to be a root! } PassingByref.Test(Int32 ByRef) L0000: mov dword [rcx], 0xb L0006: ret 42 / 101
  43. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 43/101 PassingByref.Test(Int32 ByRef) push rdi push rsi sub rsp,28h mov rsi,rcx 00000009 interruptible 00000009 +rsi(interior) ... 0000003a not interruptible 0000003a -rsi(interior) add rsp,28h pop rsi pop rdi ret Byref internals (cd.) [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void Test(ref int data) { data = 11; // it now has to be a root! } PassingByref.Test(Int32 ByRef) L0000: mov dword [rcx], 0xb L0006: ret 43 / 101
  44. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 44/101 PassingByref.Test(Int32 ByRef) push rdi push rsi sub rsp,28h mov rsi,rcx 00000009 interruptible 00000009 +rsi(interior) ... 0000003a not interruptible 0000003a -rsi(interior) add rsp,28h pop rsi pop rdi ret A method may be: fully interruptible - it can be suspended at "every line" partially interruptible - it can be suspended only at "safe-point" (mainly method calls) not interruptible at all For the first two - there is a risk of the GC suspension overhead. Byref internals (cd.) [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void Test(ref int data) { data = 11; // it now has to be a root! } PassingByref.Test(Int32 ByRef) L0000: mov dword [rcx], 0xb L0006: ret 44 / 101
  45. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 45/101 So below code just works! public class Helpers { public static ref T MakeInterior<T>(T obj) => ref (new T[] { obj })[0]; } 45 / 101
  46. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 46/101 readonly semantics 46 / 101
  47. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 47/101 Readonly ref variables (C# 7.2) it disallows changing a value stored in the managed pointer: for reference-type - it is a reference for value-type - it is the value itself two forms in C#: ref readonly - for return values and local variables in - for method parameters 47 / 101
  48. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 48/101 ref readonly - reference-typed public class BookCollectionByReadonlyRef { public Book[] books = { new Book { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new Book { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } }; private Book nobook = default; public ref readonly Book GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new BookCollectionByReadonlyRef(); ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book = new Book(); book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 48 / 101
  49. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 49/101 ref readonly - value-typed public class ValueBookCollectionByReadonlyRef { public ValueBook[] books = { new ValueBook { Title = "Call of the Wild", Author = "Jack London" }, new ValueBook { Title = "Tale of Two Cities", Author = "Charles Dickens" } private ValueBook nobook = default; public ref readonly ValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollectionByReadonlyRef(); ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book = new Book(); //book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } } 49 / 101
  50. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 50/101 ref readonly - an example struct Point3D { private static Point3D origin = new Point3D(); public static ref readonly Point3D Origin => ref origin; ... } 50 / 101
  51. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 51/101 in parameter public class BookCollection { ... public void CheckBook(in ValueBook book) { book.Title = "XXX"; // Cannot assign to a member of variable 'in ValueBook' // because it is a readonly variable. } } collection.CheckBook(in someBook); Remember - it disallows value change: for reference-type - the reference itself (as the reference is the "value") for value-type - the value itself 51 / 101
  52. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 52/101 in parameter Method arguments, lambdas/delegates, local functions, indexers, extension methods... public class InParameters { private delegate string BookRefAction(in ValueBook t); void Method(in ValueBook book) { string LocalFunction(in ValueBook b) { return b.Title.ToLowerInvariant(); } BookRefAction action = (in ValueBook x) => x.Author + x.Title; } public string this[in Book book] => "something"; } public static class GuidExtensions { public static string Transform(in this Guid guid) { return guid.GetHashCode().ToString(); } } 52 / 101
  53. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 53/101 But... public struct ValueBook { public string Title; public string Author; public void ModifyAuthor(string author) { this.Author = author; } } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollectionByReadonlyRef(); ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book = new Book(); //book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; book.ModifyAuthor("Konrad Kokosa"); Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } 53 / 101
  54. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 54/101 But... public struct ValueBook { public string Title; public string Author; public void ModifyAuthor(string author) { this.Author = author; } } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollectionByReadonlyRef(); ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book = new Book(); //book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; book.ModifyAuthor("Konrad Kokosa"); Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } Question: What will happen? What is the result? 54 / 101
  55. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 55/101 But... public struct ValueBook { public string Title; public string Author; public void ModifyAuthor(string author) { this.Author = author; } } public static void Run() { var collection = new ValueBookCollectionByReadonlyRef(); ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book = new Book(); //book.Author = "Konrad Kokosa"; book.ModifyAuthor("Konrad Kokosa"); Console.WriteLine(collection.books[0].Author); } Question: What will happen? What is the result? Jack London 55 / 101
  56. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 56/101 Defensive copy ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities, A"); book.ModifyAuthor("Konrad Kokosa"); Console.WriteLine(book.Author); 56 / 101
  57. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 57/101 Defensive copy ref readonly var book = ref collection.GetBookByTitle("Tale of Two Cities, A"); book.ModifyAuthor("Konrad Kokosa"); Console.WriteLine(book.Author); "ldobj - Copy the value stored at address src to the stack" .method public hidebysig static void Main () cil managed { .locals init ( [0] valuetype Book ) IL_0000: newobj instance void BookCollection::.ctor() IL_0005: ldstr "Tale of Two Cities, A" IL_000a: callvirt instance valuetype Book& BookCollection::GetBookByTitle(stri IL_000f: ldobj Book IL_0014: stloc.0 IL_0015: ldloca.s 0 IL_0017: ldstr "Konrad Kokosa" IL_001c: call instance void Book::ModifyAuthor(string) IL_0021: ret } 57 / 101
  58. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 58/101 Defensive copy (cd.) public class BookCollection { ... public void CheckBook(in Book book) { book.ModifyAuthor(); // Calling on the defensive copy, original not touched } } Question: how to avoid that? We can, stay tuned! 58 / 101
  59. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 59/101 Sidenote: Defensive copy (cd.) - not only for byref class Program { private static readonly TestStruct _Account = new TestStruct(); static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(_Account.MyMoney); _Account.UpdateValue(100); Console.WriteLine(_Account.MyMoney); } public struct TestStruct { private int _money; public int MyMoney => _money; public void UpdateValue(int moneyAmount) { _money += moneyAmount; } } } Result is still 0! 59 / 101
  60. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 60/101 Sidenote: Defensive copy (cd.) - not only for byref We can be surprised sometimes - Readonly Structs vs Classes have dangerous inconsistency - failed spin lock: class Program { private static readonly SpinLock sl = new SpinLock(); static void Main(string[] args) { // good luck with sl.Enter and sl.Exit } } 60 / 101
  61. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 61/101 Sidenote: Defensive copy (cd.) - not only for byref We can be surprised sometimes - Readonly Structs vs Classes have dangerous inconsistency - failed spin lock: class Program { private static readonly SpinLock sl = new SpinLock(); static void Main(string[] args) { // good luck with sl.Enter and sl.Exit } } Fresh stuff: Readonly structs should warn when fields are implicitly copied for member invocation #33968 61 / 101
  62. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 62/101 Readonly struct 62 / 101
  63. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 63/101 Readonly struct Non-mutable struct - we cannot modify it after creation Limitations: all fields must be readonly initializing constructor is required public readonly struct ReadonlyValueBook { public readonly string Title; public readonly string Author; public ReadonlyValueBook(string title, string author) { this.Title = title; this.Author = author; } public void ModifyAuthor() { //this.Author = "XXX"; // A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except // in a constructor or a variable initializer) Console.WriteLine(this.Author); } } 63 / 101
  64. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 64/101 Readonly struct Non-mutable struct - we cannot modify it after creation Limitations: all fields must be readonly initializing constructor is required public readonly struct ReadonlyValueBook { public readonly string Title; public readonly string Author; public ReadonlyValueBook(string title, string author) { this.Title = title; this.Author = author; } public void ModifyAuthor() { //this.Author = "XXX"; // A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except // in a constructor or a variable initializer) Console.WriteLine(this.Author); } } Compiler/JIT can treat readonly refs much better! 64 / 101
  65. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 65/101 public class ReadOnlyBookCollection { private ReadonlyValueBook[] books = { new ReadonlyValueBook("Call of the Wild", "Jack London" ), new ReadonlyValueBook("Tale of Two Cities", "Charles Dickens") }; private ReadonlyValueBook nobook = default; public ref readonly ReadonlyValueBook GetBookByTitle(string title) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < books.Length; ctr++) if (title == books[ctr].Title) return ref books[ctr]; return ref nobook; } public void CheckBook(in ReadonlyBook book) { //book.Title = "XXX"; // Would generate compiler error. book.ModifyAuthor(); // It is guaranteed that ModifyAuthor does not modify // book's fields. No defensive copy created. } } public static void Run() { var coll = new ReadOnlyBookCollection(); ref readonly var book = ref coll.GetBookByTitle("Call of the Wild"); //book.Author = "XXX"; // A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a // constructor or a variable initializer) } 65 / 101
  66. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 66/101 readonly struct: .method public hidebysig instance void CheckBook ( [in] valuetype ReadonlyBook& book ) cil managed { ldarg.1 call instance void ModifyAuthor() ret } normal struct: .method public hidebysig instance void CheckBook ( [in] valuetype ReadonlyBook& book ) cil managed { .locals init ( [0] valuetype ReadonlyBook ) ldarg.1 ldobj ReadonlyBook stloc.0 ldloca.s 0 call instance void ModifyAuthor() ret } Readonly struct vs defensive copy public void CheckBook(in ReadonlyBook book) { book.ModifyAuthor(); } 66 / 101
  67. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 67/101 Ref struct 67 / 101
  68. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 68/101 Ref struct (byref-like type) we would like to have a type that can contains managed pointers as fields ("byrefs") it should have similar limitations as byrefs hence they would become... byref-like type ref struct introduced in C# is such a byref-like type: public ref struct RefBook { public string Title; public string Author; } a bunch of limitations: it cannot be a field of a class or struct (boxing!) it cannot be a static field it cannot be an array type element (boxing!) it cannot be boxed explicitly it cannot implement an interface it cannot be a generic type argument it cannot be a local variable in async method it cannot be a part of closure everything to not occur on the Managed Heap so it can contain managed pointer 68 / 101
  69. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 69/101 Ref struct (byref-like type) Examples of limitations: public class RefBookTest { private RefBook book; // Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of // type 'RefBook' unless it is an instance member // of a ref struct private static RefBook book; // j.w. public void Test() { RefBook localBook = new RefBook(); object box = (object) localBook; // Cannot convert type 'RefBook' to 'object' RefBook[] array = new RefBook[4]; // Array elements cannot be of type 'RefBook GenericTest<RefBook>(localBook); // The type 'RefBook' may not be used as // a type argument } public async Task TestAsync() { RefBook localBook = new RefBook(); // Parameters or locals of type 'RefBook' // cannot be declared in async methods or // lambda expressions ... } public void GenericTest<T>(T arg) { ... } } 69 / 101
  70. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 70/101 Ref struct (byref-like type) It can be a field of other ref struct: public ref struct RefBook { public string Title; public string Author; public RefPublisher Publisher; } public ref struct RefPublisher { public string Name; } It can be a local variable and method's argument (also byref): public void Test(RefBook refBook) { RefBook localBook = new RefBook(); } public void Test(ref RefBook refBook) { ref RefPublisher refPublisher = ref refBook.Publisher; } 70 / 101
  71. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 71/101 Ref struct (byref-like type) So what does it give us? they are never heap-allocated fast allocation/deallocation guaranteed (stack/CPU) guaranteed no GC overhead never leaks through boxing can contain managed pointer (*) guaranteed safe thread access only single thread can use it no need for any synchronization 71 / 101
  72. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 72/101 Ref struct (byref-like type) So what does it give us? they are never heap-allocated fast allocation/deallocation guaranteed (stack/CPU) guaranteed no GC overhead never leaks through boxing can contain managed pointer (*) guaranteed safe thread access only single thread can use it no need for any synchronization (*) currently not exposed directly in C#/CIL 72 / 101
  73. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 73/101 Readonly ref struct public readonly ref struct RefBook { public readonly string Title; public readonly string Author; } 73 / 101
  74. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 74/101 Disposable ref struct Questions: what is IDisposable? 74 / 101
  75. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 75/101 Disposable ref struct Questions: what is IDisposable? Answer: Widely established contract that an object has Dispose method, that should be called (because an object holds some resources that wants to be cleaned up). it does not have anything with the GC itself it can be easily checked through static code analysis there is a helper in the form of the using statement 75 / 101
  76. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 76/101 Disposable ref struct Questions: what is IDisposable? Answer: Widely established contract that an object has Dispose method, that should be called (because an object holds some resources that wants to be cleaned up). it does not have anything with the GC itself it can be easily checked through static code analysis there is a helper in the form of the using statement Hence: explicit cleanup is a preferred way implicit cleanup is not possible (ref struct cannot have a finalizer) 76 / 101
  77. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 77/101 Disposable ref struct Question: What's wrong with this code? class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var book = new RefBook()) { Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } } ref struct RefBook : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { // ... } public string Author; } 77 / 101
  78. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 78/101 Disposable ref struct Question: What's wrong with this code? class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var book = new RefBook()) { Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } } ref struct RefBook : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { // ... } public string Author; } An answer: Error CS8343 'RefBook': ref structs cannot implement interfaces 78 / 101
  79. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 79/101 Disposable ref struct C# 8.0 introduces such possibility: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var book = new RefBook()) // Duck-typing { Console.WriteLine(book.Author); } } } ref struct RefBook { public void Dispose() { // ... } public string Author; } 79 / 101
  80. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 80/101 public unsafe ref struct UnmanagedArray<T> where T : unmanaged { private readonly T* data; public UnmanagedArray(int length) { data = // get memory from some pool } public ref T this[int index] => ref data[index]; public void Dispose() { // return memory to the pool } } static void Main(string[] args) { using (var array = new UnmanagedArray<int>(10)) { Console.WriteLine(array[0]); } } static void Main(string[] args) { using var array = new UnmanagedArray<int>(10); // C# 8.0 Console.WriteLine(array[0]); } 80 / 101
  81. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 81/101 Disposable ref struct - an example internal ref struct ValueUtf8Converter { private byte[] _arrayToReturnToPool; ... public ValueUtf8Converter(Span<byte> initialBuffer) { _arrayToReturnToPool = null; } public Span<byte> ConvertAndTerminateString(ReadOnlySpan<char> value) { ... } public void Dispose() { byte[] toReturn = _arrayToReturnToPool; if (toReturn != null) { _arrayToReturnToPool = null; ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Return(toReturn); } } } 81 / 101
  82. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 82/101 byref-like instance eld 82 / 101
  83. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 83/101 byref-like instance eld So we have our beloved Span<T>: var array = new int[64]; Span<int> span1 = new Span<int>(array); Span<int> span2 = new Span<int>(array, start: 8, length: 4); 83 / 101
  84. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 84/101 byref-like instance eld So we have our beloved Span<T>: var array = new int[64]; Span<int> span1 = new Span<int>(array); Span<int> span2 = new Span<int>(array, start: 8, length: 4); We would love to point inside arrays with it: 84 / 101
  85. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 85/101 byref-like instance eld So we have our beloved Span<T>: var array = new int[64]; Span<int> span1 = new Span<int>(array); Span<int> span2 = new Span<int>(array, start: 8, length: 4); We would love to point inside arrays with it: Ideally it could contain a managed pointer and a length: public struct Span<T> { internal ref T _pointer; private int _length; ... } 85 / 101
  86. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 86/101 byref-like instance eld So thanks to the ref struct, we have it! public readonly ref struct Span<T> { internal readonly ref T _pointer; private readonly int _length; ... } but ref field is not handled by C# nor even CIL it is represented by special, intrinsic type ByReference<T> ref T == ByReference<T> 86 / 101
  87. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 87/101 ByReference (byref-like instance eld) // ByReference<T> is meant to be used to represent "ref T" fields. It is // working around lack of first class support for byref fields in C# and IL. // The JIT and type loader has special handling for it that turns it // into a thin wrapper around ref T. [NonVersionable] internal ref struct ByReference<T> { private IntPtr _value; ... } public readonly ref partial struct Span<T> { /// <summary>A byref or a native ptr.</summary> internal readonly ByReference<T> _pointer; /// <summary>The number of elements this Span contains.</summary> private readonly int _length; ... } 87 / 101
  88. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 88/101 General byref-like elds? Rather - no-no. 88 / 101
  89. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 89/101 Unsafe 89 / 101
  90. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 90/101 Unsafe public static partial class Unsafe { // Casting/reinterpretation public unsafe static void* AsPointer<T>(ref T value) public unsafe static ref T AsRef<T>(void* source) public static ref TTo As<TFrom, TTo>(ref TFrom source) // Pointer arithmetic public static ref T Add<T>(ref T source, int elementOffset) public static ref T Subtract<T>(ref T source, int elementOffset) // Informative methods public static int SizeOf<T>() public static System.IntPtr ByteOffset<T>(ref T origin, ref T target) public static bool IsAddressGreaterThan<T>(ref T left, ref T right) public static bool IsAddressLessThan<T>(ref T left, ref T right) public static bool AreSame<T>(ref T left, ref T right) // Memory access methods public unsafe static T Read<T>(void* source) public unsafe static void Write<T>(void* destination, T value) public unsafe static void Copy<T>(void* destination, ref T source) // Block-based memory access public static void CopyBlock(ref byte dest, ref byte source, uint byteCount) public unsafe static void InitBlock(void* address, byte value, uint byteCount) } 90 / 101
  91. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 91/101 Unsafe - examples public class SomeClass { public int Field1; public int Field2; } public class SomeOtherClass { public long Field; } public void DangerousPlays(SomeClass obj) { ref SomeOtherClass target = ref Unsafe.As<SomeClass, SomeOtherClass>(ref obj); Console.WriteLine(target.Field); } // Bit converter public static byte[] GetBytes(double value) { byte[] bytes = new byte[sizeof(double)]; Unsafe.As<byte, double>(ref bytes[0]) = value; return bytes; } // jemalloc.NET public unsafe ref C Read<C>(int index) where C : struct { return ref Unsafe.AsRef<C>(PtrTo(index)); } 91 / 101
  92. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 92/101 Unsafe - examples public ref struct FixedRefStruct<T> where T : unmanaged { private T field; public void Use() { T* p = &field; // You can only take the address of an unfixed expression // inside of a fixed statement initializer unsafe { fixed (T* ptr = &field) { } T* p2 = (T*) Unsafe.AsPointer(ref field); } } } 92 / 101
  93. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 93/101 Summary managed pointers (aka byref) ref parameters (also in parameter) ref locals ref returns - and ref returning collections ref ternary expression readonly ref including in parameter defensive copy readonly struct ref structs (aka byref-like type) including readonly ref struct including disposable ref structs byref-like instance field currently only Span<T> 93 / 101
  94. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 94/101 But... where?! cloud/datacenter scenarios where computation is billed for and responsiveness is a competitive advantage. Games/VR/AR with soft-realtime requirements on latencies 94 / 101
  95. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 95/101 public ref struct ValueStringBuilder { private char[] _arrayToReturnToPool; private Span<char> _chars; private int _pos; public ValueStringBuilder(Span<char> initialBuffer) { _arrayToReturnToPool = null; _chars = initialBuffer; _pos = 0; } public ref char this[int index] => ref _chars[index]; public void Append(char c) { int pos = _pos; if (pos < _chars.Length) { _chars[pos] = c; _pos = pos + 1; } else GrowAndAppend(c); } private void GrowAndAppend(char c) { Grow(1); Append(c); } ... 95 / 101
  96. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 96/101 ... private void Grow(int requiredAdditionalCapacity) { Debug.Assert(requiredAdditionalCapacity > 0); char[] poolArray = ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Rent(Math.Max(_pos + requiredAdditionalCapacity, _chars.Length * 2)); _chars.CopyTo(poolArray); char[] toReturn = _arrayToReturnToPool; _chars = _arrayToReturnToPool = poolArray; if (toReturn != null) { ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Return(toReturn); } } public void Dispose() { char[] toReturn = _arrayToReturnToPool; if (toReturn != null) { ArrayPool<char>.Shared.Return(toReturn); } } public void Append(string str) { foreach (char c in str) Append(c); } public override string ToString() => new string(_chars.Slice(0, _pos)); ... } 96 / 101
  97. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 97/101 Example usage: static string UseValueStringBuilder(string data) { Span<char> initialBuffer = stackalloc char[32]; using var builder = new ValueStringBuilder(initialBuffer); builder.Append("<tag>"); builder.Append(data); builder.Append("</tag>"); return builder.ToString(); } 97 / 101
  98. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 98/101 Example usage: static string UseValueStringBuilder(string data) { Span<char> initialBuffer = stackalloc char[32]; using var builder = new ValueStringBuilder(initialBuffer); builder.Append("<tag>"); builder.Append(data); builder.Append("</tag>"); return builder.ToString(); } Benchmarks: | Method | Mean | Gen 0/1k Op | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated/Op | |---------------------- |---------:|------------:|------:|------:|-------------:| | UseValueStringBuilder | 44.23 ns | 0.0134 | - | - | 56 B | | UseStringBuilder | 51.53 ns | 0.0459 | - | - | 192 B | 98 / 101
  99. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 99/101 public ref struct ValueStringBuilder { ... public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(ref this); public ref struct Enumerator { private readonly Span<char> source; private readonly int count; private int index; public Enumerator(ref ValueStringBuilder valueStringBuilder) { source = valueStringBuilder._chars; count = valueStringBuilder._pos; index = -1; } public ref char Current => ref source[index]; public bool MoveNext() { if (index < count) { index++; return (index < count); } return false; } } } 99 / 101
  100. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 100/101 Example usage: static string UseValueStringBuilder() { Span<char> initialBuffer = stackalloc char[10]; using var builder = new ValueStringBuilder(initialBuffer); builder.Append("Konrad"); foreach (ref var @char in builder) { @char++; } return builder.ToString(); } 100 / 101
  101. 5/23/2019 Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!

    https://prodotnetmemory.com/slides/RefEverything/#1 101/101 That's all! Thank you! Any questions?! 101 / 101