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Programming Design

April 13, 2013

Programming Design

Design and programming are often viewed as separate, distinct and even opposed disciplines. The talk traces the history of why these disciplines and their practitioners have been viewed in these certain ways.

Having looked to the past for some insight it then looks to tell some different stories about visual designers and their relationship to code.


April 13, 2013

More Decks by Edward

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  1. Moody, erratic, eccentric, and arrogant? Perhaps — but you can't

    just get rid of them. Harvard Business Review - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
  2. “There is nothing as deceptive as an obvious fact.” Sir

    Arthur Conan Doyle - The Boscombe Valley Mystery
  3. And carv'd in iv'ry such a maid, so fair, As

    Nature could not with his art compare Ovid - Metamorphoses X
  4. One at the loom so excellently skill'd, That to the

    Goddess she refus'd to yield. Low was her birth, and small her native town, She from her art alone obtain'd renown Ovid - Metamorphoses VI
  5. Thou art a symbol and a sign To Mortals of

    their fate and force; Like thee, Man is in part divine, A troubled stream from a pure source Prometheus - Lord Byron
  6. Persephone he seeks, and him who reigns O'er ghosts, and

    Hell's uncomfortable plains. Arriv'd, he, tuning to his voice his strings, Thus to the king and queen of shadows sings. Ovid - Metamorphoses X
  7. “rules need to be set before starting so the work

    has a more focused direction to travel...These limitations are the fuel for improvisation, becoming the barriers that hold the sand in the sandbox so that we can play.” Frank Chimero - The shape of design
  8. “invention...could not possibly have been achieved by anyone lacking the

    ability to improvise and the patience to play with a specific material: to see the myriad possibilities and discover the ideal form.” Paul Rand - Design and the Play Instinct
  9. “Sometimes the results of graceful rethinking can be thought of

    as magic, because it produces something we previously thought to be impossible. It subverts the established ways of working… Laid bare in his work is an example of how craft and art grow, how they serve as an example of a new possibility” Frank Chimero - The shape of design