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EnergyTorrent Intro

EnergyTorrent Intro

Presentation introducing the idea of EnergyTorrent project.


Energy Torrent

February 12, 2013

More Decks by Energy Torrent

Other Decks in How-to & DIY


  1. We Develop Renewable Energy Costruction Set – Open source –

    Community-driven – Available for everyone – DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
  2. Technologies we start with Biogas digester Image: courtesy of Oleksandr

    Lyashenko • Allows generating burnable gas from cow, pig manure or green biomass • Manure of two cows is enough to heat 1 midsize village house • The budget for a small biogas installation is below USD 700 • Can be assembled from local hardware store materials
  3. Technologies we start with Stirling engine • External combustion engine

    • Transforms heat from any source into mechanical energy • Great for electricity generation and co-generation • Can be produced with minimum of machining equipment
  4. Technologies we start with Utile gas • Utile gas generator

    allows generating burnable gas from biomass (wood, pellets, etc) • Can become a powerful energy source for farmers • Easy to assemble from details available from any local hardware store • We already have a working industrial prototype
  5. Technologies we start with Concentrator • Solar concentrator can provide

    up to 700 C heat in a focal point in a sunny day • It is cheap to build • Can be used to heat water or power Stirling Engines • Cooking food with solar concentrator reduces energy bill • Simple to make and assemble •
  6. How we do it Running open source energy lab in

    Kyiv (Ukraine) Sharing our findings and designs with others Gathering a global energy hackers` community at energytorrent.org Cooperating with similar projects
  7. The Lab ...starts in a garage • We’ve just started

    • Energy experiments and development will start soon • We are now getting the necessary equipment • You are welcome to join to energy hacking • EnergyTorrent needs more seeders and trackers :) • Your ideas and input are more than important!
  8. Our mission Make renewable energy more affordable to local communities,

    entrepreneurs and general public by using open-source approaches to usage of renewable energy.
  9. Our goals • Create a community of engineers and enthusiasts

    developing open models and equipment for renewable energy usage • Apply successful open-source development practices to the renewable energy sphere • Develop open versions of most popular and accessible technologies of renewable energy. • Teach those interested to produce their own means for usage of renewable energy
  10. The Plan In 1 year we plan to develop: –

    A completely documented (plans + assembly videos) 5Kw utile gas (synthesis gas) generator – 500 Wt Stirling engine working prototype – A 0.1 m3 output biogas digester – 1,5 meter solar concentrator (providing ~300° C at focal point) In 2 years we plan to launch: – 1KWt Stirling engine working prototype – 4 m3 output biogas digester – Solar concentrator providing ~700° C at focal point – We are open to new ideas
  11. Team Andrij Bilokin, Eco-activist, technologist Andrij Zicnhenko, Renewable energy activist,

    Co-founder of Ukrainian energy innovations network Greencubator Oleksandr Kryzhanivskyj, Engineer, renewable energy expert, Co-founder of “Energy-efficient village” project Igor Biletskiy, Engineer, inventor Renewable energy expert Olga Truten, Engineer, biogas expert Valentyna Okhlopkova, Eco-activist, motivator
  12. Join us Ready to join our friendly community? We are

    more than happy to wellcome: – Energy hackers – Volunteers – Just curious