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Error handling in Flutter

Error handling in Flutter

Enzo Lizama Paredes

May 22, 2020

More Decks by Enzo Lizama Paredes

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  1. Programs can go wrong for so many reasons • Invalid

    input ◦ Strings with invalid values ◦ Numbers out of range ◦ Unexpectedly null pointers exceptions • External failure ◦ File not found ◦ Timeouts • Programming errors ◦ Array out of bound ◦ Invalid state • System error ◦ Out of memory
  2. /// This is an [FlutterErrorDetails], appears instead of the red

    screen /// to avoid scare the users ErrorWidget.builder = (FlutterErrorDetails details) => CustomErrorWidget(); ... class CustomErrorWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Your custom error widget } }
  3. /// This is an [FlutterErrorDetails], appears instead of the red

    screen /// to avoid scare the users ErrorWidget.builder = (FlutterErrorDetails details) => CustomErrorWidget(); ... class CustomErrorWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Your custom error widget } }
  4. class Failure { final String message; final int statusCode; Failure(this.message,

    this.statusCode); @override String toString() => "Error $statusCode. $message."; }
  5. Future<List<HotelModel>> getHotels() async { try { final data = await

    http.get(_baseUrl + _endPoint); final responseList = json.decode(data.body); return [for (final hotel in responseList) HotelModel.fromJson(hotel)]; } on SocketException { throw Failure("No internet connection", 400); } on HttpException { throw Failure("Not found request", 404); } on FormatException { throw Failure("Invalid JSON format", 666); } catch (e) { throw Failure("Unknown error", 888); } }
  6. Future<List<HotelModel>> getHotels() async { try { final data = await

    http.get(_baseUrl + _endPoint); final responseList = json.decode(data.body); return [for (final hotel in responseList) HotelModel.fromJson(hotel)]; } on SocketException { throw Failure("No internet connection", 400); } on HttpException { throw Failure("Not found request", 404); } on FormatException { throw Failure("Invalid JSON format", 666); } catch (e) { throw Failure("Unknown error", 888); } }
  7. void retrieveHotels() async { try { _hotels = await repository.fetchHotels();

    } on Failure catch (e) { _failure = e; } notifyListeners(); }
  8. Catcher Catcher is Flutter plugin which automatically catches error/exceptions and

    handle them. Catcher offers mutliple way to handle errors https://pub.dev/packages/catcher