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Real-World Designing Maintainable Architecture ...

Real-World Designing Maintainable Architecture for Android

My talk on Droidcon Santo Domingo 2017. After many years of failures, the Android development industry is slowly coming to understand what makes projects successful. Best practices have begun to appear, sometimes mixed with misinformation and simple technical culture, but through testing and errors, teams around the world have begun to worry about getting better architecture in their Android applications. This talk is about how to write software that can be maintained, verifiable and flexible enough to adapt to growth and change following a series of the patterns and guidelines that I and my team believe that can be applied to the daily work of a software developer..

Erik Jhordan Rey

March 06, 2017

More Decks by Erik Jhordan Rey

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  1. Real-World Designing Maintainable Architecture for Android Erik Jhordan González Reyes

    Mobile Engineer at Segundamano [email protected] @ErikJhordan_Rey github.com/erikcaffrey
  2. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Erik Jhordan Rey “Mobile Engineer believer

    on software architecture, design patterns, clean code, solid and testing.” Mobile Engineer at Segundamano
  3. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Presence in 30 Countries Y seguimos

    creciendo MÉXICO Colombia Chile Brasil República Dominicana LATINOAMÉRICA Noruega Suecia Finlandia Bélgica Francia ESCANDINAVIA / EUROPA Portugal Alemania Polonia España Italia Irlanda Suiza Austria Hungría Rumania Bielorrusia Reino Unido Marruecos ÁFRÍCA Túnez Malasia Indonesia Singapur Vietnam Tailandia Bangladés ASIA / OCEANÍA
  4. Mobile Team ➔ Carmen Salvador ➔ Diego Ramirez ➔ Ivan

    Alvarez Frias ➔ Juan Pablo Villa ➔ Quentin Désert ➔ Arturo Gutierrez ➔ Jose Luis Cadena ➔ Ranferi Dominguez
  5. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/donut-release/core/java/android/app/Activity.java Android Donut - 3628 lines

    of code Activity.java https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/jb-release/core/java/android/app/Activity.java Android Jelly Bean - 5200 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/nougat-release/core/java/android/app/Activity.java Android Nougat - 7177 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/lollipop-release/core/java/android/app/Activity.java Android Lollipop - 6209 lines of code Android O - WTF ???????
  6. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/ics-mr1-release/core/java/android/app/Fragment.java Android ICS-MR1-Release - 1563 lines

    of code Fragment.java https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/jb-release/core/java/android/app/Fragment.java Android Jelly Bean - 1601 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/nougat-release/core/java/android/app/Fragment.java Android Nougat - 2633 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/lollipop-release/core/java/android/app/Fragment.java Android Lollipop - 2291 lines of code Android O - WTF ???????
  7. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/donut-release/core/java/android/widget/TextView.java Android Donut - 7317 lines

    of code TextView.java https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/jb-release/core/java/android/widget/TextView.java Android Jelly Bean - 8768 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/nougat-release/core/java/android/widget/TextView.java Android Nougat - 10402 lines of code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/lollipop-release/core/java/android/widget/TextView.java Android Lollipop - 9476 lines of code Android O - WTF ???????
  8. ➔ Project Started to grow ➔ More features were required

    ➔ Product People was happy it success Smell #1
  9. ➔ More users using the application ➔ More features ➔

    Large Roadmap ➔ Deadlines ➔ More Contributors Smell #2
  10. Smell #3 ➔ Code started to grow ➔ Complexity to

    add new feature ➔ New Bugs ➔ Inconsistency code base ➔ Coupled code Started to grow ➔ Anti-patterns ➔ No tests
  11. Technical Debt ➔ Does team have the same level? ➔

    Is it easy to onboard new people? ➔ Is the code consistent? ➔ Is hard to maintain? ➔ Can we add a new functionality fast? ➔ Can we get kpi’s on easy way? ➔ Can measure and monitoring the app? ➔ Is our code base preparate to scale? ➔ Is our code preparate to write test?
  12. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP ➔ Only are guidelines to try

    work on easy way ➔ Are easy to understand but not necessarily easy to apply ➔ Require that a level of technical expertise be applied ➔ A lot Refactoring is needed to keep applying the guidelines overtime Do not Silver bullets
  13. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Inheritance Smells A lot Coupled Code

    Infinite levels of Inheritance Common Mistakes Extends non abstract class Base classes with hundreds of lines code. (code not maintainable) Architecture based on Inheritance Difficult to add new functionality
  14. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP STUPID Singleton Invasion Tight Coupling Untestability

    Premature Optimization Indescriptive Naming Duplication
  15. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP ➔ Passes all tests ➔ Reveal

    al idea ➔ No Duplication ➔ Minimized classes and methods 4 rules of Simple design
  16. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Write SOLID code Single Responsibility Principle

    Open / Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion Principle
  17. Apply DIP and DI! The usage of IoC, Dependency Inversion

    and Dependency Injection provides give us the following benefits: • Testability • Decoupling • Modularity (Flexible) • Maintainability
  18. public class TeamsActivity extends BaseActivity implements TeamsPresenter.View { private TeamsPresenter

    presenter; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TeamsRepository teamsRepository = new TeamsRepository( new TeamDataSourceFactory(this), new TeamToTeamEntityMapper()); GetEuroTeams getEuroTeams = new GetEuroTeams(teamsRepository); presenter = new TeamsPresenter(getEuroTeams, new TeamViewModelToTeamMapper()); presenter.setView(this); presenter.initialize(); }
  19. public class TeamsActivity extends BaseActivity implements TeamsPresenter.View { @Inject TeamsPresenter

    presenter; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); presenter.setView(this); presenter.initialize(); }
  20. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Architecture #By Martin Fowler “Architecture as

    a word we use when we want to talk about design but want to puff it up to make it sound important.”
  21. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP ➔ Onion Layer ➔ Clean Architecture

    ➔ MVP ➔ Riblets ➔ Your Custom Architecture Architectures & Patterns

    UI Design Patterns UI code doesn't matter, the user can’t see it!

    UI Design Patterns UI code doesn't matter, the user can’t see it!
  24. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP • These patterns try to solve

    the same problems • Both patterns are going to improve code quality and testability. • Think about these patterns and use the one you understand better. UI Patterns
  25. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Entities Use Cases Controllers Gateways Presenters

    Devices W eb UI DB External Interfaces Frameworks and drivers Interface Adapters Business Rules Domain Logic
  26. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP View Presenter ViewController Use Case Use

    Case Use Case Domain Model Data Source Implementation Repository Repository Data Source Data Source Data Source Implementation Presentation Layer Domain Layer Data Layer Navigator
  27. Good Architecture ➔ Fast Development ➔ Easy maintain ➔ Good

    Scalability ➔ Consistency code base ➔ Tests
  28. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP Building Testing Pipeline Domain Layer -

    test my code implements the business Data Layer - test my http client requests and responses Presentation - test user is watching UI expected
  29. / SCHIBSTED MEDIA GROUP O’Reilly Free Programming The main goal

    is to practice good practices, architecture and testing. https://github.com/erikcaffrey/oreilly-books-android
  30. • Depend on abstractions do not depend on concrete class

    • Use design patterns on smart way • Avoid coupled code and strive for loosely coupled design between objects that interact • Avoid expensive tasks executed on main thread • Maintain a clean code style • Write Clean and Solid Code • Favor composition over inheritance • If your code is coupled the Refactor is your friend • Write test is your responsibility • Understand the tools before used it • Automatize Advices
  31. 01 02 https://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html Uncle Bob - Clean Architecture http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/real-world-maintainable-software.csp Real-World

    Maintainable Software 03 Further Reading 04 https://goo.gl/sduh0M Clean Code https://erikcaffrey.github.io/ANDROID-clean-architecture/ Erik Jhordan Rey - Clean Architecture