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Skyscanner API guide - LauzHack'16

Skyscanner API guide - LauzHack'16

Skyscanner Flights & Hotels API guide. Presented at Lauzhack'16
Blog post at https://esaezgil.com/events/

Enrique Saez Gil

November 19, 2016

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  1. Flights 1. Get API Key 2. Query Autosuggest for city/country/airport

    identifiers (SkyscannerID) 3. Query Browse Cache with SkyscannerID 4. Create the referral
  2. Location Autosuggest From Paris To London For a list of

    places http://partners.api.skyscanner.net/apiservices/autosuggest/v1.0/UK/GBP/GB-EN/?query=london&apiKey={APIKey}
  3. Hotels 1. Query Autosuggest for city/country/airport identifiers (SkyscannerID) 2. Create

    Hotel Session 3. Create Hotels Polling 4. Create Hotel Details (with booking link)
  4. Questions/Help? We came from Barcelona to help you J •

    Slack #skyscanner • Come by our stand (cool merchandise included) Enrique Saez Gil @esaezgil @eqirn Software Engineer @ Manuel Miranda de Cid @argaen @blckdt Software Engineer @