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Métriques applicatives avec prometheus et grafana

Métriques applicatives avec prometheus et grafana

Snowcamp 2018

Yves Brissaud

January 25, 2018

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  2. protobuf package io.prometheus.client; option java_package = "io.prometheus.client"; //... message MetricFamily

    { optional string name = 1; optional string help = 2; optional MetricType type = 3; repeated Metric metric = 4; } Snowcamp 2018 | @_crev_
  3. text/plain projects_count 18 connection_pool_count 5 connection_pool{details="connections"} 5 connection_pool{details="busy"} 2 connection_pool{details="dead"}

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  4. Service discovery kubernetes consul DNS (SRV records) - job_name: 'metrics'

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    account creation Snowcamp 2018 | docker run --rm squarescale/ybrissaud | @_crev_ | @sqscale | yves.brissaud@squarescale.com