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EXTENT-2016: Quality at Source

EXTENT-2016: Quality at Source

EXTENT-2016: Software Testing & Trading Technology Trends
22 June, 2016, 10 Paternoster Square, London

Quality at Source
Gayath Rathnayake, Associate VP Software Development, MillenniumIT

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June 27, 2016

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  1. High Availability (5 9’s) Low Latency (in µ/m seconds) High

    throughput (1000’s per second) Super Correct (trillions, 0.XXXXXX, complex) Long product life (10’s of years)
  2. Each line of code Design, Code, Test Reviewed Tight feedback

    loops continuous integration fully automated testing
  3. Behaviour Driven Development Validating the Requirement Executable Acceptance Criteria for

    User Stories with a DSL modeled using the conceptual system model - Readable/Reusable Scenario: Submit trade for a valid instrument with set mandatory fields Given a registered user “CCP Admin” is available And an instrument “ABC100” is available And a trade is created with mandatory-trade-fields set to “mandatory-trade-values-A” And the trade is updated with instrument-id “ABC100” When the user submits the trade Then the processed trade is acknowledged as accepted And the processed trade has it’s fields user-set-fields available
  4. Fault Modeling Framework to discover & address potential faults @

    Requirement @ Design @ Development Tiered containment