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High Dimensional Data Visualization

High Dimensional Data Visualization

The data gathered in various scientific domains and industrial applications is steadily growing in size. What today seems to be large-scale may become small-scale in five to ten years. The size of the data increases in both, data set size and the number of measured or simulated variables of a single datum. However, the increase in the size of the data leads to an increased complexity when dealing with such data sets. On the one hand the large-scale data needs to be processed within reasonable amounts of time while on the other hand, the perception of the human being analyzing data can only deal with a certain complexity limited by perception. For the latter, it is inevitable to reduce the complexity of the data. A commonly chosen method in applications such as compression, classification or visualization is to reduce the number of dimensions of the data. Dimension reduction techniques aim to compute a data set with fewer dimensions based on the original data, that still represents patterns and characteristics of the original data.

Fabian Kleiser

July 16, 2015

More Decks by Fabian Kleiser

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  1. High Dimensional Data Visualization Presented by Fabian Keller Seminar: Large

    Scale Visualization Advisor: Steffen Koch University of Stuttgart, Summer Term 2015
  2. Agenda • Introduction • Dimension Reduction Techniques PCA / LLE

    / ISOMAP / t-SNE • Visualization Techniques Scatterplots / Parallel Coordinate Plots / Glyphs • Conclusion 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 4
  3. Goal Of dimensionality reduction • High Dimensional Data (>>1000 dimensions)

    • Reduce Dimensions (for Clustering / Learning / …) • Extract Meaning • Visualize and Interact 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 5 [c.f. Card et al 1999; dos Santos and Brodlie 2004]
  4. Intrinsic Dimensionality How many dimensions can we reduce? 2D 

    1D 3D  1D 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 6  Intrinsic Dimensionality: 1
  5. Agenda • Introduction • Dimension Reduction Techniques PCA / LLE

    / ISOMAP / t-SNE • Visualization Techniques Scatterplots / Parallel Coordinate Plots / Glyphs • Conclusion 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 7
  6. Dimension Reduction What techniques are there? DR Techniques Linear Principal

    Component Analysis Non-Linear Local Local Linear Embedding Global ISOMAP t-SNE 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 8
  7. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Eigen-* 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 9 •

    Linear, Global • Find “Principal Components” • Minimize Reconstruction Error [isomorphismes, 2014]
  8. Local-Linear Embedding (LLE) Assumes the data is locally linear •

    Non-Linear, Local • Select neighbors and approximate linearly • Map to lower dimension 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 11 [Roweis, 2000]
  9. ISOMAP Isometric feature mapping 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 12 • Non-linear,

    Global • K-Nearest Neighbors • Construct neighborhood graph • Compute shortest paths [Balasubramanian, 2002]
  10. t-SNE Stochastic Neighbor Embedding • Non-linear, Global • Uses Gaussian

    similarities • Preserves the similarities in lower dimensions 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 13
  11. Agenda • Introduction • Dimension Reduction Techniques PCA / LLE

    / ISOMAP / t-SNE • Visualization Techniques Scatterplots / Parallel Coordinate Plots / Glyphs • Conclusion 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 14
  12. 2D Scatter Plots Commonly used • Easy Perception • (No)

    Interaction • Limited to two dimensions • Colors?! 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 15
  13. 2D Scatter Plot Matrices Show relationships with scatter plots •

    Slow perception • May have interaction • Does not scale well 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 16
  14. 2D Scatter Plot Matrices Let an algorithm choose the plots

    16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 17 [Zheng, 2014]
  15. 3D Scatter Plots Interactive • Only one additional dimension •

    Expensive interaction, useless without! • Limited benefit compared to 2D scatter plots 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 18 [Sedlmair, 2013]
  16. Parallel Coordinate Plot Display >2 dimensions 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 19

    Interaction Examples: https://syntagmatic.github.io/parallel-coordinates/ • Noisy • Slow perception • Meaning of x-axis?! [Harvard Business Manager, 2015-07]
  17. Glyphs Encode important information • Memorable semantics • Small •

    Details through interaction • Overwhelming? 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 20 [Fuchs, 2013]
  18. Conclusion High Dimensional Data Visualization • Lots of DR /

    visualization techniques • Even more combinations • Application needs to be tailored to needs 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 23 “A problem well put is half-solved” – John Dewey
  19. Literature • Sedlmair, Michael; Munzner, Tamara; Tory, Melanie (2013): Empirical

    guidance on scatterplot and dimension reduction technique choices. • Zheng, Yunzhu; Suematsu, Haruka; Itoh, Takayuki; Fujimaki, Ryohei; Morinaga, Satoshi; Kawahara, Yoshinobu (2014): Scatterplot layout for high-dimensional data visualization. • Card, S. K., Mackinlay, J. D., and Shneiderman, B., editors. Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco. 1999. • Fuchs, Johannes, et al. "Evaluation of alternative glyph designs for time series data in a small multiple setting." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2013. • Christopher Kintzel, Johannes Fuchs, and Florian Mansmann. 2011. Monitoring large IP spaces with ClockView. • Fuchs, Johaness et al. “Leaf Glyph Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Data with Environmental Cues“. 2014. • Balasubramanian, Mukund, and Eric L. Schwartz. "The isomap algorithm and topological stability." Science 295.5552 (2002): 7-7. • Roweis, Sam T.; Saul, Lawrence K. (2000): Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. • dos Santos, S. and Brodlie, K. Gaining understanding of multivariate and multidimensional data through visualization. Computers & Graphics, 28(3):311–325. 2004. • Harvard Business Manager, 2015-07: Andere Länder, anderer Stil http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/heft/d-135395625.html • isomorphismes (2014). pca - making sense of principal component analysis, eigenvectors & eigenvalues - cross validated. http://stats.stackexchange.com/a/82427/80011 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 25
  20. Example Applications • Biological / Medical (genes, fMRI) • Finance

    (time series) • Geological (climate, spatial, temporal) • Big Data Analysis (Netflix Movie Rating Data) 16.07.2015 Fabian Keller 26
  21. Other DR techniques Matlab toolbox for dimensionality reduction 16.07.2015 Fabian

    Keller 27 • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) • Probabilistic PCA • Factor Analysis (FA) • Classical multidimensional scaling (MDS) • Sammon mapping • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) • Isomap • Landmark Isomap • Local Linear Embedding (LLE) • Laplacian Eigenmaps • Hessian LLE • Local Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) • Conformal Eigenmaps (extension of LLE) • Maximum Variance Unfolding (extension of LLE) • Landmark MVU (LandmarkMVU) • Fast Maximum Variance Unfolding (FastMVU) • Kernel PCA • Generalized Discriminant Analysis (GDA) • Diffusion maps • Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) • Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) • Linear Local Tangent Space Alignment (LLTSA) • Stochastic Proximity Embedding (SPE) • Deep autoencoders (using denoising autoencoder pretraining) • Local Linear Coordination (LLC) • Manifold charting • Coordinated Factor Analysis (CFA) • Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM) • Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (SNE) • Symmetric SNE • t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) • Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA) • Maximally Collapsing Metric Learning (MCML) • Large-Margin Nearest Neighbor (LMNN) See: http://lvdmaaten.github.io/drtoolbox/