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Decoding Smart Contracts: From Creation to NFT ...

Decoding Smart Contracts: From Creation to NFT Integration

▶ Master the art of auditing like a pro! 🔍
▶ Discover the no-code magic behind contract creation! 🪄
▶ Dive deep into the symbiotic relationship between NFTs and contracts! 🎨🔐

Kristaps Grinbergs

August 22, 2023

More Decks by Kristaps Grinbergs

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  1. NFTs rollup burning DeFi mining PoS PoW stablecoin airdrop cold

    wallet hot wallet DAO smart contracts bridge altcoin Merkle tree 51% attack Web3
  2. Deterministic adjective Believing that everything that happens must happen as

    it does and could not have happened any other way.
  3. NFT A unique digital identi fi er Can’t be copied,

    substituted or divided Ownership is recorded in the blockchain