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Measuring the Impact of your Astronomy Research...

April 04, 2018

Measuring the Impact of your Astronomy Research Software

invited talk at http://eas.unige.ch/EWASS2018/ Software in Astronomy Session


April 04, 2018


  1. understanding the impact of your research software @fedhere fedhere federica

    b. bianco Center for Urban Science and Progress, NYU Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU Science Collaborations Coordinator, LSST LSST Transient and Variable Stars Science Collaborations Co-Chair
  2. Urban Scientists Center for Urban Science and Progress, NYU Astrophysical

    transients expert (!?) Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics NYU LSST Science Collaborations Chair
  3. federica bianco NYU @fedhere Problem statement Of course you should

    cite the software you use! http://sciencecodemanifesto.org/
  4. federica bianco NYU @fedhere Problem statement Of course you should

    cite the software you use! but it’s not always obvious how http://sciencecodemanifesto.org/
  5. federica bianco NYU @fedhere Influence == citation ? 90 papers

    randomly selected in bio • did they use software • did they cite software • how did they cite software https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.23538
  6. federica bianco NYU @fedhere Influence == citation ? We have

    seen this problem before: how to measure the impact of research data? http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/how-guides/cite-datasets
  7. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the software-intensive

    science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  8. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the

    software-intensive science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  9. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the

    software-intensive science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  10. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the

    software-intensive science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  11. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the

    software-intensive science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  12. federica bianco NYU @fedhere http://depsy.org/ http://depsy.org/ Depsy helps build the

    software-intensive science of the future by promoting credit for software as a fundamental building block of science. data driven measures of software influence
  13. federica bianco NYU @fedhere data driven measures of software influence

    Depsy is dead… long live Depsy (and deep learning!)
  14. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software?
  15. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI
  16. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI • Give users instructions on how to cite your software federica bianco NYU
  17. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI • Give users instructions on how to cite your software
  18. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI • Give users instructions on how to cite your software
  19. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI • Give users instructions on how to cite your software - more data driven approaches
  20. federica bianco NYU @fedhere help your users help you maybe

    the solution is in your own hands instead: how can you foster good citation practices for your software? • Get a DOI • Give users instructions on how to cite your software • Use tools on your software development platform to measure impact (wont higher your H-index but can go on your CV!)