App on an iPhone to study the areas of my previous or next boating adven- tures, I would like to get notified whenever there are interesting news, articles or trends in the marine world that are related to the topics I like the most. So that every time I use the app, there is always new content that I enjoy knowing about. And not a system that requires me to specifically search for every single article that might interest me.” “As a user that gets notified with interesting news, articles and trends when using the Navionics Marine App on an iPhone, I would like to browse for additional content related to the topics that interest me in an easy and enjoyable fash- ion. So that discovering places to go, things to do and ways to improve my boating experience becomes a real pleasure. And not something that makes me want to stop enjoying right at the beginning because it seems too much to read.” “As a user gets notified and browses for interesting news, articles and trends using the Navionics Marine App on an iPhone, I would like to have a way to select and store the content that interests me the most. So that when I am on a boat in an area that has no internet connection, I can still enjoy reading the topics that interest me with my app. And not be forced to get online to read them.”
keep track of what’s going on. Like physical magazines, which users can subscribe and receive the new month issue, Navionics users can follow their favorite magazines and get notified when new issues are released. Even better, the users can follow their favorites categories. If I like fishing, why not receive a notification when a fishing article comes out?! DRAG THEN RELEASE TO FOLLOW FAVORITE ARTICLES Tons of documents and readings. How can we keep track of articles and texts that we most liked?! Wouldn’t it be nice if the user could favorite the articles that he likes most, so it will be easier be easier for him to find in future?
app doesn’t have a notification function, an area where the system can notify users, through a badge number, about how many new articles were released. That would be all based on the magazines and/or categories the user is following. Also, it could be used for new softwares updates or available add-ons notifications, or when a user receives a private message from a friend. It could also notify users about hotdeals in hotels, stores and other places closer to the marina, located in land.