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What's New in Firebase 2024

What's New in Firebase 2024

Learn about Firebase's new and updated services, which enable you to build, deploy, and optimize production-ready gen AI apps.

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Firebase Thailand

June 22, 2024

More Decks by Firebase Thailand

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Build Auth Cloud Functions Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Storage Extensions Realtime Database Hosting ML App Check Remote Config A/B Testing App Distribution Crashlytics Performance Monitoring Test Lab In-App Messaging Analytics Cloud Messaging Run
  2. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Gemini API in Vertex AI

    App Check server proxy Client SDKs Vertex AI for Firebase
  3. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Product documentation Topic 1 Topic

    2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Question Answer Generator / LLM Topic 2 Topic 5 Topic 7 Retriever ✔ ✔ ✔ RAG
  4. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok In this approach we create

    an anthemic opener showing real people using A.I. to do amazing things. This can be everyday people Sweetness Crunchiness Spiciness Apple 0.8 0.6 0.1 Banana 0.9 0.2 0.1 Ice Cream 0.95 0.3 0.05 Jalapeno 0.1 0.2 0.9 Carrot 0.4 0.8 0.1 Potato 0.4 0.3 0.1 Finding near vector values Dimension 1: Sweetness Dimension 2: Crunchiness Dimension 3: Spiciness RAG
  5. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok You can now store and

    query vector embeddings of data in your Firestore database Firestore Vector Search Firestore
  6. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok import { Firestore, FieldValue, }

    from "@google-cloud/firestore"; const db = new Firestore(); const coll = db.collection('coffee-beans'); await coll.add({ name: "Kahawa coffee beans", description: "Information about the Kahawa coffee beans.", embedding_field: FieldValue.vector([0.1 , -0.2, 0.99]) }); Writing a vector embedding to Firestore Firestore
  7. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Have multiple Firestore databases in

    a single project to minimize serving latency and maximize data privacy. Multi-DB Firestore
  8. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Get the document count for

    a query or collection, or the sum or average on a field in there, without reading the individual documents. Aggregations Firestore
  9. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Have range and inequality conditions

    on multiple fields in a single query. Multi-fields range conditions Firestore db.collection(“car”) .whereLessThan(“price”, 40) .whereGreaterThan(“rating”, 3)
  10. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Define your data model and

    the queries in GraphQL Declarative data model query GetUsers @auth(level: USER) { users { uid first last } } type User @table(key: ”uid”) { uid: String! first: String! last: String! email: String! } Firebase Data Connect
  11. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase Data Connect import davideast.DemoConnector

    import davideast.ListUsersQuery val connector = DemoConnector.instance val response = connector.listUsers.execute() val firstUser = response.data.users.first() val firstName = firstUser.first Type-safe libraries Client code can be generated for multiple platforms in a type-safe manner.
  12. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase Data Connect Stay in

    sync from backend to front. Model changes type User @table(key: ”uid”) { uid: String! first: String! last: String! firstName: String! lastName: String! email: String! } val firstUser = response.data.users.first() val firstName = firstUser.first val firstName = firstUser.firstName
  13. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Relations type User @table(key: ”uid”)

    { uid: String! firstName: String! lastName: String! email: String! } Define relationships between types in your schema type Order @table { customer: User! total: Float! name: String! } Firebase Data Connect
  14. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase Data Connect pgvector and

    embeddings mutation UpdatePizza($ref: String!, $description: String!, ...) { pizza_upsert(data: { ref: $ref, # ... description: $description, embedding_embed: { model: "textembeddinggecko@003", text: $description } }) }
  15. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase Data Connect Vector similarity

    search query SearchPizzas($query: String!, $ingredient: String) { description: description_embedding_similarity( compare_embed: { model: "textembeddinggecko@003", text: $query }, where: {ingredients: {includes: $ingredient}}, limit: 5 ) { ref, name, description } }
  16. “An open source framework that helps you build, deploy, and

    monitor AI-powered apps” Firebase Genkit
  17. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase Genkit Easily put together

    the AI components Reduces the complexity of integrating AI components by giving you plugins and templates
  18. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Developer tooling Run, evaluate, and

    debug your AI features locally Firebase Genkit
  19. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Connect App Hosting to your

    GitHub repository using the Firebase console or CLI. When it's time to deploy, push your changes to GitHub and watch App Hosting roll them out to production. Roll out to production with a simple 'git push' Firebase App Hosting
  20. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok No-config-needed build support for Angular

    and Next.js Firebase App Hosting Framework aware
  21. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Apps are built with Cloud

    Build, served on Cloud Run with automatic scaling, and cached in Cloud CDN. Integrated services like Cloud Secret Manager keep your API keys safe. Firebase App Hosting App Hosting is powered by Google Cloud
  22. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Firebase App Hosting App Hosting

    Dashboard Track each version of your web app to the exact git commit it was built with.
  23. Google I/O Extended 2024 Bangkok Answers questions about Firebase products

    and features Generates and explains Firebase code for faster development Offers troubleshooting support to improve app quality Gemini in Firebase
  24. Remote Config A/B Testing App Distribution Crashlytics Performance Monitoring Test

    Lab In-App Messaging Analytics Cloud Messaging Run Build Auth Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Storage Extensions Realtime Database App Hosting Genkit Data Connect Hosting ML App Check