How To Make The RubyMotion Community Better (and profit)
This was my presentation from RubyMotion #inspect 2014 covering the importance and how to get involved in teaching and open source. The video I'm told will also be up eventually too.
talk 3.First in front of this many people 4.First time I’ve had 144 slides in a presentation 5. … HOW TO MAKE THE RUBYMOTION COMMUNITY BETTER (AND PROFIT)
2.Most of them are friendly 3.They get a good laugh when idiots like me ask what a dime is 4.They might not think of it as their job, but they do help teach a lot HOW TO MAKE THE RUBYMOTION COMMUNITY BETTER (AND PROFIT)
code into a gem and delete it from your app so you use the gem instead. Day 3/4 Write some basic documentation for you new gem. ! Day 5-8 Write up a blog post about something you learnt recently, or share some ideas you’ve been having. Day 9/10 Spend time answering emails from people that have asked for help. HOW TO MAKE THE RUBYMOTION COMMUNITY BETTER (AND PROFIT)
email to ask me questions in the future [email protected] And remember to sign up and give me money Right now, on your phone Use the coupon: Inspect2014 HOW TO MAKE THE RUBYMOTION COMMUNITY BETTER (AND PROFIT)