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Passwords suck, but centralized proprietary services are not the answer

Passwords suck, but centralized proprietary services are not the answer

Passwords are a big problem online and a lot of websites have turned to centralized services to handle logins for them. It's a disturbing trend from a privacy/surveillance point of view, but from a software freedom point of view, it's also turning these proprietary services into core dependencies.

That's why Mozilla is building Persona, a new federated and cross-browser system which makes identity a standard part of the browser. It's simple, privacy-sensitive and entirely free software.

Francois Marier

March 24, 2013

More Decks by Francois Marier

Other Decks in Programming


  1. François Marier – @fmarier P a s s w o

    r d s s u c k but centralized proprietary services are not the answer
  2. My name is François Marier and my email is too

    long to fit on one line. private
  3. My name is François Marier and my email is too

    long to fit on one line. public
  4. js

  5. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInEmail: “[email protected]”, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { // do something } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  6. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: “[email protected]”, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { // do something } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  7. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { // do something } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  8. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { // do something } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  9. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { window.location = '/'; } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  10. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { window.location = '/'; } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  11. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { window.location = '/home'; } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  12. navigator.id.watch({ loggedInUser: null, onlogin: function (assertion) { $.post('/login', {assertion: assertion},

    function (data) { window.location = '/home'; } ); }, onlogout: function () { window.location = '/logout'; } });
  13. 1. load javascript library 2. setup login & logout callbacks

    3. add login and logout buttons 4. verify proof of ownership
  14. To learn more about Persona: https://login.persona.org/ http://identity.mozilla.com/ https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Persona/Why_Persona https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Persona/Quick_Setup https://github.com/mozilla/browserid-cookbook

    https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Persona/Libraries_and_plugins http://123done.org/ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Identity#Get_Involved @fmarier http://fmarier.org
  15. identity provider API https://eyedee.me/.well-known/browserid: { "public-key": { "algorithm":"RS", "n":"8606...", "e":"65537"

    }, "authentication": "/browserid/sign_in.html", "provisioning": "/browserid/provision.html" }
  16. identity provider API 1. check for your /.well-known/browserid 2. try

    the provisioning endpoint 3. show the authentication page 4. call the provisioning endpoint again
  17. identity provider API 1. check for your /.well-known/browserid 2. try

    the provisioning endpoint 3. show the authentication page 4. call the provisioning endpoint again
  18. identity provider API 1. check for your /.well-known/browserid 2. try

    the provisioning endpoint 3. show the authentication page 4. call the provisioning endpoint again
  19. identity provider API 1. check for your /.well-known/browserid 2. try

    the provisioning endpoint 3. show the authentication page 4. call the provisioning endpoint again
  20. © 2013 François Marier <[email protected]> This work is licensed under

    a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 New Zealand License. Laptop password: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/reidrac/4696900602/ Top 500 passwords: http://xato.net/passwords/more-top-worst-passwords/ Parchment: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/27613359@N03/6750396225/ Elephant in room: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/bitboy/246805948/ Cookie on tray: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/jamisonjudd/4810986199/ Uncle Sam: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/donkeyhotey/5666065982/ US passport: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/damian613/5077609023/ Photo credits: