what you've done to it See more examples including machine architecture specific builds in the spec-files-extra repository. You may browse these spec files here: http://pkgbuild.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pkgbuild/spec-files-extra/trunk/ (e.g. look for SFElibmcrypt.spec for a dual 32-/64-bit package) 11 I need help starting with my first spec file You should first read some spec files and look how those solve the common task. Then you might choose an anlready existing spec file which build a software similar to the one you want to build. For instance if you build a GNOME desktop addon, you'll like to choose a spec file which already exists for another desktop addon. Another approch is to compile a software manually and write down the steps used. Later on, you put these steps into a template spec file and start over debugging the build process. – choose use a similar software's spec file to start with and edit. In many cases you just have to adjust %files section – write the spec file from scratch by using an empty template and adding Soure, test the download and %prep, then add the %build section with ./configure and make, and so on until the %files section remains to be completed – you may build the package manually outside of the toolset and migrate the steps into a spec file at once (same iterations as above). 12 Build a package by spec files In case of SourceJuicer you have no extra step to build a package. Once it is approved, the build process starts automaticly for the “/pending” repository. If your package got the correct votes, it is automaticly build for the “/contrib” repository. Watch out the SourceJuicer build log for any errors. Even in case the build went through. If you use SourceJuicer web, then you may find the log file of your build and see what went wrong. If you need access to the “config.log” which is produced by a ./configure step, then you my use this Trick: ./configure options || (cat config.log) With this trick, you get the config.log content into the SourceJuicer build log on the web. If you have a local build and development environment set up, you may use this command: . /opt/dtbld/bin/env.sh pkgtool –download –interactive –autodeps build yourspecfile.spec If a step with pkgtool on your spec file fails, then you see the errors right on your terminal. If a %build step fails, then you will be presented with a shell. You may adjust your configuration directly and redo the configure or make step. The changes can be edited in the spec file shortly after the build process. If your want to stop the process sitting at the shell prompt, use “exit 1” or if your want to continue with the next instruction, use “exit 0”. You can read what pkgtool/pkgbuild prepared for compilation or installation, if you look into the file “.pkgbuild.build.sh” with the configure and make steps and “.pkgbuild.install.sh” with the make install steps. Lukcy you, all directories used to store sources, the build directory, the pacakging scripts all reside in your local paths, see the directory structure below ~/packages: