day and most of our teammates are from blue team, which makes it easier for us to establish the links - After observing, each portal positioned at Kanuma park, we decided to established a spiral shaped link
a sushi roll that is representative of the Japanese food culture. - The shape suits the location of our portal link that was made in Japan @ Kanuma Park, Fuchinobe - A sushi roll is made by rolling all the ingredients together which is symbolic of how are teams are composed of a mixture of Japanese students and exchange students. - A spiral also represents togetherness and teamwork, which is our goal in this project.
day (around 36 degree celsius) ׆ಈͷఱީͱͯॵ͔ͬͨʢ36℃લޙʣ • Once we took control over the portal, the enemy’s team would always be attacking it ϙʔλϧΛ੍ѹ͢ΔͱɺఢνʔϜৗʹϙʔλϧΛ߈ܸͯ͘͠Δ • Links were almost broken while we were trying to create our spiral shape εύΠϥϧͷܗΛ࡞͍ͬͯΔؒʹϦϯΫ͕Εͦ͏ʹͳͬͨ • Low level players have trouble helping neutralizing portals ϨϕϧͷϓϨΠϠʔϙʔλϧͷແྗԽʹۤ࿑͢Δ
may happen while players are walking in the street ϓϨΠϠʔ͕֗Λา͍͍ͯΔͱ͖ʹࣄނ͕ى͜ΔՄೳੑ͕͋Γ·͢ɻ ◦ Walking alone to portals at night could be dangerous ؒͷϙʔλϧͷҰਓา͖ةݥͰ͢ɻ • Distraction from reality ݱ࣮͔ΒΛͦΒ͢ ◦ Not being able to enjoy what is happening in front of us ͷલͰى͖͍ͯΔ͜ͱΛָ͠Ή͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ͳ͍ • More dependent on mobile phone ܞଳిͷґଘ͕ߴ͘ͳΔ ◦ Players would always be checking their phone for portals ϓϨΠϠʔৗʹܞଳిͰϙʔλϧΛνΣοΫ͢Δ͜ͱʹͳΔɻ