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Custom UI Components - Android

January 29, 2021

Custom UI Components - Android


January 29, 2021

More Decks by Moro

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  1. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  2. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  3. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  4. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  5. View Class View - onDraw(canvas:Canvas) - onMeasure() … … In

    this canvas, you can draw everything that you want. 7
  6. View Class View - onDraw(canvas:Canvas) - onMeasure() … … Generally,

    you can ignore to customize your view. In this method, you can render a contract between your component and the container. 8
  7. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  8. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  9. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  10. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  11. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component
  12. Summary - Basic Classes - View Class - Available Widgets

    and Layouts - Example of a Custom View Component - Example of a Custom Layout Component