Talk from Configuration Management Camp, a rerun and rebranding of the talk I gave at KubeCon. All about testing and linting tools for Kubernetes configs, taking inspiration from the various configuration management tools.
computers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools
Validate a Kubernetes YAML file against the relevant schema Usage: kubeval <file> [file...] [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for kubeval -v, --kubernetes-version string Version of Kubernetes to validate against --openshift Use OpenShift schemas instead of upstream Kubernetes --schema-location string Base URL used to download schemas. Can also be specified with the environment variable KUBEVAL_SCHEMA_LOCATION --version Display the kubeval version information and exit
The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid Service The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid Deployment --> spec.template.spec.containers.0.env.0.value: Invalid type. Expected: string, given: integer The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string The document fixtures/multi.json contains a valid Deployment The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid ReplicationController
if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", "should not use latest images") def test_minimum_replicas(): if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": test = spec["spec"]["replicas"] >= 4 assert_true(test, "ReplicationController should have at least 4 replicas") test_for_latest_image() test_minimum_replicas()
test_for_team_label(): if spec["kind"] == "Deployment": labels = spec["spec"]["template"]["metadata"]["labels"] assert_contains(labels, "team", "should indicate which team owns the deployment") test_for_team_label()
helm/docs/examples $ ls alpine nginx $ helm template nginx | kubeval The document stdin contains a valid Secret The document stdin contains a valid ConfigMap The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid Pod The document stdin contains a valid Deployment The document stdin contains a valid Job
test_for_latest_image(): if spec["kind"] in ["Job", "Deployment"]: for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", spec["kind"] + " should not use latest images") test_for_latest_image()
| kubeval The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service