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Craft your resume - The right way for technolog...

Craft your resume - The right way for technologists

Follow these important tips to craft a great tech resume.

Geshan Manandhar

December 26, 2021

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  1. ◉ Lead Software Engineer - THE ICONIC ◉ Mentored a

    dozen+ people transition from non technical casual jobs to technical full time jobs ◉ Started AU Tech Jobs to help people find jobs and help people use the project as a bridge to first full time tech job. ◉ Taken 20+ technical/behavioral interviews in the past 12 months ◉ Blogging since 2007 at Geshan.com.np whoami
  2. “ “Your resume says a lot about you, it determines

    whether you will be called IN for an interview or NOT” - QuoteMaster.org Source: https://www.quotemaster.org/Resume#&gid=1&pid=3
  3. “ “Recruiters spend an average of just six seconds scanning

    a resumé before deciding if the candidate is worth calling in for an interview” - Research by The Ladders Source:https://www.businessinsider.com.au/what-recruiters-look-at-on-your-resume- 2014-11
  4. Purpose of the resume • Primary a. Get that call

    from the recruiter - copywriting b. Let technical readers know about your skills and capabilities • Secondary a. Tell things about yourself b. Inform about things you can do inside the scope of the job role
  5. Audience of your resume? • First person ◦ The recruiter/Talent

    Acquisition person that reads your resume (for 6-7 seconds) ◦ You have to sell your abilities in those 7 seconds, period. • Next people ◦ The Engineering manager or Senior software engineer who will interview you ◦ The VP Engineering or CTO if it is small company
  6. What recruiters look for in a resume? • I interviewed

    some recruiters in 2019 and 2020 (3 each year) ◦ Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview ◦ Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview part 2 • Side note ◦ 5 practical steps to land your first tech job
  7. 1 page resume is the gold standard • 1 page,

    period ◦ Sell your skills in 7 seconds ◦ Use the real estate very efficiently and effectively ◦ I have 15+ years of experience it fits in 1 page. ◦ It surely fits ▪ Marissa Mayer - CEO of Yahoo - 1 page CV ▪ Mark Zuckerberg - 1 page CV ▪ Andy Jassy - CEO of Amazon AWS - 1 page CV
  8. Things to include in your resume • Be ruthless in

    what you delete ◦ Ask if it is relevant and can get me that initial call, if the answer is yes put it else remove it. • Include only relevant work experience and contacts (email/phone) • Include links to (also think personal branding) ◦ Github ◦ Linked in ◦ Your blog ◦ Side project with working URL
  9. How to write a resume that gets calls? • Follow

    the XYZ formula ◦ Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]." But just to make it easier to remember, let's shorten it to X-Y-Z. • Less of Business as Usual (BAU), more of impact • Latest things first - last job first then the older job • No typos, no grammatical errors
  10. Some important tips • Get referred by someone working in

    the company - skip the ATS and the queue ◦ Why would they refer you? - Referral bonus • Use networking to get referrals - Networking works ◦ Virtual meetups ◦ Linked in • Reverse search the recruiter and message them • Have a hit list of companies you want to apply to
  11. Questions super welcome :) You can find me at ◉

    @geshan - geshan@gmail.com ◉ Geshan.com.np Thanks! Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
  12. Reference links • https:/ /www.freecodecamp.org/news/writing-a-killer-software-engineering-resume- b11c91ef699d/ • https:/ /www.freecodecamp.org/news/heres-the-resume-i-used-to-get-a-job-at-goo gle-as-a-software-engineer-26516526f29a/

    • https:/ /cvcompiler.com/blog/40-words-to-spice-up-your-developer-resume/ • https:/ /ankurkhemani.com/tips-to-write-killer-software-engineer-resume/ • https:/ /www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-write-software-engineer-resume-example • https:/ /www.wikijob.co.uk/content/application-advice/cvs/how-write-software-engi neer-resume