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May 05, 2013

More Decks by geta6

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  1. class Animal constructor: (@name) -> move: (meters) -> alert "#{@name}

    moved #{meters}m." class Snake extends Animal move: -> alert "Slithering..." super 5 class Horse extends Animal move: -> alert "Galloping..." super 45 sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python" tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino" sam.move() tom.move()
  2. class Animal constructor: (@name) -> move: (meters) -> alert "#{@name}

    moved #{meters}m." class Snake extends Animal move: -> alert "Slithering..." super 5 class Horse extends Animal move: -> alert "Galloping..." super 45 sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python" tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino" sam.move() tom.move() UIJTOBNFୈҰҾ਺ !͸UIJTͷ͜ͱɺ͸লུՄೳ ม਺ͷຒΊࠐΈ DMBTT͸OFX'VODUJPOͯ͠ QSPUPUZQFΛ֦ு͢Δίʔυͱಉٛ TVQFSΫϥεͷࢀর΋Մೳ WBS͍Βͳ͍ Ҿ਺ΛऔΔ৔߹ ͸লུՄೳ GVODUJPO FYUFOETՄೳ
  3. var Animal, Horse, Snake, sam, tom, _ref, _ref1, __hasProp =

    {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; Animal = (function() { function Animal(name) { this.name = name; } Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) { return alert(this.name + (" moved " + meters + "m.")); }; return Animal; })(); Snake = (function(_super) { __extends(Snake, _super); function Snake() { _ref = Snake.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); return _ref; } Snake.prototype.move = function() { alert("Slithering..."); return Snake.__super__.move.call(this, 5); }; return Snake; })(Animal); Horse = (function(_super) { __extends(Horse, _super); function Horse() { _ref1 = Horse.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); return _ref1; } Horse.prototype.move = function() { alert("Galloping..."); return Horse.__super__.move.call(this, 45); }; return Horse; })(Animal); sam = new Snake("Sammy the Python"); tom = new Horse("Tommy the Palomino"); sam.move(); tom.move(); ίϯύΠϧ͢Δͱ͜͏ͳΔ ͭ·Γ ϒϥ΢βηʔϑʹ ॻ͜͏ͱ͢Δͱ͜͏ͳΔ ʂʂ௕͍ʂʂ
  4. Function square = (x) -> x * x cube =

    (x) -> (square x) * x var cube, square; square = function(x) { return x * x; }; cube = function(x) { return square(x) * x; }; SFUVSO͞Εͯͳ͚Ε͹ ࣗಈͰSFUVSO ϩʔΧϧม਺͸ είʔϓઌ಄Ͱએݴ εϖʔεͷࠨଆ͕ؔ਺ εϖʔεͷӈଆ͕Ҿ਺ ͜ΕͰແ໊ؔ਺
  5. Function (Default) fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") -> "Filling

    the #{container} with #{liquid}..." var fill; fill = function(container, liquid) { if (liquid == null) { liquid = "coffee"; } return "Filling the " + container + " with " + liquid + "..."; }; σϑΥϧτ஋ͷએݴ ม਺ͷຒΊࠐΈ͕Մೳ
  6. Function (Context) Account = (customer, cart) -> @customer = customer

    @cart = cart $('.shopping_cart').bind 'click', (event) => @customer.purchase @cart ࣍ͷείʔϓ಺Ͱ΋ ಉ͡ίϯςΫετΛ࢖༻͢Δ UIJT͕มΘΒͳ͍ UIBUUIJTͯ͠ UIBUΛ࢖͏ͷͱಉ͡ॲཧ
  7. Function (Splats) gold = silver = rest = "unknown" awardMedals

    = (first, second, others...) -> gold = first silver = second rest = others contenders = [ "Usain Bolt" "Asafa Powell" "Tyson Gay" "Michael Phelps" ] awardMedals contenders... alert "Gold: " + gold alert "Silver: " + silver alert "The Field: " + rest BSHVNFOUTΛ࢖Θͣ ෆಛఆ਺ͷҾ਺Λड͚औΕΔ ΋ͪΖΜ࢖ͬͯ΋ྑ͍ NBQ૬౰ άϩʔόϧίϯςΫετͰBQQMZ
  8. Function (Splats) var awardMedals, contenders, gold, rest, silver, __slice =

    [].slice; gold = silver = rest = "unknown"; awardMedals = function() { var first, others, second; first = arguments[0], second = arguments[1], others = 3 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 2) : []; gold = first; silver = second; return rest = others; }; contenders = ["Usain Bolt", "Asafa Powell", "Tyson Gay", "Michael Phelps"]; awardMedals.apply(null, contenders); alert("Gold: " + gold); alert("Silver: " + silver); alert("The Field: " + rest); BSHVNFOUT͕Ҏ্ͳΒ "SSBZQSPUPUZQFTMJDFΛDBMM άϩʔόϧίϯςΫετͰBQQMZ ͓·͚ࢀর
  9. Variable Safety outer = 1 changeNumbers = -> inner =

    -1 outer = 10 inner = changeNumbers() var changeNumbers, inner, outer; outer = 1; changeNumbers = function() { var inner; inner = -1; return outer = 10; }; inner = changeNumbers(); ม਺໊ͷॏෳ ϩʔΧϧม਺Խ͢Δ
  10. Arrays bits = [ 1, 0, 1 0, 0, 1

    1, 1, 0 ] numbers = [3..6] numbers = [3...6] var bits, numbers; bits = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]; numbers = [3, 4, 5, 6]; numbers = [3, 4, 5]; ΧϯϚ͍Βͳ͍
  11. Objects kids = brother: name: "Max" age: 11 sister: name:

    "Ida" age: 9 kids = { brother: { name: "Max", age: 11 }, sister: { name: "Ida", age: 9 } }; ΧϯϚ΋\^΋͍Βͳ͍ ΠϯσϯτͰೖΕࢠΛදݱ
  12. Conditions var date, mood; if (singing) { mood = greatlyImproved;

    } if (happy && knowsIt) { clapsHands(); chaChaCha(); } else { showIt(); } date = friday ? sue : jill; mood = greatlyImproved if singing if happy and knowsIt clapsHands() chaChaCha() else showIt() date = if friday then sue else jill ޙஔ  ࡾ߲ԋࢉ
  13. Conditions (Chain) cholesterol = 127 healthy = 200 > cholesterol

    > 60 var cholesterol, healthy; cholesterol = 127; healthy = (200 > cholesterol && cholesterol > 60); ͋Γͦ͏Ͱແ͔ͬͨ ൺֱԋࢉࢠͷνΣΠϯ
  14. Array Loops var i, item, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref,

    _ref2; _ref = ['a', 'b', 'c']; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { item = _ref[i]; get(i + 1, item); } _ref1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']; for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { item = _ref1[_j]; if (food !== 'c') { get(item); } } get i + 1, item for item, i in ['a', 'b', 'c'] get item for item in ['a', 'b', 'c'] when food isnt 'c' JO BSSBZ ͷ࣌͸ WBMVF JOEFY XIFOͰGPSจΛ੍ޚՄೳ
  15. Object Loops var age, ages, child, yearsOld; yearsOld = {

    max: 10, ida: 9, tim: 11 }; ages = (function() { var _results; _results = []; for (child in yearsOld) { age = yearsOld[child]; _results.push("" + child + " is " + age); } return _results; })(); yearsOld = max: 10, ida: 9, tim: 11 ages = for child, age of yearsOld "#{child} is #{age}" PG PCKFDU ͷ࣌͸ LFZ WBMVF GPS͔ΒฦΓ஋͕΋Β͑Δ
  16. Closure Loops var filename, _fn, _i, _len; _fn = function(filename)

    { return fs.readFile(filename, function(err, contents) { return compile(filename, contents.toString()); }); }; for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) { filename = list[_i]; _fn(filename); } for filename in list do (filename) -> fs.readFile filename, (err, contents) -> compile filename, contents.toString() TIFMMϥΠΫʹGPS_EPͰ͖Δ ແ໊ؔ਺ͱ࣮ͯ͠ߦ
  17. Switch wheretogo = switch day when "Mon" then go work

    when "Tue" then go relax when "Thu" then go iceFishing when "Fri", "Sat" if day is bingoDay go bingo go dancing when "Sun" then go church else go work TXJUDI͔ΒฦΓ஋Λ΋Β͑Δ CSFBL΍͸ෆཁ ҰߦͰॻ࣌͘͸UIFO ෳ਺ߦͳΒUIFO͍Βͳ͍ EFGBVMU͡Όͳͯ͘FMTF
  18. Operators is isnt not and or true, yes, on false,

    no, off @, this of in :: @property, @.property unless hoge === !== ! && || true false this in prototype this.property if !hoge String::trim = ->ɹΈͨ͘࢖͑Δ
  19. Operators (Exists?) if (typeof a != 'undefined' && typeof a.b

    != 'undefined' && typeof a.b.c !='undefined') { console.log a.b.c } else { console.log 'andefaindo!!!' } ͜Μͳܦݧ͋Γ·ͤΜ͔
  20. Destructuring Assignment a = 1 b = 2 [a, b]

    = [b, a] [a, b, c] = '0-1-2'.split '-' console.log a, b, c tag = "<impossible>" [open, contents..., close] = tag.split("") options = name: "geta6", age: 24, height: 178 {name, age, height} = options ม਺ͷೖΕସ͑ TQMJUͷฦΓ஋ΛׂΓ౰ͯ PQUJPOT͔Β LFZ໊Λ୳ࡧ class Animal constructor: (@name) -> ͜ͷײ͕֮௫ΊΔͱ!OBNFͰUIJTOBNFBSH ɹɹɹͷؾ࣋ͪѱ͕ܰ͞ݮ͢Δͱࢥ͍·͢
  21. Raw Javascript (eval) hi = `function() { return [document.title, "Hello

    JavaScript"].join(": "); }` ੜͷKBWBTDSJQU΋࢖͑·͢
  22. Block (String) mobyDick = "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago

    -- never mind how long precisely -- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world..." html = """ <strong> cup of coffeescript </strong> """ ͜ͷϥΠϯΛΠϯσϯτج४ʹग़ྗ <strong>\n cup of coffeescript\n</strong> ʹͳΔ ్தվߦ͸҆શʹແࢹ͞ΕΔ
  23. Block (RegExp) OPERATOR = /// ^ ( ?: [-=]> #

    function | [-+*/%<>&|^!?=]= # compound assign / compare | >>>=? # zero-fill right shift | ([-+:])\1 # doubles | ([&|<>])\2=? # logic / shift | \?\. # soak access | \.{2,3} # range or splat ) /// 3FH&YQʹίϝϯτ͕͚ͭΒΕΔ εϖʔε͸શͯແࢹ͞ΕΔͷͰaTΛ࢖͏
  24. Tips: Apply/Call B.FUIPEDBMM UIBU <BSH< BSH >>  ୈҰҾ਺ʹίϯςΫετɺ ͭ·ΓB.FUIPE಺෦ͷUIJTΛࢦఆ͠·͢

    ୈೋҾ਺Ҏ߱͸ΧϯϚ۠੾ΓͰ B.FUIPEʹऔΒ͍ͤͨҾ਺Λॻ͖·͢ ख࡞ۀͰؔ਺Λݺͼग़͢ʹ͸DBMM͕ศར
  25. Tips: Apply/Call class Test _logLevel = 0 echo: -> console.log.apply

    console, arguments if @getLogLevel() > 1 getLogLevel: -> _logLevel setLogLevel: (lv) -> _logLevel = lv test = new Test test.echo 'Debug Message!!' ͜Μͳ෩ʹ࢖͑ΔΑฤ
  26. Tips: Apply/Call class Hoge hoge: -> console.log 'hoge', @ instanceof

    Hoge class Fuga fuga: -> console.log 'fuga', @ instanceof Hoge hoge = new Hoge fuga = new Fuga hoge.hoge() # hoge true fuga.fuga() # fuga false fuga.fuga.call hoge # fuga true )PHFͷΠϯελϯε͔νΣοΫ ίϯςΫετ͕IPHFͳͷͰUSVF ͭ͡ʹؾ࣋ͪѱ͍ ͜Μͳ͜ͱ΋Ͱ͖ΔΑฤ
  27. Tips: Hoisting var a = 0; (function() { console.log(a); var

    a = 2; }()); console.log(a); ͜͜ͰԿ͕දࣔ͞ΕΔ͔ ͜͜͸ʮʯ ˞KTͷείʔϓ୯Ґ͸GVODUJPO
  28. var a = 0; (function() { console.log(a); var a =

    2; }()); console.log(a); Tips: Hoisting
  29. Tips: Hoisting var a; a = 0; (function() { var

    a; console.log(a); a = 2; }()); console.log(a); ͜͏ͳΔ ͜Ε͕ϗΠεςΟϯά KTͰ༠ൃ͞ΕΔҋ࢓༷ $P⒎FFͳΒউखʹॲཧͯ͘͠ΕΔ