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Autoscaling Kubernetes Meetups in Underrepresen...

Giri Kuncoro
November 14, 2020

Autoscaling Kubernetes Meetups in Underrepresented Country

This was talk for my session in DevRel Asia conference: https://devrel.dev/asia-2020.

Giri Kuncoro

November 14, 2020

More Decks by Giri Kuncoro

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  1. Cloud Native Computing Foundation Storage Service Discovery Package Management Distributed

    Tracing Software Update Spec Orchestration Monitoring Registry Container Runtime Logging Storage Network Proxy Key/Value Store • Nonprofit, part of Linux Foundation, founded in Dec 2015 @girikuncoro
  2. Agenda • Why Kubernetes? • Introducing Kubernetes & Cloud Native

    Indonesia • Running a meetup, easy right? • Our toolbox @girikuncoro
  3. Nov 2018 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia Thinking to start

    meetup Dec 2018 Joined inactive Kubernetes telegram group (~200 members) @girikuncoro
  4. Nov 2018 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia Thinking to start

    meetup Dec 2018 Joined inactive Kubernetes telegram group (~200 members) Jan 2019 Jakarta Kubernetes first meetup @Gojek @girikuncoro
  5. Nov 2018 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia Thinking to start

    meetup Dec 2018 Joined inactive Kubernetes telegram group (~200 members) Jan 2019 Jakarta Kubernetes first meetup @Gojek April 2019 First Kubernetes workshop @Google @girikuncoro
  6. Sep 2019 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia First Bandung meetup

    Nov 2019 First tech conference “Open Infrastructure Day” (~400 attendees) @girikuncoro
  7. Sep 2019 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia First Bandung meetup

    Nov 2019 First tech conference “Open Infrastructure Day” (~400 attendees) Jan 2020 First Yogyakarta meetup @girikuncoro
  8. Sep 2019 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Indonesia First Bandung meetup

    Nov 2019 First tech conference “Open Infrastructure Day” (~400 attendees) Jan 2020 First Yogyakarta meetup Feb 2020 First Malang meetup @girikuncoro
  9. Cloud Native Indonesia: Why do I care? Raise awareness of

    popular open source technologies in cloud native space @girikuncoro
  10. Cloud Native Indonesia: Why do I care? Increase presence of

    Indonesian folks in global communities @girikuncoro
  11. Some Stats after 1.5 years meetup events sponsors speakers meetup

    attendees telegram members Youtube views cities @girikuncoro
  12. Kubernetes Docs in Bahasa Indonesia (kubernetes.io/id) • 220+ pages localized

    • 80 open source contributors (most are first-timers!) • ~8,000 views per month @girikuncoro
  13. Cloud Native Indonesia: Why important? We have 600,000 gap /

    year between tech talents and demand from tech sector - Government of Indonesia @girikuncoro
  14. Cloud Native Indonesia: Why important? • An effort to bridge

    the gap between demand and supply • Opportunities to go global • Many amazing talents but need exposure and proper guidance @girikuncoro
  15. How are we helping each other? • Monthly organizer calls

    • Branding (unified logos per city) @girikuncoro
  16. Toolbox • Treat meetup operations as Cloud Operations problem (automate,

    automate, automate!) • Most organizers are DevOps / Infrastructure Engineers @girikuncoro
  17. Meetup-Kit • MeetOps - Meetup by Github pull requests •

    Configuration files • Inspired by Cloud Native Nordics @girikuncoro