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Capistrano iliti kako Rubyem deployati PHP kod

Goran Jurić
December 06, 2012

Capistrano iliti kako Rubyem deployati PHP kod

Goran Jurić

December 06, 2012

More Decks by Goran Jurić

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Capistrano • Deployanje aplikacije ne mora biti komplicirano! • Capistano

    nije build alat • Deployanje na *nix poslužitelje • Ruby • Client-side aplikacija
  2. Ideja • razdvojiti foldere i datoteke prema namjeni ◦ aplikacija

    (PHP, templates, ...) ◦ site-specific (config, logs, user uploads) • update-ati aplikacijske datoteke • polinkati site-specific datoteke i foldere • promijeniti symbolic link da pokazuje na novu verziju • maintenance (clear cache, APC, reload web servera, ...)
  3. Implementacija /var/www/example.com/ |--current -> s. l. na zadnji release |--releases

    |-----20121124172616 |-----20121124172617 |-----20121124172618 |--shared |----cached-copy -> git cache |----system -> site specific files |------data |--------logs |------public |--------images
  4. Prednosti • one step deployment • atomic operacija • automatizacija

    maintenance poslova • deployanje na više poslužitelja od jednom • različiti procesi u ovisnosti o namjeni poslužitelja • mogućnost rollback-a
  5. Priprema ./ Capfile |- config/ |- deploy/ | |- production.rb

    | |- staging.rb |- deploy.rb |- railsless-deploy.rb
  6. Priprema #2 Capfile 1 require "./config/railsless-deploy.rb" 2 load 'config/deploy' if

    respond_to?(:namespace) railsless-deploy.rb https://github.com/leehambley/railsless-deploy
  7. Environments production.rb 1 set :production1, "" 2 set :production2, ""

    3 set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}" 4 set :port, 12345 5 6 server production1, :web, :app, :db 7 server production2, :web, :app, :db staging.rb 1 set :staging1, "" 2 set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}" 3 set :port, 22 4 5 server staging1, :web, :app, :db
  8. deploy.rb 1 set :default_stage, "staging" 2 set :stages, %w(production staging)

    3 require 'capistrano/ext/multistage' 4 5 set :application, "example.com" #ime foldera!! 6 7 # SCM OPTIONS 8 set :scm, :git # Može i :svn ili :copy 9 set :repository, "[email protected]:repo.git" 10 set :branch, 'master' 11 #set :scm_password, "some-password" # optional 12 default_run_options[:pty] = true 13 14 # SSH OPTIONS 15 set :user, "root" 16 set :use_sudo, false
  9. deploy.rb #2 1 # CAPISTRANO OPTIONS 2 set :keep_releases, 3

    3 set :deploy_via, :remote_cache 4 set :copy_exclude, [".git", ".gitignore"] 5 6 # APPLICATION SYMBOLIC LINKS 7 set :app_symlink_folders, ["vendor", "public/images", "data/logs"] 8 set :app_symlink_files, ["config.php"] 9 10 # CUSTOMIZE TASKS 11 namespace :deploy do 12 13 desc "Symlink directories that need to remain between deployments." 14 task :create_shared_resources do 15 if app_symlink_folders 16 app_symlink_folders.each do |link| 17 run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/system/#{link}" 18 end 19 end 20 end
  10. deploy.rb #3 1 desc "Customize the finalize_update task" 2 task

    :finalize_update, :except => { :no_release => true } do 3 run "chown -R www-data:www-data #{latest_release}" 4 5 symlink_shared_resources 6 cleanup 7 end 8 9 desc "Symlink folders" 10 task :symlink_shared_resources, :except => { :no_release => true } do 11 if app_symlink_folders 12 app_symlink_folders.each do |link| 13 run "rm -rf #{latest_release}/#{link}" 14 run "ln -s #{shared_path}/system/#{link} #{latest_release}/#{link}" 15 end 16 end 17 end 18 19 desc "Symlink folders" 20 .... 21 end
  11. Finalni koraci • Prije prvog deploy-a: ◦ Promijeniti DocumentRoot (Apache)

    ili root (nginx) direktivu ◦ $ cap production deploy:setup ◦ $ cap deploy:setup
  12. Napokon • Deployanje nove verije: ◦ git commit -a -m

    "Nova verzija" ◦ git push ◦ cap production deploy • Rollback: ◦ cap production deploy:rollback
  13. Ideje • DB migracije (up & down) • maintenance stranica

    prilikom migracija baza • composer.phar install/update • cache cleanup & warmup
  14. FPM Effing Package Management • https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm • Creating packages easily

    (deb, rpm, etc) • Tweaking existing packages (removing files, changing metadata/dependencies) • Stripping pre/post/maintainer scripts from packages
  15. Izvori • gem (autodownloaded) • python modules (autodownload) • pear

    (autodownload) • directories • rpm • deb • node packages (npm)
  16. Oneliner 1 gem install fpm 2 cd /moj-projekt/ 3 fpm

    -s dir -t deb -a i386 -n rac-api -v ${version} --vendor Ccentar / 4 --prefix /var/www ./ Na serveru 1 dpkg -i rac-api_0.3.5_i386.deb
  17. The end Hvala * mail: [email protected] * twitter: @goran_juric *

    blog: http://gogs.info/ Built with Landslide: https://github.com/adamzap/landslide