Technical Training in Unicycling and the possible dangers that come with it. The second part focusses a critical review of the unicycling skill levels.
Part 1: Technical Training 1. Technical Templates 2. Movement Mistakes 3. How your Brain is Learning 4. Relearning 5. Causes for Relearning 6. Learning Curves
1 Technical Training • How do you teach tricks to kids? • Riders execution vs. your reference • This reference is called “Technical Template“ (German: Technikleitbild)
Example: Stand Up Tricks Standgliding Standgliding circle Arabesque Catch-Foot Knee-Hold Y-Character Biellmann Standwalk Problem: Using the Hand and avoiding Foot control Never use the Hand for Stand up Tricks
1.4 Relearning • Learning a new movement • Relearning: Destroy the old movement Practice the new movement • Finger-Experiment Time to master a Trick Time to master a Trick /w Relearning Time Avoid Relearning! Why is this Happening? (Simon, 2010, p. 8f)
1.5 Relearning: Probable Cause #1 Riders Trap • Fast results • Descendant movement actions hidden • Essential movement actions are circumvented • Requires high discipline to counter Time Skill
1.5 Relearning: Probable Cause #2 Trainers • No offense to anybody • More knowledge required • They aren't given enough education • A call for action to unicycle organizations
Conclusion • Technical Training can be constructive and destructive • Wrong Technical Templates can limit riders • My Appeal: Unicycling Organizations: Take action Share What you have done How you've done
Part 2: Skill Levels 1. How Skill Levels support Technical Training 2. Goals 3. Validation of the `98 Skill Levels 1. Progress 2. Testing Method 3. Teach a wide variety of Tricks 4. Obsolete Tricks 5. Give Ideas 6. Good Parts
2.1 How Skill Levels support Technical Training • Detailed trick descriptions for riders and testers Indicate limiting movement actions • Lead through the trick jungle
2.2 Goals • “They are intended to encourage unicyclists to progress at an even pace over a wide variety of unicycling skills. These levels are not connected to the competition rules, other than in descriptions of how the skills are to be performed. Skill levels are useful for helping riders determine a sequence of skills to learn, and to give them ideas for things to try.” (IUF Rulebook, 2012, p. 99)
2.3 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels • Validation: Do the Skill Levels serve their purpose? • For each goal, validation is done by: 1. Setting up a test criteria 2. Check if the criteria is met
2.3.1 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels ”Progress” • Each level should be the base for the following levels • Test Criteria: 1. Are ancestors present for each trick 2. Tricks with low to zero importance should be in the higher levels
2.3.2 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels Testing Method • Skills executions should be evaluated on a qualitative base Competition Training • Test-Criteria: Only qualitative movement inspections
2.3.2 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels Testing Method (2) • Results: No qualitative testing: Riders need to pass lines Riders aren't allowed to touch some lines Even worse Testers are forced to not actively observe the important part: Movement execution
2.3.3 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels ”Teach a wide variety of Tricks” • Test-Criteria: Lots of different movement patterns are used Wider variety of skills Bigger movement repertoire Bigger movement repertoire More tricks a rider is likely to learn
2.3.3 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels ”Teach a wide variety of Tricks” (2) • Results Total skills 85 Duplication of the 1ft movement pattern 14 Duplication of the (1ft) Wheel Walk movement pattern 11 Duplication of the Seat out movement pattern 13 Duplication of miscellaneous movement patterns 8 Total of duplicated movement patterns 46 Percentage 54.1%
2.3.4 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels Obsolete Tricks • Tricks that don't help progressing (low to zero importance) • Tricks that force a side • Test-Criteria: No obsolete tricks
2.3.5 Validation of the `98 Skill Levels Give Ideas • Give ideas to new riders entering unicycling • Test-Criteria: The Skill Levels contain a lot of unicycling skills • Result: There are 85 skills + mounts
Part 2: Conclusion • Skill Levels to support technical training • Validation of the `98 Skill Levels Criteria Progress Not met Testing Method Not met Teach of broad range of tricks Not met Nonsense tricks Not met Give Ideas Met
3.1 History • Founded the Committee right after Unicon 15 in New Zealand • Goals set until 22nd of May, 2010 • First prototypes on 3rd of June, 2010 • Iterating until 27th of November, 2011 → Contents finalized Available here: • Put on hold in early 2012
3.2 Lessons learned • Goals change because you learn new things while progressing in a committee • Iterate over goals and change them if needed • Make sure, your committee members have the same knowledge level • Getting feedback from everywhere is better than a gold mine • Publish your progress (on the IUF blog) to get people updated
3.3 Future • Although new Skill Level contents aren't approved. My advise: Use the new one for your practice • A lot of talks at Unicon to share the required knowledge for a future committee • Will be restarted after Unicon Come to our Talk: Future Unicycling Development July 29th 10:00
References IUF Rulebook. (2012). Accessed on July, 11th. Simon, C. (2010). Techniktraining am Beispiel Sprintlauf. Unpublished Script, Darmstadt: TU-Darmstadt.