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Project Idea: DepHub

Project Idea: DepHub

An idea to improve Webdevelopment for everybody.

Thomas Gossmann

May 01, 2014

More Decks by Thomas Gossmann

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Organize Projects • Keep Metadata in sync with your primary

    package manager file (bower.json, composer.json, etc) • Make Metadata searchable for end-users
  2. Manage Dependencies • Deploy your project to various dependency managers

    – Bower – Volo – Npm – Composer – Rails – etc.
  3. Manage Dependencies • Remove the burden of manually publishing you

    package to package managers (you will miss some) • Of course... automatically (e.g. github service hooks) • Makes them consumable as if you published them to package managers on your own
  4. Manage Dependencies • Goal #1: Write once, publish everywhere •

    Goal #2: Let people stay with their ONE favorite package manager The main idea behind DepHub
  5. Metrics • Consume Metrics from various package managers and display

    them per project • Example: Downloads – Composer: 235 – Bower: 3143 – Volo: 34 – Total: 3412 • Weekly metrics to see trends
  6. Metrics • Gather statistics around projects, examples: – Project-Level: KNP

    Bundles http://knpbundles.com/about/faq-scoring – Language-Level: Scrutinizer https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ – Package-Manager-Level: SensioLabsInsight https://insight.sensiolabs.com/ • Gather and integrate online sources: ohloh, coveralls, github-stars, ...
  7. Metrics • Goal: Create metrics around projects to help people

    make decisions on which package/library they want to use