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Easy JavaScript Testing with Jest

Greg Jopa
September 20, 2017

Easy JavaScript Testing with Jest

Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that makes it easy to test Node.js apps. It provides a zero-configuration experience and embraces global functions so developers can write less boilerplate and more tests.

Greg Jopa

September 20, 2017

More Decks by Greg Jopa

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  1. About me I’m Greg Jopa - Software Engineering Manager at

    Cars.com - Previously at YP in Los Angeles - github.com/gregjopa
  2. About this talk - Review how to write testable Node.js

    code - Learn more about Jest and how it makes testing easier - This talk is focused on testing server-side JavaScript - Ask questions anytime
  3. Testing Demo App https://github.com/gregjopa/express-app-testing-demo - Node.js >=6.11.x - Express -

    web app framework - Got - simplified http requests - ejs - templating
  4. Testing Demo App - 2014 vs 2017 2014 2017 Node

    version 0.10.x 6.11.x Test Runner Mocha Jest Assertion library Should.js Jest Mocking Nock Jest Code Coverage Istanbul Jest*
  5. App Design - User Input Flickr Photo Feed Node.js Web

    Server End User form input http request - validate user input - search for photos
  6. App Design - API Response Flickr Photo Feed Node.js Web

    Server End User html content api response - validate response - transform photo data - return html
  7. Testing Strategy - Write tests to build confidence - Test

    in isolation - Need code that’s testable - 1 file does 1 thing and owns it - Sensible interface
  8. Unit tests Arrange, Act, Assert test('should return false for search

    term containing numbers', () => { const tags = 'dogs123'; expect(formValidator.isValidCommaDelimitedList(tags)).toBe(false); });
  9. Integration tests Combine units and test as a group -

    route tests test('should respond with a 200 with valid query parameters', () => { return request(app) .get('/?tags=california&tagmode=all') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect(200) .then(response => { expect(response.text).toMatch( /<div class="panel panel-default search-results">/ ); }); });
  10. Functional tests Testing services outside your codebase describe('flickr public feed

    api', () => { test('should return expected json format', () => { const apiTest = new API({ tags: 'california', tagmode: 'all' }); return got(apiTest).then(response => { expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200);
  11. Writing Testable Node.js code - Separate app functionality from web

    framework - Folder structure - keep test files close - Use module.exports to expose an interface that’s testable
  12. Testable code - module.exports Export an object function isValidCommaDelimitedList(value) {

    } function isValidTagmode(value) { } function hasValidFlickrAPIParams(tags, tagmode) { } module.exports = { isValidCommaDelimitedList, isValidTagmode, hasValidFlickrAPIParams };
  13. Testable code - module.exports Export a function function helper(value) {

    } // functions can have properties too! helper.getInfo = function () { } module.exports = helper;
  14. What is Jest? Jest is a complete and easy to

    set up JavaScript testing solution - Not just for React! - Ready to use tooling (assertions, mocks, coverage) - Fast test runner
  15. Jest - Easy setup - Globals similar to mocha (describe(),

    beforeEach(), afterEach()) - Includes assertion library - expect() - Includes code coverage
  16. Jest - Globals // eslintrc "globals": { "jest": false, "expect":

    false, "describe": false, "test": false, "before": false, "beforeEach": false, "after": false, "afterEach": false },
  17. Jest - Config options // package.json { "scripts": { "start":

    "nodemon app/server.js", "test": "jest --coverage app/__tests__/*.test.js", "test:e2e": "jest --runInBand e2e_tests/*.test.js" }, "jest": { "testEnvironment": "node", "verbose": true } }
  18. Jest is Fast Runs tests in parallel - Cluster of

    Node processes - Uses worker-farm module - Drawback - tests run in different order each time Can be disabled with “jest --runInBand” option
  19. Jest assertion library expect() has “matchers” for validating things -

    resolves() - expect(Promise.resolve('lemon')).resolves.toBe('lemon') - toMatch() - expect(text).toMatch(/<div class="alert alert-danger">/) - toHaveBeenCalledTimes() - expect(helperMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
  20. Migrating existing tests to Jest Jest-codemods - Search and replace

    on steroids - Not perfect - still requires manual intervention - Supports migrating from Mocha, Jasmine, Tape, Chai, Should.js
  21. Jest - Mocks - Mock Functions - jest.fn() - Keeps

    track of how many times the function was called - Inject test values - myMock.mockReturnValueOnce(true) - Manual Mocks - override module dependencies
  22. Jest - Mock Function example test('should error when api returns

    500 http status code', () => { // mock the flickr public feed api endpoint and return a 500 error jest.doMock('got', () => { return jest.fn(() => { return Promise.reject('Response code 500 (Internal Server Error)'); }); }); photoModel = require('../../app/photo_model'); return photoModel.getFlickrPhotos('california', 'all').catch(error => { expect(error.toString()).toMatch(/Response code 500/); }); });
  23. Jest - Manual Mock for photo_model.js function getFlickrPhotos(tags) { return

    Promise.resolve([ { title: 'Point Lobos sunset', link: 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathanleefer/24437997081/', // more data ... } ]); } module.exports = { getFlickrPhotos };
  24. Jest - Manual Mock example jest.mock('../../app/photo_model'); const app = require('../../app/server');

    describe('index route', () => { afterEach(() => { app.server.close(); }); test('should respond with a 200 with no query parameters', () => { return request(app) .get('/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect(200)
  25. Jest is strict - Jest won’t exit if resources are

    still being held on to - ex: web server - Mocha does not do this - Jest provides an escape-hatch with --forceExit option
  26. Summary - Jest comes with ready-to-use tools - expect -

    mocking - code coverage - Makes testing easier since you can use one tool - One website for documentation - Cleaner scripts in package.json - Less boilerplate - Jest isn’t for everyone - Uses magic for a better developer experience