In this session, we will explore the changing landscape of Android UI design together, collaborate on innovative solutions, and inspire one another to push the limits of what is possible. For example, the Android Mobile Figma Kit.
user interface design ideals, facilitating collaboration between developers and designers, and enabling quick product production. Android Worldwide ❏ Foundation overview ❏ Environment ❏ Layout ✓ Navigation ❏ Color ❏ Typography ❏ Sound ❏ Iconography ❏ Shape ❏ Motion ❏ Interaction ❏ Communication ❏ Machine learning Material Material 2 Material 3
Android Mobile Figma Kit 3. TV Figma Kit Android Worldwide Figma is a collaborative design interface that enables both web and mobile developers build UI designs end to end and these designs can easily be exported as code e.g to Android Studio.