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Events, behaviours and Elixir

Events, behaviours and Elixir

Damian Romanów

June 18, 2019

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Module B Module A Module C Module D things are

    getting more and more complex
  2. Module B Module A Module C Module D and then

    client wants just a… SIMPLE 
  3. Module B Module A Module C Module D which may

    wreak havoc around your system SIMPLE 
  4. Module B Module A Module C Module D which may

    wreak havoc around your system SIMPLE 
  5. – Greg Young „Never build big programs. You can literally

    make a carrier as a consultant, telling people nothing but that.”
  6. Sending email Money Transfer depend on abstraction and let your

    system evolve TransferPlaced Generate monthly summary
  7. Sending email Money Transfer depend on abstraction and let your

    system evolve TransferPlaced Generate monthly summary Detect fraudulent transaction
  8. Problem domain: SportTracker™ It always starts with simple things: •

    Application for tracking sport activities from various sources • Workout history and summary • Just an MVP
  9. Problem domain: SportTracker™ …but it can become complex • Some

    sort of social aspect - friendship, feed, liking, commenting • Competition aspect - taking part in contests • Maintaining motivation - sending reminders about inactivity • Gamification - user can get badge for running 3 days in a row • Sport performance prediction, based on workout history, ML?
  10. Legend depends on module boundaries SP. Tracker SP.Coaching SP.Something SPU.PubSub

    apps under
 SportsTracker umbrella Important comment a module a module
  11. I know, this one looks amazing, …but maybe an ordinary

    pipe will do the job for now? and we will spend time and our client money on modeling the problem itself?
  12. What behaviour we want to have • I want to

    subscribe on some topic and/or stream • I want to notify subscribers about something
  13. What behaviour we want to have • I want to

    subscribe on some topic and/or stream • I want to notify subscribers about something • So basically a PubSub mechanism
  14. Logical diagram Sports Tracker PubSub interface PubSub implementation 1 PubSub

    implementation 2 PubSub interface PubSub implementation 1 PubSub implementation 2 input output Sports Tracker PubSub interface PubSub interface input output subscribe publish
  15. Logical diagram Sports Tracker PubSub interface Registry Kafka PubSub interface

    Registry Kafka input output Sports Tracker PubSub interface PubSub interface input output subscribe publish
  16. Logical diagram Sports Tracker PubSub interface Registry Kafka PubSub interface

    Registry Kafka my problem domain input output Sports Tracker PubSub interface PubSub interface input output subscribe publish
  17. Logical diagram Sports Tracker PubSub interface Registry Kafka PubSub interface

    Registry Kafka my problem domain implementation detail implementation detail input output Sports Tracker PubSub interface PubSub interface input output subscribe publish
  18. Logical diagram Sports Tracker PubSub interface PostgreSQL MySQL PubSub interface

    PostgreSQL MySQL my problem domain implementation detail implementation detail input output Sports Tracker Ecto.Repo Ecto.Repo input output all/one insert
  19. class Event { public String uuid; public int occurredAt; public

    String topic; }; public interface Subscriber { void handleEvent(Event event); }; public interface PubSub { void publish(Event event); void subscribe(String topic, Subscriber subscriber); }
  20. class Event { public String uuid; public int occurredAt; public

    String topic; }; public interface Subscriber { void handleEvent(Event event); }; public interface PubSub { void publish(Event event); void subscribe(String topic, Subscriber subscriber); } OK I am just playing with you :D
  21. defmodule SPU.PubSub.Event do @enforce_keys [:uuid, :topic, :occurred_at, :data] defstruct [:uuid,

    :topic,:occurred_at, :data] def new(%topic{} = data) do %__MODULE__{ uuid: uuid(), occurred_at: current_timestamp(), topic: topic, data: data } end defp uuid(), do: UUID.uuid4() defp current_timestamp(), do: :os.system_time(:millisecond) end
  22. defmodule SPU.PubSub do alias SPU.PubSub.Event @adapter Application.fetch_env!(:spu_pub_sub, :adapter) def publish(%{__struct__:

    _} = event_data) do event_data |> Event.new() |> @adapter.publish() end def subscribe(subsriber \\ self(), topic) do @adapter.subscribe( subsriber, topic ) end end
  23. defmodule SPU.PubSub.Adapter do alias SPU.PubSub.Event @type event :: %Event{} @type

    subscriber :: pid() | atom() @type topic :: atom() | String.t() @callback start_link() :: :ok @callback publish(event) :: :ok @callback subscribe(subscriber, topic | :all) :: :ok end
  24. defmodule SPU.PubSub.Adapter.Registry do @behaviour SPU.PubSub.Adapter @registry_name __MODULE__.Reg def start_link(_ \\

    []) do import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false children = [ supervisor(Registry, [:duplicate, @registry_name]) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: SPU.PubSub.Adapter.Registry] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end … end
  25. defmodule SPU.PubSub.Adapter.Registry do … alias SPU.PubSub.Event def subscribe(_subscriber, topic) do

    {:ok, _pid} = Registry.register(@registry_name, topic, []) :ok end def publish(%Event{topic: topic} = event) do @registry_name |> Registry.dispatch(topic, fn subscribers -> for {pid, _} <- subscribers, do: send(pid, event) end) end end
  26. then we can use this adapter in config use Mix.Config

    config :spu_pub_sub, adapter: SPU.PubSub.Adapter.Registry
  27. and start it somewhere @adapter Application.fetch_env!(:spu_pub_sub, :adapter) 
 def start(_type,

    _args) do import Supervisor.Spec children = [ supervisor(@adapter, []) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: SPU.PubSub.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end
  28. An example - tracking activities • Athlete (not user :D

    ) finishes workout and upload gpx file to our backend • This is an example of deep action, looks simple from UI under the hood is complex • After activity is uploaded, various submodules update they state
  29. defmodule SP.Tracker.TrackActivity do alias SP.Repo def call(params) do Repo.transaction(fn ->

    with {:ok, activity} <- insert_activity(params), with {:ok, _notification} <- send_notification(activity), with {:ok, _feed} <- add_to_feed(activity), with {:ok, _summary} <- update_monthly_summary(activity) with {:ok, _athlete} <- recalculate_athlete_performance(activity) with {:ok, _athlete_reminder} <- reset_inactive_reminders(activity) end) end end
  30. defmodule SP.Tracker.TrackActivity do alias SP.Repo def call(params) do Repo.transaction(fn ->

    with {:ok, activity} <- insert_activity(params), with {:ok, _notification} <- send_notification(activity), with {:ok, _feed} <- add_to_feed(activity), with {:ok, _summary} <- update_monthly_summary(activity) with {:ok, _athlete} <- recalculate_athlete_performance(activity) with {:ok, _athlete_reminder} <- reset_inactive_reminders(activity) end) end end
  31. defmodule SP.Tracker.TrackActivity do alias SP.Repo def call(params) do Repo.transaction(fn ->

    with {:ok, activity} <- insert_activity(params), with {:ok, _notification} <- send_notification(activity), with {:ok, _feed} <- add_to_feed(activity), with {:ok, _summary} <- update_monthly_summary(activity) with {:ok, _athlete} <- recalculate_athlete_performance(activity) with {:ok, _athlete_reminder} <- reset_inactive_reminders(activity) end) end end
  32. defmodule SP.Tracker.TrackActivity do alias SP.Repo def call(params) do Repo.transaction(fn ->

    {:ok, activity} = insert_activity(params) :ok <- SP.PubSub.publish(%ActivityTracked{}) end) end end
  33. defmodule SP.Feed.Handler do alias SP.Repo def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: type})

    do %FeedEntry{activity_id: activity_id, type: type} |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: :replace_all, conflict_target: :id ) end end
  34. defmodule SP.Tracker do def track_activity(athlete_id, gpx_xml) do Multi.new() |> Multi.insert(:activity,

    %Activity{athlete_id: athlete_id, gpx: gpx_xml}) |> Multi.run(:events, fn _, %{activity: activity} -> %SendEmail{ activity_id: activity.id, athlete_id: athlete_id, type: „AfterActivityMailer”, distance: activity.distance, duration: activity.duration } |> PubSub.publish() end) |> Repo.transaction() end end
  35. defmodule SP.Tracker do def track_activity(athlete_id, gpx_xml) do Multi.new() |> Multi.insert(:activity,

    %Activity{athlete_id: athlete_id, gpx: gpx_xml}) |> Multi.run(:events, fn _, %{activity: activity} -> %SendEmail{ activity_id: activity.id, athlete_id: athlete_id, type: „AfterActivityMailer”, distance: activity.distance, duration: activity.duration } |> PubSub.publish() end) |> Repo.transaction() end end This is not even an event!
  36. defmodule SP.Web.Handler do def handle_event(%SendEmail{athlete_id: recipient_id, activity_type: :running, distance: distance})

    do email = SP.Web.Mailing.Recipients.email_for(recipient_id) content = SP.Web.Mailing.build_email(:running, distance) SP.Web.Mailing.send_email(email, content) end end
  37. SP. Web SP.Tracker so we cheat a little bit… direct

    call - track_activity/2 an „event”
  38. defmodule SP.ActivityLog.Handler do alias SP.Repo def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: :running})

    do IO.outs("Great work dude!!!!oneone") :ok end def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: :swimming}) do raise ArgumentError, "Lol, u can't even swim man!!!!" end end
  39. defmodule SP.ActivityLog.Handler do alias SP.Repo def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: :running})

    do IO.outs("Great work dude!!!!oneone") :ok end def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: :swimming}) do raise ArgumentError, "Lol, u can't even swim man!!!!" end end Lol Handler, u know nothing about me!
  40. defmodule SP.ActivityLog.Handler do alias SP.Repo def handle_event(%ActivityTracked{activity_id: activity_id, type: type})

    do %Activity{activity_id: activity_id, type: type} |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: :replace_all, conflict_target: :id ) end end
  41. defmodule SP.Coaching.Coach do def go_for_vacation(coach_id, replacement_couch_id, period) do coach_assignments =

    Assignment |> where([a], a.coach_id == ^couch_id) Ecto.Multi.new() |> Ecto.insert(:vacation, %Vacation{coach_id: coach_id, period: period}) |> Ecto.update_all(:assignments, coach_assignments, set: [coach_id: replacement_couch_id, period: period]) |> Repo.transaction() end end
  42. What this approach can give you: • Good reflection of

    business domain in code • Form of system documentation • Promote open-close principle • Force you to think about consistency boundaries