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はてなリモートインターンシップ2022 Web API 講義資料

December 19, 2022

はてなリモートインターンシップ2022 Web API 講義資料


December 19, 2022

More Decks by Hatena

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  1. URL Uniform Resource Locator WHATWG URL Living Standard RFC :

    Uniform Resource Identi er (URI): Generic Syntax
  2. HTTP HTTP/ . HTTP/ . HTTP/ . Google SPDY Google

  3. HTTP RFCs - RFC : HTTP Semantics - RFC :

    HTTP Caching - RFC : HTTP/ . - RFC : HTTP/ - RFC : HTTP/ - RFC : Expect-CT Extension for HTTP - RFC : QPACK: Field Compression for HTTP/ - RFC : Building Protocols with HTTP - RFC : The Proxy-Status HTTP Response Header Field - RFC : The Cache-Status HTTP Response Header Field - RFC : Targeted HTTP Cache Control - RFC : Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP - RFC : Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/ - RFC : Oblivious DNS over HTTPS
  4. HTTP/ . RFCs RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/ .

    Obsoleted by: , , , , , RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/ . Obsoleted by: , , , , , RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Message Syntax and Routing Obsoleted by: , RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Semantics and Content Obsoleted by: RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Conditional Requests Obsoleted by: RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Range Requests Obsoleted by: RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Caching Obsoleted by: RFC Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/ . ): Authentication Obsoleted by: RFC HTTP Semantics RFC HTTP Caching RFC HTTP/ .
  5. HTTP ْخشغכذ٭أشع تط٭ذت ىشر٭ RFC Field (RFC Section ) ٍظؔ

    RFC Content HTTP/ . Content Message Body (RFC Section )
  6. TLS . RFC : The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol

    Version . HTTP HTTP https TLS RFC . . ALPN: RFC Transport Layer Security (TLS) Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension TLS HTTP Clinet Hello(TLS ) - : Encrypted Extensions - :
  7. TLS HTTP TLS HTTP : $ echo -e "HEAD /

    HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: hatenablog.com \r\n" | openssl s_client -ign_eof -connect hatenablog.com:443 ALPN http/ . http/ $ echo | openssl s_client -alpn h2,http/1.1 -connect hatenablog.com:443 http/ . h - IANAIANA ALPN Protocol IDs HTTP IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority: Web ID
  8. GitHub ˝ GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id ˝ POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number/ comments ˝

    PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id ˝ DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id
  9. ىشر٭ס❆ Host: HTTP/ . User-Agent sec-ch-ua: Content Negotiation Fields: RFC

    . https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/ https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/ rfc #section- . . A client MUST send a Host header field (Section 7.2 of [HTTP]) in all HTTP/1.1 request messages. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc .html#section- . -
  10. ( ) http://www.example.com ٛؠؙتع GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests:

    1 Host: www.example.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.6.1 Safari/605.1.15 Accept-Language: ja Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Connection: keep-alive ٝتَ٤ت HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Vary: Accept-Encoding Last-Modified: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT Age: 573292 Content-Encoding: gzip Expires: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 02:22:20 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=604800 Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 02:22:20 GMT Content-Length: 648 ETag: "3147526947" Accept-Ranges: bytes Server: ECS (oxr/8315) X-Cache: HIT
  11. Content Negotiation Fields: Accept Content-Type - Content-Type: text/html HTML -

    Content-Type: application/JSON JSON - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/x-www-form-urlencodedס䎬䌋 key=value&another_key=another_value
  12. Connection: keep- alive, TCP, HoL Connection: keep-alive TCP TLS TLS

    TCP: RFC Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 1981 : RFC : TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL 1.5-RTT(1 ) -way handshaking) TLS 1~2-RTT TCP 0.5-RTT TLS HTTP HoL(Head of Line) Blocking: keep-alive TCP HTTP
  13. 橎⛍ىشر٭ RFC . . . Request Pseudo-Header Fields ٛؠؙتع :method

    :authority: RFC . . Host and :authority :scheme :path ٝتَ٤ت ˝ :status
  14. فؕػٛך׷׽כ׽׌׾ : نٝ٭ّ HTTP Frame { Length (24), Type (8),

    Flags (8), Reserved (1), Stream Identifier (31), Frame Payload (!"), } RFC . HTTP Frames
  15. HEADERS type=0x01 HEADERS Frame { Length (24), Type (8) =

    0x01, Unused Flags (2), PRIORITY Flag (1), Unused Flag (1), PADDED Flag (1), END_HEADERS Flag (1), Unused Flag (1), END_STREAM Flag (1), Reserved (1), Stream Identifier (31), [Pad Length (8)], [Exclusive (1)], [Stream Dependency (31)], [Weight (8)], Field Block Fragment (!"), Padding (!"2040), }
  16. ꪐ氳ط٭هٜס╈骰 Index Header Name Header Value :authority :method GET :method

    POST :path / :path /index.html :scheme http :scheme https :status 200
  17. DATA type=0x00 DATA Frame { Length (24), Type (8) =

    0x00, Unused Flags (4), PADDED Flag (1), Unused Flags (2), END_STREAM Flag (1), Reserved (1), Stream Identifier (31), [Pad Length (8)], Data (!"), Padding (!"2040), }
  18. HTTP/ RFC QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport UDP

    TCP TLS RFC HTTP/ HTTP QUIC RFC QPACK: Field Compression for HTTP/
  19. QUIC RFC Version-Independent Properties of QUIC RFC QUIC: A UDP-Based

    Multiplexed and Secure Transport RFC Using TLS to Secure QUIC RFC QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control
  20. QUIC -RTT (Early Data) PSK( ) clientearlytra c_secret : 0-RTT

    RFC : The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version .
  21. API glibc : libdrm : Web document.getElementById : Web :

    Web API REST GET https:!"api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json? id=210462857140252672 This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Share Alike . International license. Attribution: Shmuel Csaba Otto Traian. source https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Linux_API.svg
  22. GitHub ˝ GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id ˝ POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number/ comments ˝

    PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id ˝ DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/ comments/:comment_id
  23. SDL (Schema De nition Language) interface Actor { login: String!

    } type Issue { author: Actor body: String! title: String! } type Repository { issue(number: Int!): Issue } type Query { repository(name: String!, owner: String!): Repository }
  24. syntax = "proto3"; package account; service Account { rpc Signup(SignupRequest)

    returns (SignupReply); } message SignupRequest { string name = 1; string password = 2; } message SignupReply { string token = 1; }
  25. ْشج٭ة㑔 message SignupRequest { string name = 1; string password

    = 2; } ϑΟʔϧυܕ ϑΟʔϧυ໊ = ϑΟʔϧυ൪߸; 1-15 1byte 19000-19999
  26. repeated Result results = 1; map<string, Project> projects = 3;

    oneof test_oneof { string name = 4; SubMessage sub_message = 9; }
  27. message SearchRequest { string query = 1; int32 page_number =

    2; int32 result_per_page = 3; enum Corpus { UNIVERSAL = 0; WEB = 1; IMAGES = 2; LOCAL = 3; NEWS = 4; PRODUCTS = 5; VIDEO = 6; } Corpus corpus = 4; }
  28. import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; message Message { google.protobuf.Any field = 1; }

    ˝ google.protobuf.Empty ˝ google.protobuf.Duration ˝ google.protobuf.Timestamp
  29. ◍䬵䓪 ˝ نؔ٭ٜغ樑⺘ int32 old_field = 6 [deprecated = true];

    reserved 2, 15, 9 to 11; reserved "foo", "bar";
  30. ؛وب٘٤ option go_package = "github.com/hatena/example/pb"; enum EnumAllowingAlias { option allow_alias

    = true; UNKNOWN = 0; STARTED = 1; RUNNING = 1; } message Example { int32 old_field = 6 [deprecated = true]; }
  31. ئ٭لتכتعٛ٭ّ service RouteGuide { rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {} rpc

    ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {} rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {} rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {} }
  32. gRPC API CRUD + List ˝ CreateEntity ˝ GetEntity ˝

    UpdateEntity ˝ DeleteEntity ˝ ListEntities
  33. syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = "./pb"; package welcome; service

    Welcome { rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (GreetReply); } message GreetRequest { string name = 1; } message GreetReply { string message = 1; }
  34. Protocol Compiler Codespaces protoc $ # localͰmacͳΒbrew install protobufͳͲͰ $

    sudo apt update $ sudo apt install protobuf-compiler $ go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest $ go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest
  35. Protocol Compiler Go $ mkdir pb $ protoc !"go_out ./pb

    !"go-grpc_out ./pb !"go_opt=paths=source_relative !"go-grpc_opt paths=source_relative welcome.proto
  36. Protocol Compiler Go package main import ( "context" "flag" "fmt"

    "github.com/hatena/Hatena-Intern-2021-Lecture/api/grpc_adventure/pb" "google.golang.org/grpc" "google.golang.org/grpc/reflection" "log" "net" "os" "os/signal" ) var ( port = flag.Int("port", 10000, "The server port") )
  37. type welcomeServer struct { pb.UnimplementedWelcomeServer } func (s *welcomeServer) Greet(

    ctx context.Context, req *pb.GreetRequest ) (*pb.GreetReply, error) { return &pb.GreetReply{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Welcome %s", req.Name), }, nil } func newServer() *welcomeServer { return &welcomeServer{} }
  38. func main() { lis, err !" net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *port)) if

    err !# nil { log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err) } grpcServer !" grpc.NewServer() pb.RegisterWelcomeServer(grpcServer, newServer()) reflection.Register(grpcServer) go func() { log.Printf("start gRPC server port: %v", *port) grpcServer.Serve(lis) }() quit !" make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(quit, os.Interrupt) !$quit log.Printf("stopping gRPC server!!%") grpcServer.GracefulStop() }
  39. grpcurl $ go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest $ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:10000 list

    $ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:10000 describe welcome.GreetRequest $ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"name": "John Appleseed"}' localhost:23455 welcome.Welcome/Greet usage: grpcurl -d '{"id": 1234, "tags": ["foo","bar"]}' \ grpc.server.com:443 my.custom.server.Service/ Method