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Hero Sprint 2 Overview

Hero Sprint 2 Overview

An overview of the aspects from the prototypes that are included in sprint #2.


December 22, 2020

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  1. Hero Campaign Configuration Hero campaign configuration will enable the admin

    to customize the campaign's settings & needs both front-end and back-end. - Public campaign name - Public campaign goal (thermometer) - Admin edit internal naming convention - Admin edit campaign URL - Admin open/close campaign - Admin select gateway for campaign - Admin enter campaign settings - Admin access to Hero Site Builder - Manage/add admins to campaigns - Admin view campaign donations
  2. search donors, fundraisers, campaigns Campaign configuration Campaign donations Campaign teams

    Campaign registrants Campaign administrators Campaign settings Run the Rock $20,000 RunTheRockP2P www.runtherock.org Open Stripe Run the Rock Run the Rock u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Campaign homepage Run the Rock Support 153 Donations 24 Monthly givers $21,821 Raised Online #3 Campaign rank 7 Rejected gifts Compaign donations Hero Campaign Builder Configure campaign settings Manage campaign admins V i e w c a m p a i g n l i v e Public campaign name Public campaign goal Internal naming Campaign URL Campaign gateway Campaign status Public campaign name Public campaign name
  3. search donors, fundraisers, campaigns Hero Campaign Builder u n l

    e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Support Registration configuration Email configuration Donation page configuration 153 Donations 24 Monthly givers $21,821 Raised Online #3 Campaign rank 7 Rejected gifts Leaderboard configuration Manage supporters Payment types Social media settings Campaign configuration Campaign donations Campaign teams Campaign registrants Campaign administrators Campaign settings Campaign homepage Run the Rock V i e w c a m p a i g n l i v e Campaign settings
  4. search donors, fundraisers, campaigns u n l e a s

    h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Support Campaign configuration Campaign donations Campaign teams Campaign registrants Campaign administrators Campaign settings Campaign homepage Manage page analytics Configure reporting Manage distribution Edit tax receipting Manage integrations Edit the fundraisers admin Add donations Add registrants or teams
  5. Hero "All campaigns" The "All campaigns" tab will enable the

    user to visualize a list of all active and inactive campaigns launched on Hero in a ranked fashion by dollars raised. - Data visualization - List of all campaigns - Filterable by admin - Admin can click into campaigns - Admin toggle week/month/quarter/yr
  6. search donors, fundraisers, campaigns Campaign name Run the Rock Admin

    home American World Organization This week This quarter This year u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Home All campaigns All donations All teams All registrants Hero administrators Profile and settings Settings Log out Support This month 538 Donations 98 Monthly Givers $141,821 Raised Online 129 Registrants 23 Rejected Gifts Fundraising campaigns #2 #1 #3 $56,104 $24,786 $21,910 $19,453 673 donors 319 donors 348 donors 321 donors 198 registrants 74 registrants 142 registrants 201 registrants 234876901 283785802 432567764 987425461 $11,229 286 donors No registrants 027425461 Sight Savers Cape Hope 5k Shave for Kids Holiday giving Rank Raised #4 #5 Donors Registrants Campaign ID 07/24/2020 06/04/2020 08/13/2020 0722/2020 09/01/2020 Date created
  7. Hero "All donations" The "All donations" tab enables the admin

    to visualize all donations to any campaign and/or all donations if clicked in a specific campaign (specific to that campaign) below is a screen from the prototypes specific to a campaign's donations. - Data visualization for campaign - List of all campaign donations - Toggles download/upload - Toggle analyze YOY - Toggle to switch campaign - Admin clickable donor lightbox - Add donation from Hero - Report filters for admin search
  8. Analyze YOY Campaign type Event name Run the Rock search

    donors, fundraisers, campaigns Hero help center 2 Download Donations Upload - Import search for a donation Total donations ($21,821) Search by campaign Viewing 153 donations in order of recent transactions Ammount $25.00 $54.00 $20.00 $35.00 Donor name Gerald Moore Marquiese Gold Jenn Alanne Val Goodright Donated to Alyssa's Fundraiser Rock for Cancer General donation General donation P2P campaign P2P campaign P2P campaign P2P campaign Run the Rock Run the Rock Run the Rock u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Run the Rock Sight Savers Cape Hope 5K Run the Rock Support 153 Donations 24 Monthly givers $21,821 Raised Online #3 Campaign rank 7 Rejected gifts Campaign donations 0 Donation homepage Donation filters Search donations New donation Recurring donations Search donations Monthly gift Campaign configuration Campaign donations Campaign teams Campaign registrants Campaign administrators Campaign settings Campaign homepage V i e w c a m p a i g n l i v e
  9. Upload - Import Viewing 538 donations in order of recent

    transactions search for a donation Completed donations Serena Jerteski Amanda Shirley Buzz Altworth Donated to Alyssa's Fundraiser Luke Geysher Luke Geysher Team Capes Event type P2P campaign DIY campaign DIY campaign P2P campaign Event name Run the Rock Sight Savers Sight Savers Cape Hope 5k search donors, fundraisers, campaigns Gerald Moore Donations Download Total donations ($141,821) Ammount $25.00 $54.00 $20.00 $35.00 Donor name u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Campaign donations Search donations New donation Recurring donations Search donations 0 Monthly gift Donation homepage 153 Donations 24 Monthly givers V i e w c a m p a i g n l i v e View and edit this supporter's details Display name as "anonymous" Gerald Donor first name Hero donor ID Donor information Donor first name Moore G e r a l d M o o r e g e r a l d 2 4 @ g m a i l . c o m 15243 Hero receipt ID 214 Donation amount $400 Donation date 09/12/2020 Donated to (fundraiser) Alyssa's Fundraiser Page Donated to (campaign) Run The Rock Tax receipt status Delivered Donation status Verified Edit or refund e.g. 12 Any St. New York, New York Donor address Anonymous display Save updates Run the Rock Support Hero help center 2 Donation filters Campaign configuration Campaign donations Campaign teams Campaign registrants Campaign administrators Campaign settings Campaign homepage
  10. Hero "All Teams" Hero "All teams" enables the admin to

    visualize a list of all teams that have been created for all campaigns and see teams specific to campaigns as well. The admin will be able to toggle their searches and open up lightboxes to edit team information and download reports. - List of all teams - Admin toggles/report filters - Download team reports - Move fundraisers to other teams - Search for teams
  11. Search your fundraisers and campaigns Team fundraisers Nikki Kraft Boomer

    Tane $5,000 $2,250 $750 5 6 3 Team name Reepra's Team All teams Search teams Captain Reepra Dinesh Hero help center 2 Download Import - Upload Recent team activity from all peer-to-peer campaigns quick team search Teams Displaying 6 teams All teams Team information Name Reepra Dinesh Woody Andell Goal $1,500 Team members 2 Cancer Sucks FCANCER TuffSteppers Team captains All team captains Team captains New captain Jodran Cupole Adelle Vera Jeremy Tuff New team u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Reepra's Team Cancer Sucks TuffSteppers Support Filters 452 Donations 29 Fundraisers 6 Total Teams $18,209 Total Raised 1,089 Page Views Search by filters
  12. Search your fundraisers and campaigns Team fundraisers All teams Search

    teams Team captains All team captains Team captains New captain New team u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Search team fundraisers Create search criteria Team name Registered within Registered for Registation location Raised amount Registration type Get granular with your search by editing and saving search criteria important to you quick team search e.g. TuffSteppers Select a campaign Select a registration type Team quick search Campaign Select a campaign Quickly search for any team fundraisers Team name Enter a team name Start range 09/12/2019 End range 09/12/2020 Search Sight Savers Run the Rock Cape Hope 5kk Start range End range Search More than Less than Select a registration location Support Hero help center 2 Filters Search by filters
  13. Search your fundraisers and campaigns Team fundraisers All teams Search

    teams Team captains All team captains Team captains New captain New team u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Add a new team registrant Team fundraising registrant Registrant first name e.g. Alex Add a registrant and tie them to a team from the Hero back-end Save registrant Registrant last name e.g. Anderson Registration fee Optional Join a team Optional teams to join Start a team Optional YES/NO Registrant team captain Optional YES/NO Select a campaign Select campaign to join Sight Savers Run the Rock Cape Hope 5k Registrant email e.g. [email protected] Registrant user name e.g. Alez23 Registrant password Enter PW Re-enter PW Registrant's team name e.g. Alex's Team Registrants fundraising goal e.g. $10,000 Send waiver to registrant Optional YES/NO Support Hero help center 2 Filters Search by filters
  14. Hero "All registrants" Hero "All registrants will operate identically to

    the above "All teams" with the only difference being that a registrant is a singular participant not attached to a team page. - List of all registrants - Admin toggles/report filters - Download registrant reports - Move fundraisers to a team - Search for registrants
  15. Download Import - Upload Recent registrant activity from all event

    campaigns quick registrant earch Donations Displaying 12 registrants All registrations Registrant information Name Gerald Moore Serena Jerteski Amanda Shirley Buzz Altworth Total raised 0 $900.09 $50.00 $14.25 Target raise $1,000 $4,000 $5,000 $1,500 Event name Run the Rock Sight Savers Sight Savers Cape Hope 5k Registration status Not verified Verified Verified Verified Search your fundraisers and campaigns u n l e a s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Event registrants All event registrants Search registrants Ticketed registrants All ticketed registrants Ticketed registrants Ticketed sign-up New registrant Run the Rock Sight Savers Cape Hope 5k Support Hero help center 2 Filters Search by filters 452 Donations 29 Fundraisers 12 Registrants $18,209 Total Raised 1,089 Page Views
  16. Search your fundraisers and campaigns u n l e a

    s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Event registrants All event registrants Search registrants Ticketed registrants All ticketed registrants Ticketed registrants Ticketed sign-up New registrant Search event registrants Create search criteria Registrant name Registered within Registered for Registation location Raised amount Registration type Get granular with your search by editing and saving search criteria important to you quick registrant search e.g. Andersen Select a campaign Select a registration type Registrant quick search Campaign Select a campaign Quickly search for any event registrants Registrant name Enter a registrants name Start range 09/12/2019 End range 09/12/2020 Search Sight Savers Run the Rock Cape Hope 5kk Start range End range Search More than Less than Select a registration location Support Hero help center 2 Filters Search by filters
  17. Search your fundraisers and campaigns u n l e a

    s h y o u r f u n d r a i s i n g Dashboard homepage Donations Corporate fundraising Teams Registrants Hero administrators Account settings Admin dashboard Event registrants All event registrants Search registrants Ticketed registrants All ticketed registrants Ticketed registrants Ticketed sign-up New registrant Add a new event registrant New event registration Registrant first name e.g. Alex Add a registrant and tie them to a campaign from the Hero back-end Save registrant Registrant last name e.g. Anderson Registration fee Optional Join a team Optional teams to join Start a team Optional YES/NO Registrant team captain Optional YES/NO Select a campaign Select campaign to join Sight Savers Run the Rock Cape Hope 5k Registrant email e.g. [email protected] Registrant user name e.g. Alez23 Registrant password Registrant's team name Optional e.g. Alex's Team Registrants fundraising goal e.g. $10,000 Send waiver to registrant Optional YES/NO Enter PW Re-enter PW Support Hero help center 2 Filters Search by filters