opinions of the presenter, and do not cons4tute official posi4ons of the Na4onal Center for Biotechnology Informa4on (NCBI), the US Na4onal Library of Medicine (NLM), the Na4onal Ins4tutes of Health (NIH) or the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
review Small, if any, impact Open peer review may be more careful, may deter reviewers Bas)an (2015). PLOS Blogs. hUp://blogs.plos.org/absolutely-‐maybe/2015/05/13/weighing-‐up-‐anonymity-‐ and-‐openness-‐in-‐publica)on-‐peer-‐review/
Consequences for authors of non-‐response to important ques)ons & cri)cism More accountability and consequences for editors, reviewers, and journals: Südhof (2016). Truth in science publishing: a personal perspec)ve. PLOS Biology 14(8): e1002547.