skipped finished killed flexible semi flexible t ≥ 0, event_s?, {t = 0} true, skip_p?, ∅ true, skip!, {t = 0} true, event_e2!, {t = 0} true, kill!, {t = 0} true, kill_p?, ∅ true, kill_p?, ∅ true, event _i?, ∅ true, kill_p?, ∅ true, event _i?, ∅ t = γ1 , τ, ∅ true, kill_ p?, ∅ t = γ0 ∧ finite = false, event_e1!, ∅ t = γ0 ∧ finite = true, event_e1 !, ∅ time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Texture A Texture B γ0 = 8 γ1 = 24 finite = true t = 12 Arias, Desainte-Catherine, and Rueda (LaBRI) Verification of i-score Using Timed Automata 1/5 1 /5