( + repository) 2. Confident developers questioning and challenging customers requirements 3. Customers willing to KISS during first iterations : Don't start innovating directly 4. An efficient content model 5. No developer mistakes 6. Performance measurements upfront 7. Performance logging
Large hst configuration resulting in hiccups during changes 3. Many needless virtual nodes 4. Possible expensive searches for CMS users with read access to a small part of the repository 5. Getting total number of search results is expensive 6. CMS is not lazy 7. CMS template editor encourages incorrect usage of compounds 8. Repository based website menus loading large parts of the repository
2. For 7.7.9, Lucene re-index needed 3. In hst-config.properties set the default with default.query.date.range.resolution = 4. Default in 7.8.x for HST is resolution DAY 5. Default in 7.7.9 for HST is resolution MILLISECOND 6. Resolution based query supported through HstFilter api
of 2013/06/21 do not need range queries anymore!! Filter#addEqualTo("my:date", Calendar.getInstance(), DateTools.Resolution. YEAR) Filter#addEqualTo("my:date", Calendar.getInstance(), DateTools.Resolution. DAY)
just want to be one of the geeks and I think managers and marketers like this because they then think I must be really smart and technical.... Ever wondered what 'trek' stands for? To make a sloooooow or arduous journey ... How dull
correct authorized counts from Lucene? Correct Is Hippo R&D then smarter than all the search gurus and Jackrabbit developers? No not really... We just chose a security model that could be mapped to Lucene queries But isn't that super smart and bright?
Large hst configuration resulting in hiccups during changes 3. Many needless virtual nodes 4. Possible expensive searches for CMS users with read access to a small part of the repository 5. Getting total number of search results is expensive 6. CMS is not lazy 7. CMS template editor encourages incorrect usage of compounds 8. Repository based website menus loading large parts of the repository
2. Reduce usage of facetselect and mirrors with multivalued properties containing uuids 3. Stale page cache support 4. Cluster wide (couchbase memcached bucket) shared hst page cache with stale page support