An opening title card reads: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DeathStar ... synopsisは8k tokenの5,6倍ほどあったので、分割実行し結果を mergeする。 長文の要約手法と同じ。NER統一化に注意。 LLM meetup Tokyo #2 by @ginyu_pro 12
of Master of Master of Leader of Friend of Member of Friend of Member of Mentor of Mentor of Friend of Leader of Father of Controlled by Apprentice of Leader of Mentor of Friend of Serves Serves Mentor of Mentor of Respects Mentors Fears Wants to convert Fights against Serves Serves Mentors Respects Controls Fears Kills Grieves for Angry at Gives droids to Worries about Kills Knew Gives Daichi's weapon to Betrayed and killed Father of Stole plans from Gave plans to Interrogated by Pursues Intrigued by message from Receives message from Seeks help from Rescues Works with Rescues Rescues Escapes with Goes with Escapes to find Taro Hanako Jiro Kenji Hiroshi WiseMan RoboA RoboB Group1 BearMan Group2 Takeshi Group3 Goro Daichi Leia LLM meetup Tokyo #2 by @ginyu_pro 13
to be a Jedi by"| Hiroshi Daichi -->|"Is father of"| Taro Goro -->|"Tries to protect"| Taro Kenji -->|"Betrayed and killed"| Daichi GPT4に「発話伝聞に基づくrelationには適当なフラグをつけて」指示したら、 発話伝聞に基づくrelationは二重引用符で囲みます、という返答を返してきた。 全てに偽(嘘)の可能性が出てくる LLM meetup Tokyo #2 by @ginyu_pro 23
Fear Love Anger Disappointment Pride Fear Guilt Taro Kenji Hiroshi Taro => Hiroshiへの葛藤:(嘘をつかれたので)anger, disappointmentが追加 Taro => Kenjiへの葛藤: 親と判明したのでloveが追加(実験成功) LLM meetup Tokyo #2 by @ginyu_pro 28