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Futureworkz DevOps Workshop Day 1 - DevOps Tool...

Futureworkz DevOps Workshop Day 1 - DevOps ToolChain

- Ansible
- Docker
- Vagrant.

Cam Huynh

April 08, 2016

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  1. Vagrant Boxes More boxes can be found by the URL

    below. https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search
  2. Why Ansible? ANSIBLE - Written in Python (supporting Python 3

    soon). - Lightweight. - Open source. - Playbook written in YAML. - Various modules are available. CHEF, PUPPET - Written in Ruby. - Heavyweight. - Open source. - Ruby language is required. - Widely support. - Various recipes are available.
  3. Write your own Ansible Playbook - Set up an Ubuntu

    server. - Install common modules (build-essentials) - Install nginx. - Start nginx. - Check if it works.
  4. What’s Docker? Docker allows you to package an application with

    all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.
  5. Why Docker - Package, containerize, and standardize applications. - Eliminate

    Environment Inconsistencies. - Facilitate Microservices Architecture. - Accelerate Developer Onboarding
  6. Install Docker Install Docker Toolbox by following the guide in

    this URL: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/