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Monkey patching in Ruby

Cam Huynh
November 24, 2015

Monkey patching in Ruby

My presentation at hcmc.rb meetup (hosted by Ruby Vietnam) on 25 Nov 2015

- What's monkey patching?
- The pros and cons of monkey patching.
- How to monkey-patch without making a mess.

Cam Huynh

November 24, 2015

More Decks by Cam Huynh

Other Decks in Programming


  1. before(:talk) { about(:me) } Huỳnh Quán Cẩm. bug creator @

    dadadee.com. die-hard Chelsea supporter. @huynhquancam | [email protected]
  2. what.is?(:monkey_patching) The dynamic modifications of a class or module at

    runtime. * A common pattern shared across Ruby community.
  3. the (:good) -> { side } extremely convenient, especially for

    hot-fix. shorter code writing. nicer DSL syntax.
  4. the -> (dark) { side } global namespace pollution. codes

    are more difficult to debug and understand. poor upgradeability. race condition of libraries. …
  5. MP.without { making.a(mess) } Fork the library on Github. Put

    them into a module. Standardise the way of your monkey-patching files structure.
  6. MP.without { making.a(mess) } Fork the library on Github. Put

    them into a module. Keep them together. Use Ruby refinements.