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A Full-Stack app with Kotlin —by an Android De...

A Full-Stack app with Kotlin —by an Android Developer

This was presented at BlrKotlin Meetup.

Bedanta Bikash Borah

March 10, 2018

More Decks by Bedanta Bikash Borah

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  1. What are we building ? Ktor Backend React-Kotlin App Email

    Id Slack channel name Secret key Status Email Id Status Code
  2. ‣ Basic HTML ‣ Basic CSS ‣ Optional ReactJs or

    React Native ‣ Basic Kotlin ‣ Familiarity with Gradle. Prerequisite
  3. ‣ Develop Backend (Ktor). ‣ Deploy Backend on Heroku. ‣

    Develop Frontend. (React-Kotlin App) ‣ Deploy Frontend on Heroku. Steps
  4. Build.gradle dependencies { compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version" testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit',

    version: '4.12' + compile "org.jetbrains.ktor:ktor-core:$ktor_version" + compile "org.jetbrains.ktor:ktor-netty:$ktor_version" }
  5. application.conf ktor { deployment { environment = development port =

    ${PORT} } application { modules = [ MainClassKt.main ] } }
  6. MainClass.kt fun Application.main() { install(CORS){ anyHost() } install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) {

    get("") { call.respondText("Hello World", ContentType.Text.JavaScript) } post("/invite_post/") {- - -} } }
  7. post("/invite_post/") { val vm = call.request.receive<ValuesMap>() val url = "https://$slackName.slack.com/api/users.admin.invite"

    val payload = mapOf("token" to slackToken, "email" to vm.get("email")) val r = post(url, data = payload) if (r.jsonObject.getBoolean("ok")) { call.respondText("{\"status\":1}", ContentType.Text.JavaScript) } else { when(r.jsonObject.getString("error")){ "already_invited" -> call.respondText("{\"status\":2}", ContentType.JavaScript) } } MainClass.kt
  8. Serving JSON + compile “com.google.code.gson:gson:X.X.X” data class Response(val status: String,

    val error: String) val response = Response(“not-ok”, “bad params”) val gson = Gson() val json = gson.toJson(response) call.respondText(json, ContentType.Application.Json)
  9. Install Heroku Mac brew install heroku Ubuntu wget -qO- https://cli-assets.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh

    | sh Windows Download Installer from https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
  10. Building the Deployment Jar task deployJar(type: Jar) { manifest {

    attributes "Implementation-Title": "gradle-jar-file", 'Implementation-Version': 1.0, 'Main-Class': 'org.jetbrains.ktor.netty.DevelopmentHost' } baseName = project.name + '-all' from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } } with jar }
  11. npm install -g create-react-kotlin-app create-react-kotlin-app yourApp cd yourApp/ npm start

    Then open http://localhost:3000/ to see your app. Creating React App
  12. my-app/ README.md node_modules/ package.json .gitignore public/ favicon.ico index.html manifest.json src/

    app/ App.css App.kt index/ index.css index.kt logo/ kotlin.svg Logo.css Logo.kt react.svg ticker/ Ticker.kt Project Structure
  13. my-app/ README.md node_modules/ package.json .gitignore public/ favicon.ico index.html manifest.json src/

    app/ App.css App.kt UiState.kt index/ index.css index.kt ui/ fullUi.Kt inputUi.kt Project Structure
  14. UiState.kt data class UiState( var heading: String, var placeholder: String,

    var buttonText: String, var isInviteSent:Boolean, var email: String)
  15. App.kt interface AppUiState : RState { var uiState: UiState }

    class App : RComponent<RProps, AppUiState>() { override fun AppUiState.init() { uiState = UiState( "Get Invite to BlrKotlin Slack Channel", "[email protected]", "Get an Invite", false, "") } override fun RBuilder.render() { fullui(state.uiState, object : EventHandler { override fun emailChanged(email: String) {} override fun submitClicked() {} }) } private fun parse(json: dynamic): Int { return json.status } } fun RBuilder.app() = child(App::class) { }
  16. inputUi.kt interface EventHandler { fun submitClicked() fun emailChanged(email: String) }

    fun RBuilder.inputUi(state: UiState, eventHandler: EventHandler) { var email ="" div { input(type = InputType.email, name = "itemText") { attrs { placeholder = state.placeholder onChangeFunction = { val target = it.target as HTMLInputElement eventHandler.emailChanged(target.value) } } } button { attrs.text(state.buttonText) attrs.disabled = state.isInviteSent attrs.onClickFunction = { eventHandler.submitClicked() } } } }
  17. App.kt override fun emailChanged(email: String) { setState { state.uiState.email =

    email } } override fun submitClicked() { if(state.uiState.email.isEmpty()){ //Show an error message maybe. return } window.fetch(url, object : RequestInit { override var method: String? = "POST" override var body: dynamic = URLSearchParams().apply { append("email", "${state.uiState.email}") } }).then { response -> response.json().then({ resolve -> when (parse(resolve)) { 1 -> { setState { state.uiState.isInviteSent = true state.uiState.buttonText = "Check your Email" } } }, { t -> console.log(t) }) } }
  18. git push heroku master heroku open Your App will open

    in your default Browser. Configure Heroku