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Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks.

Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks.

Bedanta Bikash Borah

July 24, 2018

More Decks by Bedanta Bikash Borah

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  1. Agenda 1. What is Deep Learning? 2. Why Deep Learning

    is taking off? 3. How Deep Learning works? 4. Training. 5. Example MNIST. 6. Code Sample. 7. Few extra concepts.
  2. What is Neural Network? House Size (X) Price (Y) 500

    5 Laks 600 8 Laks 700 9 Laks 800 13 Laks 900 12 Laks 1100 18 Laks 1200 20 Laks
  3. Housing Price Prediction 0 laks 5 laks 10 laks 15

    laks 20 laks 000 sq ft 300 sq ft 600 sq ft 900 sq ft 1200 sq ft What is Neural Network?
  4. What is Neural Network? x Y Size of the House

    Price of the House Neuron Function F Input Output
  5. What is Neural Network? Size No of bedrooms Locality Society

    Y Family Size Walkability School/Market Quality
  6. What is Neural Network? X1 X2 X3 X4 Y Size

    No of bedrooms Locality Society
  7. Why DeepLearning taking off? Deep Neural Network Medium Neural Network

    Traditional ML Algorithm Data Performance Not well defined
  8. How DeepLearning Works? X1 X2 X3 X4 Y f W1

    W2 W3 W4 X1* W1 + X2 * W2 + X3 * W3 +X4 * W4 Z f( )= Relu (x) or Sigmoid(x) *ignoring bias for simplification Z =
  9. Interviewer: What is your biggest strength? Me: I am an

    expert in machine learning. Interviewer: What’s 9 + 10? Me: It’s 3. Interviewer: Nowhere near. It’s 19. Me: It’s 16. Interviewer: Wrong. It’s still 19 Me: It’s 18. Interviewer: No. It’s 19 Me: It’s 19. Interviewer: You’re hired
  10. Interviewer: What is your biggest strength? Me: I am an

    expert in machine learning. Interviewer: What’s 9 + 10? Me: It’s 3. Interviewer: Nowhere near. It’s 19. Me: It’s 16. Interviewer: Wrong. It’s still 19 Me: It’s 18. Interviewer: No. It’s 19 Me: It’s 19. Interviewer: You’re hired.
  11. Interviewer: What is your biggest strength? Me: I am an

    expert in machine learning. Interviewer: What’s 9 + 10? Me: It’s 3. Interviewer: Nowhere near. It’s 19. Me: It’s 16. Interviewer: Wrong. It’s still 19 Me: It’s 18. Interviewer: No. It’s 19 Me: It’s 19. Interviewer: You’re hired.
  12. Interviewer: What is your biggest strength? Me: I am an

    expert in machine learning. Interviewer: What’s 9 + 10? Me: It’s 3. Interviewer: Nowhere near. It’s 19. Me: It’s 16. Interviewer: Wrong. It’s still 19 Me: It’s 18. Interviewer: No. It’s 19 Me: It’s 19. Interviewer: What’s 20 + 10? Me: It’s 19