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獨立遊戲開發者分享會 111127

November 28, 2011

獨立遊戲開發者分享會 111127

In IGDSHARE 111127, we shared a combined digest of "Truth in Game Design" by Jonathan Blow and "Designing to Reveal the Nature of Universe" by Jonathan Blow & Marc ten Bosch. If you have time, it's better to seek out those 2 talks respectively.



November 28, 2011


  1. Who am I 林容生 ( 老林 / Johnson Lin )

    元智資傳系 97C 獨立遊戲開發 IGDSHARE
  2. 概觀 "Truth in Game Design" by Jonathan Blow, GDC Europe

    2011 "Designing to Reveal the Nature of Universe" by Jonathan Blow, Marc ten Bosch, IndieCade 2011 演講內容整理分享
  3. Mandelbrot Set for x = ... for y = ...

    for iter = ... z' = z2 + c "Truth" in Game Design
  4. Conway's Game of Life "Truth" in Game Design for x

    = ... for y = ... if count == 2 then do_nothing else if count == 3 then birth else die
  5. 遊戲 "Truth" in Game Design main_loop: input(); // 玩家輸入 update();

    // 更新世界狀態(規則) render(); // 視覺化 和前述數學系統就只差在 input 對數學的審美概念,可以用在遊戲設計上
  6. Jon 和 Marc 提倡的設計方式 "Truth" in Game Design 1. 建立系統

    2. 探索系統可能引導出的結果 "Truth" 3. 將這些結果帶給玩家,所以接著玩家也 能發現它們 探索方式:開始問 "What if...?"
  7. 8 Virtues "8 Virtues" 用最少的「人為加工」,彰顯最多「真實」 1. Aim the richest space

    2. Completeness of Exploration 3. Surprise 4. Lightest Contrivance 5. Strength of Boundary 6. Compatibility of Mechanics 7. Orthogonality of Mechanics 8. Generosity
  8. 8 Virtues "8 Virtues" 用最少的「人為加工」,彰顯最多「真實」 1. Aim the richest space

    2. Completeness of Exploration 3. Surprise 4. Lightest Contrivance 5. Strength of Boundary 6. Compatibility of Mechanics 7. Orthogonality of Mechanics 8. Generosity