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Building a Canary Testing Framework

Building a Canary Testing Framework

Originally given at StrangeLoop in 2018, this talk walks through what canary testing and building a simple canary testing framework.

Iheanyi Ekechukwu

September 28, 2018

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  1. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀(\__/) (•ź•)  _ノ ヽ ノ\_ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ

    Canaries (  (三ヽ⼈人  /   | | ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ  ノ ヽ___>、___/    |( 王 ノ〈 (\__/)    /ミ`ー―⼺彡\ (•ź•) Integration Tests   / ╰ ╯ \/ \>
  2. // internal/js/canary/config.go // Load a Javascript config script, returning all

    the TestConfigs that // are defined in it. The given VM is left unchanged, but it's context // is available during parsing of the config script. func Load(vm *otto.Otto, src io.Reader) (*Config, []*js.TestConfig, error) { configVM := vm.Copy() // avoid polluting the global namespace ctx := new(ctx) configVM.Set("settings", ctx.ottoFuncSettings) configVM.Set("file", ctx.ottoFuncFile) configVM.Set("register_test", ctx.ottoFuncRegisterTest) if err := jsctx.LoadStdLib(context.Background(), configVM, "std"); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't load stdlib: %v", err) } source, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config file: %v", err) } if _, err := configVM.Run(source); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't apply configuration: %v", err) } if ctx.cfg == nil { ctx.cfg = new(Config) } return ctx.cfg, ctx.tests, nil }
  3. // Config holds the global canary configuration. type Config struct

    { Name string } type ctx struct { cfg *Config tests []*js.TestConfig }
  4. // A TestConfig describes how a class of tests must

    be run. type TestConfig struct { Name string Script *otto.Script Frequency time.Duration Timeout time.Duration }
  5. // internal/js/canary/config.go // Load a Javascript config script, returning all

    the TestConfigs that // are defined in it. The given VM is left unchanged, but it's context // is available during parsing of the config script. func Load(vm *otto.Otto, src io.Reader) (*Config, []*js.TestConfig, error) { configVM := vm.Copy() // avoid polluting the global namespace ctx := new(ctx) configVM.Set("settings", ctx.ottoFuncSettings) configVM.Set("file", ctx.ottoFuncFile) configVM.Set("register_test", ctx.ottoFuncRegisterTest) if err := jsctx.LoadStdLib(context.Background(), configVM, "std"); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't load stdlib: %v", err) } source, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config file: %v", err) } if _, err := configVM.Run(source); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't apply configuration: %v", err) } if ctx.cfg == nil { ctx.cfg = new(Config) } return ctx.cfg, ctx.tests, nil }
  6. // internal/js/canary/config.go func (ctx *ctx) ottoFuncFile(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { filename

    := ottoutil.String(call.Otto, call.Argument(0)) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(call.Otto, err.Error()) } v, err := otto.ToValue(string(data)) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(call.Otto, err.Error()) } return v }
  7. // internal/js/canary/config.go func (ctx *ctx) ottoFuncRegisterTest(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { cfg

    := new(testConfig) cfg.load(call.Otto, call.Argument(0)) src := ottoutil.String(call.Otto, call.Argument(1)) test := &js.TestConfig{ Name: cfg.Name, Frequency: cfg.Frequency, Timeout: cfg.Timeout, } var err error test.Script, err = call.Otto.Compile("", src) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(call.Otto, err.Error()) } ctx.tests = append(ctx.tests, test) return otto.UndefinedValue() } type testConfig struct { Name string Frequency time.Duration Timeout time.Duration }
  8. // internal/js/canary/config.go func (cfg *testConfig) load(vm *otto.Otto, config otto.Value) {

    ottoutil.LoadObject(vm, config, map[string]func(otto.Value) error{ "name": func(v otto.Value) (err error) { cfg.Name, err = v.ToString() return }, "frequency": func(v otto.Value) error { cfg.Frequency = ottoutil.Duration(vm, v) return nil }, "timeout": func(v otto.Value) error { cfg.Timeout = ottoutil.Duration(vm, v) return nil }, }) }
  9. func (ctx *ctx) ottoFuncRegisterTest(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { cfg := new(testConfig)

    cfg.load(call.Otto, call.Argument(0)) src := ottoutil.String(call.Otto, call.Argument(1)) test := &js.TestConfig{ Name: cfg.Name, Frequency: cfg.Frequency, Timeout: cfg.Timeout, } var err error test.Script, err = call.Otto.Compile("", src) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(call.Otto, err.Error()) } ctx.tests = append(ctx.tests, test) return otto.UndefinedValue() } type ctx struct { cfg *Config tests []*js.TestConfig }
  10. // internal/js/canary/config.go // Load a Javascript config script, returning all

    the TestConfigs that // are defined in it. The given VM is left unchanged, but it's context // is available during parsing of the config script. func Load(vm *otto.Otto, src io.Reader) (*Config, []*js.TestConfig, error) { configVM := vm.Copy() // avoid polluting the global namespace ctx := new(ctx) configVM.Set("settings", ctx.ottoFuncSettings) configVM.Set("file", ctx.ottoFuncFile) configVM.Set("register_test", ctx.ottoFuncRegisterTest) if err := jsctx.LoadStdLib(context.Background(), configVM, "std"); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't load stdlib: %v", err) } source, err := ioutil.ReadAll(src) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config file: %v", err) } if _, err := configVM.Run(source); err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't apply configuration: %v", err) } if ctx.cfg == nil { ctx.cfg = new(Config) } return ctx.cfg, ctx.tests, nil }
  11. settings({ name: 'Example Canary', }); var frequency = '10m'; var

    timeout = '10m'; register_test( { name: 'simple example test', frequency: frequency, timeout: timeout, }, file('simple-example.js') );
  12. // cmd/canaryd/main.go func main() { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) var ( cfgPath

    = flag.String("cfg", "config.js", "path to a JS config file") workDir = flag.String("work.dir", ".", "directory from which to run, should match expectations about relative paths in cfg.file") ) flag.Parse() if *workDir != "" { if err := os.Chdir(*workDir); err != nil { log.WithError(err).WithField("work.dir", *workDir).Fatal("can't change dir") } } var ( vm = otto.New() ) canaryCfg, testCfgs := mustLoadConfigs(vm, *cfgPath) }
  13. func mustLoadConfigs(vm *otto.Otto, filename string) (*canary.Config, []*js.TestConfig) { cfg, err

    := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).WithField("filename", filename).Fatal("could not open configuration file") } defer cfg.Close() canaryConfig, testCfgs, err := canary.Load(vm, cfg) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("cannot load canary test configs") } return canaryConfig, testCfgs }
  14. // internal/js/runner/runner.go func Run(ctx context.Context, vm *otto.Otto, jsctx *js.Context, test

    *js.Test, id string) error { testVM := vm.Copy() done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { select { case <-ctx.Done(): testVM.Interrupt <- func() { panic(ctx.Err()) } case <-done: } }() _, err := testVM.Run(test.Script) if oe, ok := err.(*otto.Error); ok { err = errors.New(oe.String()) } close(done) return err }
  15. // internal/js/context/stdlib.go func LoadStdLib(ctx context.Context, vm *otto.Otto, pkgname string) error

    { v, err := vm.Run(`({})`) if err != nil { return err } pkg := v.Object() for name, subpkg := range map[string]func(*otto.Otto) (otto.Value, error){ "time": (&timePkg{ctx: ctx}).load, "os": (&osPkg{ctx: ctx}).load, "do": (newDoPkg(ctx)).load, } { v, err := subpkg(vm) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't load package %q: %v", name, err) } if err := pkg.Set(name, v); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't set package %q: %v", name, err) } } return vm.Set(pkgname, pkg) }
  16. type osPkg struct { ctx context.Context } func (svc *osPkg)

    load(vm *otto.Otto) (otto.Value, error) { return ottoutil.ToPkg(vm, map[string]func(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value{ "getenv": svc.getenv, }), nil } func (svc *osPkg) getenv(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { vm := all.Otto key := ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(0)) v, err := otto.ToValue(os.Getenv(key)) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, "can't set string value: %v", err) } return v }
  17. // internal/js/context/http.go // LoadHTTP loads an HTTP package in the

    VM that sends HTTP requests using the // given client. func LoadHTTP(vm *otto.Otto, pkgname string, client *http.Client, cfgReq func(*http.Request) *http.Request) error { v, err := (&httpPkg{client: client, cfgReq: cfgReq}).load(vm) if err != nil { return err } return vm.Set(pkgname, v) }
  18. type httpPkg struct { client *http.Client cfgReq func(*http.Request) *http.Request }

    func (hpkg *httpPkg) load(vm *otto.Otto) (otto.Value, error) { v, err := vm.Run(`({})`) if err != nil { return q, err } pkg := v.Object() for name, method := range map[string]func(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value{ "do": hpkg.do, } { if err := pkg.Set(name, method); err != nil { return q, fmt.Errorf("can't set method %q, %v", name, err) } } return pkg.Value(), nil }
  19. func (hpkg *httpPkg) do(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { vm := all.Otto

    var ( method = ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(0)) url = ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(1)) headers = ottoutil.StringMapSlice(vm, all.Argument(2)) body = ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(3)) ) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, strings.NewReader(body)) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } for k, vals := range headers { for _, val := range vals { req.Header.Add(k, val) } } resp, err := hpkg.client.Do(hpkg.cfgReq(req)) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } v, err := vm.Run(`({})`) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } pkg := v.Object() for name, value := range map[string]interface{}{ "code": resp.StatusCode, "headers": map[string][]string(resp.Header), "body": string(respBody), } { if err := pkg.Set(name, value); err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } } return v }
  20. // internal/js/context/log.go // LoadLog loads a log package in the

    VM that logs to the given logger func LoadLog(vm *otto.Otto, pkgname string, ll log.FieldLogger) error { // Setup the logging formatter to be structured as JSON formatted. log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) // Output the stdout for capturing. log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) v, err := (&logger{ll: ll}).load(vm) if err != nil { return err } return vm.Set(pkgname, v) }
  21. func (ll *logger) load(vm *otto.Otto) (otto.Value, error) { v, err

    := vm.Run(`({})`) if err != nil { return q, err } pkg := v.Object() for name, method := range map[string]func(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value{ "kv": ll.kv, "info": ll.info, "error": ll.error, "fail": ll.fail, } { if err := pkg.Set(name, method); err != nil { return q, fmt.Errorf("can't set method %q, %v", name, err) } } return pkg.Value(), nil }
  22. func (ll *logger) kv(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { vm := all.Otto

    var child *log.Entry switch { case all.Argument(0).IsObject(): obj := all.Argument(0).Object() keys := obj.Keys() f := make(log.Fields, len(keys)) for _, key := range obj.Keys() { v, err := obj.Get(key) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } gov, err := v.Export() if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } f[key] = gov } child = ll.ll.WithFields(f) case len(all.ArgumentList)%2 == 0: args := all.ArgumentList f := make(log.Fields, len(args)/2) for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 { k := ottoutil.String(vm, args[i]) v, err := args[i+1].Export() if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } f[k] = v } child = ll.ll.WithFields(f) default: ottoutil.Throw(vm, "invalid call to log.kv") } v, err := (&logger{ll: child}).load(vm) if err != nil { ottoutil.Throw(vm, err.Error()) } return v }
  23. var q = otto.UndefinedValue() func (ll *logger) info(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value

    { vm := all.Otto msg := ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(0)) ll.ll.Info(msg) return q }
  24. func (ll *logger) fail(all otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { vm := all.Otto

    msg := ottoutil.String(vm, all.Argument(0)) ll.ll.Error(msg) ottoutil.Throw(all.Otto, msg) return q }
  25. func Run(ctx context.Context, vm *otto.Otto, jsctx *js.Context, test *js.Test, id

    string) error { testVM := vm.Copy() reqConfig := func(req *http.Request) *http.Request { return req.WithContext(ctx) } if err := jscontext.LoadStdLib(ctx, testVM, "std"); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't setup std package in VM: %v", err) } if err := jscontext.LoadHTTP(testVM, "http", jsctx.HTTPClient, reqConfig); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't setup HTTP package in VM: %v", err) } if err := jscontext.LoadLog(testVM, "log", jsctx.Log); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't setup LOG package in VM: %v", err) } … }
  26. func main() { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) // Output the stdout for capturing.

    log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) var ( cfgPath = flag.String("cfg", "config.js", "path to a JS config file") workDir = flag.String("work.dir", ".", "directory from which to run, should match expectations about relative paths in cfg.file") ) flag.Parse() if *workDir != "" { if err := os.Chdir(*workDir); err != nil { log.WithError(err).WithField("work.dir", *workDir).Fatal("can't change dir") } } var ( ctx = context.Background() vm = otto.New() ) canaryCfg, testCfgs := mustLoadConfigs(vm, *cfgPath) launchTests(vm, canaryCfg, testCfgs) // Block forever because we want the tests to run forever. select {} }
  27. func launchTests(vm *otto.Otto, config *canary.Config, configs []*js.TestConfig) { for _,

    cfg := range configs { go runTestForever(db, met, vm, cfg, cfg.Test()) } }
  28. func runTestForever(db dbpkg.CanaryStore, met *metrics.Node, vm *otto.Otto, cfg *js.TestConfig, test

    *js.Test) { ll := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "test.name": test.Name, }) for { go func(vm *otto.Otto) { testID := uuid.New() ll = ll.WithField("test.id", testID) testCtx := &js.Context{ Log: ll, HTTPClient: &http.Client{ Transport: http.DefaultTransport, }, } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.Timeout) defer cancel() terr := runner.Run(ctx, vm, testCtx, test, testID) if terr != nil { ll.WithError(terr).Error("test failed") } }(vm.Copy()) // copy VM to avoid polluting global namespace // We'll run the test again after the duration we defined. time.Sleep(cfg.Frequency) } }
  29. // internal/db/db.go type CanaryStore interface { StartTest(id string, testName string,

    startTime time.Time) (*TestInstance, error) EndTest(test *TestInstance, failure error, endAt time.Time) error ListTests() ([]TestInstance, error) ListOngoingTests() ([]TestInstance, error) FindTestByID(id string) (*TestInstance, error) Close() error }
  30. // internal/db/models.go // TestInstance collects details about the instance of

    a unique // test execution. type TestInstance struct { TestID string `json:"id,omitempty"` TestName string `json:"name,omitempty"` StartAt time.Time `json:"start_at,omitempty"` EndAt time.Time `json:"end_at,omitempty"` Pass bool `json:"pass,omitempty"` FailCause string `json:"fail_cause,omitempty"` } // BoltTestInstance is what gets serialized and saved to the Bolt database. Only // difference is that we're going to be using strings for StartAt and EndAt type BoltTestInstance struct { TestID string `json:"id,omitempty"` TestName string `json:"name,omitempty"` StartAt string `json:"start_at,omitempty"` EndAt string `json:"end_at,omitempty"` Pass bool `json:"pass,omitempty"` FailCause string `json:"fail_cause,omitempty"` }
  31. var _ CanaryStore = (*boltStore)(nil) type boltStore struct { db

    *bolt.DB ongoingMu sync.RWMutex ongoing map[string]TestInstance cancel context.CancelFunc }
  32. // internal/db/db.go func (db *boltStore) StartTest(id string, testName string, startTime

    time.Time) (*TestInstance, error) { test := &TestInstance{ TestID: id, TestName: testName, StartAt: startTime.UTC(), } // keep in memory until its finished db.ongoingMu.Lock() db.ongoing[id] = *test db.ongoingMu.Unlock() return test, nil }
  33. func (db *boltStore) EndTest(test *TestInstance, failure error, endAt time.Time) error

    { db.ongoingMu.Lock() defer db.ongoingMu.Unlock() t, ok := db.ongoing[test.TestID] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("test with ID does not exist: %q", test.TestID) } delete(db.ongoing, test.TestID) t.Pass = failure == nil if failure != nil { t.FailCause = failure.Error() } t.EndAt = endAt return insertTest(db.db, &t) }
  34. func insertTest(db *bolt.DB, test *TestInstance) error { return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx)

    error { b := tx.Bucket(testsBucket) // Make this something that is saveable by the database. dbTest := &BoltTestInstance{ TestID: test.TestID, TestName: test.TestName, StartAt: test.StartAt.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), EndAt: test.StartAt.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), Pass: test.Pass, FailCause: test.FailCause, } // Marshal and save the encoded test. if buf, err := json.Marshal(dbTest); err != nil { return err } else if err := b.Put([]byte(dbTest.TestID), buf); err != nil { return err } return nil }) }
  35. // cmd/canaryd/main.go func main() { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) // Output the stdout

    for capturing. log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) var ( cfgPath = flag.String("cfg", "config.js", "path to a JS config file") workDir = flag.String("work.dir", ".", "directory from which to run, should match expectations about relative paths in cfg.file") dbPath = flag.String("db.file", "canary.db", "file for the canary database") ) flag.Parse() var ( ctx = context.Background() vm = otto.New() ) db := mustOpenBolt(*dbPath) defer db.Close() canaryCfg, testCfgs := mustLoadConfigs(vm, *cfgPath) launchTests(db, vm, canaryCfg, testCfgs) // Block forever because we want the tests to run forever. select {} }
  36. func mustOpenBolt(path string) dbpkg.CanaryStore { db, err := dbpkg.NewBoltStore(path) if

    err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("can't open database") } return db }
  37. func runTestForever(db dbpkg.CanaryStore, met *metrics.Node, vm *otto.Otto, cfg *js.TestConfig, test

    *js.Test) { … for { go func(vm *otto.Otto) { testID := uuid.New() ll = ll.WithField("test.id", testID) testCtx := &js.Context{ Log: ll, HTTPClient: &http.Client{ Transport: http.DefaultTransport, }, } dbtest, err := db.StartTest( testID, test.Name, time.Now(), ) if err != nil { ll.WithError(err).Error("could not start the test") } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.Timeout) defer cancel() terr := runner.Run(ctx, vm, testCtx, test, testID) if terr != nil { ll.WithError(terr).Error("test failed") } if err := db.EndTest(dbtest, terr, time.Now()); err != nil { ll.WithError(err).Error("couldn't mark test as being ended") } }(vm.Copy()) // copy VM to avoid polluting global namespace // We'll run the test again after the duration we defined. time.Sleep(cfg.Frequency) } }
  38. // internal/app/serve.go import ( "github.com/99designs/gqlgen/handler" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/iheanyi/simple-canary/internal/db" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) //

    App is an instance of the dashboard for the canary. type App struct { l logrus.FieldLogger db db.CanaryStore } func New(db db.CanaryStore, r *mux.Router) *App { app := &App{ l: logrus.WithField("component", "app"), db: db, } r.Handle("/", handler.Playground("GraphQL Playground", "/query")) r.Handle("/query", handler.GraphQL(NewExecutableSchema(Config{Resolvers: &Resolver{ db: db, }}))) return app }
  39. type TestInstance { id: ID! name: String! start_at: Time! end_at:

    Time pass: Boolean fail_cause: String } type Query { tests: [TestInstance!]! test(id: String!): TestInstance ongoingTests: [TestInstance!]! } scalar Time
  40. type Resolver struct { db dbpkg.CanaryStore } func (r *Resolver)

    Query() QueryResolver { return &queryResolver{r} } func (r *Resolver) TestInstance() TestInstanceResolver { return &testInstanceResolver{r} } type queryResolver struct{ *Resolver } func (r *queryResolver) Tests(ctx context.Context) ([]dbpkg.TestInstance, error) { tests, err := r.db.ListTests() return tests, err } func (r *queryResolver) Test(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbpkg.TestInstance, error) { test, err := r.db.FindTestByID(id) return test, err } func (r *queryResolver) OngoingTests(ctx context.Context) ([]dbpkg.TestInstance, error) { tests, err := r.db.ListOngoingTests() return tests, err } type testInstanceResolver struct{ *Resolver } func (r *testInstanceResolver) ID(ctx context.Context, obj *dbpkg.TestInstance) (string, error) { return obj.TestID, nil } func (r *testInstanceResolver) Name(ctx context.Context, obj *dbpkg.TestInstance) (string, error) { return obj.TestName, nil } func (r *testInstanceResolver) StartAt(ctx context.Context, obj *dbpkg.TestInstance) (time.Time, error) { return obj.StartAt, nil } func (r *testInstanceResolver) EndAt(ctx context.Context, obj *dbpkg.TestInstance) (*time.Time, error) { return &obj.EndAt, nil } func (r *testInstanceResolver) FailCause(ctx context.Context, obj *dbpkg.TestInstance) (*string, error) { return &obj.FailCause, nil }
  41. func main() { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) // Output the stdout for capturing.

    log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) var ( … listenHost = flag.String("listen.host", "", "interface on which to listen") listenPort = flag.String("listen.port", "8080", "port on which to listen") ) … l := mustListen(*listenHost, *listenPort) db := mustOpenBolt(*dbPath) defer db.Close() if err := launchHTTP(ctx, l, db); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("can't launch http server") } … }
  42. func launchHTTP( ctx context.Context, l net.Listener, db dbpkg.CanaryStore, ) error

    { addr := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr) host, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't get hostname: %v", err) } host = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)) r := mux.NewRouter().Host(host).Subrouter() _ = app.New(db, r) log.WithField("host", host).Info("API starting") go http.Serve(l, r) return nil }
  43. // internal/metrics/metrics.go package metrics import ( "net/http" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" )

    // Node is a wrapper around Prometheus's registerer interface type Node struct { registry prometheus.Registerer } // Prometheus returns an instance of the metrics node and the prometheus // handler. func Prometheus() (*Node, http.Handler) { registry := prometheus.NewRegistry() handler := promhttp.HandlerFor(registry, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}) registry.MustRegister(prometheus.NewProcessCollector(prometheus.ProcessCollectorOpts{})) registry.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGoCollector()) return &Node{ registry: registry, }, handler }
  44. // cmd/canaryd/main.go func main() { … met, hdl := metrics.Prometheus()

    … if err := launchHTTP(ctx, l, hdl, db); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatal("can't launch http server") } canaryCfg, testCfgs := mustLoadConfigs(vm, *cfgPath) launchTests(db, met, vm, canaryCfg, testCfgs) // Block forever because we want the tests to run forever. select {} }
  45. func launchHTTP( ctx context.Context, l net.Listener, promhdl http.Handler, db dbpkg.CanaryStore,

    ) error { addr := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr) host, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't get hostname: %v", err) } host = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)) r := mux.NewRouter().Host(host).Subrouter() _ = app.New(db, r) r.PathPrefix("/metrics").Handler(promhdl) log.WithField("host", host).Info("API starting") go http.Serve(l, r) return nil }
  46. func runTestForever(db dbpkg.CanaryStore, met *metrics.Node, vm *otto.Otto, cfg *js.TestConfig, test

    *js.Test) { ll := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "test.name": test.Name, }) tmet := met.Labels(map[string]string{ "test_name": test.Name, }) var ( started = tmet.Counter("test_started_count", "Number of tests that were started") finished = tmet.Counter("test_finished_count", "Number of tests that have finished", "result") running = tmet.Gauge("test_running_total", "Tests that are currently running") _ = tmet.Summary("test_duration_seconds", "Duration of tests", []float64{0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99, 1.0}, "result") ) … }
  47. func runTestForever(db dbpkg.CanaryStore, met *metrics.Node, vm *otto.Otto, cfg *js.TestConfig, test

    *js.Test) { … for { go func(vm *otto.Otto) { … started.WithLabelValues().Add(1) running.Add(1) defer running.Add(-1) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.Timeout) defer cancel() terr := runner.Run(ctx, vm, testCtx, test, testID) if terr != nil { finished.With(prometheus.Labels{"result": "fail"}).Add(1) ll.WithError(terr).Error("test failed") } else { finished.With(prometheus.Labels{"result": "pass"}).Add(1) } if err := db.EndTest(dbtest, terr, time.Now()); err != nil { ll.WithError(err).Error("couldn't mark test as being ended") } }(vm.Copy()) // copy VM to avoid polluting global namespace // We'll run the test again after the duration we defined. time.Sleep(cfg.Frequency) } }