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前回の”どう書く”を もっと高速にしてみた 2019.4.17 Nagoya.php #15

前回の”どう書く”を もっと高速にしてみた 2019.4.17 Nagoya.php #15


April 18, 2019

More Decks by inaka-phper

Other Decks in Technology


  1. ૉ௚ʹղ͍ͯ΋… public function run(string $input): int { $args = explode(",",

    $input); $start = (int)$args[0]; $end = (int)$args[1]; $tobase = (int)$args[2]; $visibleCounter = 0; for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { $number = base_convert($i, 10, $tobase); if ($number === strrev($number)) { $visibleCounter++; } } return $visibleCounter; }
  2. λΠϜΞ΢τ phper:NagoyaPhp14 phper$ composer test > vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit 7.5.7 by

    Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. ...................... [Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessTimedOutException] The process "vendor/bin/phpunit" exceeded the timeout of 300 seconds.
  3. λΠϜΞ΢τͷݪҼ ['12345,987654321,2', 62684], ['2467130,8433468,2', 2902], ['323901,4712975,10', 4389], ['12345,987654321,36', 67446], ['3969344,4086910,24',

    205], ['19743263,83912295,5', 11553], ['6349529,39870823,10', 6637], ['66160071,153732445,5', 5605], ['18799557,189007582,14', 33741], ['78547566,225312226,20', 18346], ['143084571,506549072,18', 62323], ['2099642384,2789567569,6', 14787], ࢦఆͷςετέʔεͰ͸َϧʔϓ͕ൃੜ͢Δ
  4. ςετέʔε݁Ռ phper:NagoyaPhp14 phper$ composer test > vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit 7.5.7 by

    Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. .................................. 34 / 34 (100%) Time: 47 ms, Memory: 4.00 MB OK (34 tests, 34 assertions) phper:NagoyaPhp14 phper$
  5. υϠΝʂʂ phper:NagoyaPhp14 phper$ composer test > vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit 7.5.7 by

    Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. .................................. 34 / 34 (100%) Time: 47 ms, Memory: 4.00 MB OK (34 tests, 34 assertions) phper:NagoyaPhp14 phper$
  6. 10000-99999ͰճจΛग़ྗ 10101 10201 10301 10401 10501 10601 10701 10801 10901

    11011 11111 11211 11311 11411 11511 11611 11711 11811 11911 12021 … 99099 99199 99299 99399 99499 99599 99699 99799 99899
  7. 10000-99999ͰճจΛग़ྗ 10101 10201 10301 10401 10501 10601 10701 10801 10901

    11011 11111 11211 11311 11411 11511 11611 11711 11811 11911 12021 … 99099 99199 99299 99399 99499 99599 99699 99799 99899 ࠨ൒෼ͷ਺஋͕ͭͣͭ૿͑ͯΔ