technical consulting company helping developers, architects and technical decision makers use ever-changing cutting edge dev technologies. My focus: DLT/blockchain technologies for B2B use cases; from deep down in code up to ISO TC 307 Member of Hyperledger Foundation & Enterprise Ethereum Alliance @ingorammer | | Ingo Rammer
0151-123 123 123 John Doe 1/1/1960 Fax, email, letter, ... SMS, email, letter, ... Well, for us everything seems ok. Please ask the others. ? Well, for us everything seems ok. Please ask the others.
at regulator (19,000 cases, 3,000 escalations) • 300,000 EUR fines in 2016 Source: Yearly report 2016 of German network regulator, page 62 ff. ( Size of the problem (in Germany)
called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data" Wikipedia, March 26, 2018 Blockchain – What is this?
mining to secure the network's integrity (proof-of-work, Nakamoto consensus) • Typically, all data is public • Low transaction counts: <= 20 per seconds globally (Bitcoin, Ethereum)
No mining necessary (proof-of-authority instead of proof-of-Work) E C A F G B D BNA X G #1 #2 #3 G #1 #2 #3 G #1 #2 #3 #4 • Transactions can be public or private (direct point-to-point exchange between two participants) • Massively higher transaction counts (hundreds, thousands or tens of thousand per second) • Technologies f.e. Hyperledger Fabric (also IBM, SAP, Oracle), Quorum, ...
(VM Telco C) DC Telco A Client (Telco A) Client (Telco X) Client (Telco Y) Client (Telco Z) Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 (Telco A) Node 4 (Infura) Node 5 Node 6 (Telco B) Node 7 (Telco C) Client (Telco B) DC Telco C Client (Telco C) Client – has private key Node is part of BC Connection to trusted node (HTTPs, Web Sockets, IPC, ...)
("transactions") What's in a Block? In practice: machine readable, for example as transaction records Our verified customer John Doe, born on 1/1/1911 wants to transfer his phone number 0151-123 123 123 from Telco A to us Signed: Telco B We're ok with this transfer Signed: Telco A
{"tx":"requestTransfer", "phone":"0151-123123123", owner: "TelcoA", encryptedCustomerData: "0xe2cbcf5f890afabc4dbd236d19f949db 05fcec2155..."} Signed: Telco B Encrypted with public key of Telco A
Transactions {"tx":"requestTransfer", "phone":"0151-123123123", owner: "TelcoA", signedScannedContractHash: "0x80ebe76679b4812cde61d555c9026...", encryptedCustomerData: "..."} Signed: Telco B "I've got a PDF here (which I won't share) which has this hash" • To later prove the existance (at the time of block creation) and integrity of external data
Properties of Transactions {"tx":"requestTransfer", "phone":"0151-123123123", owner: "TelcoA", externalDataHash: "0x5489b348f7a433...", } Signed: Telco B Hash-reference to a piece of data which has been sent directly • To ensure transaction privacy, only parties of the transactions will get access to its data (f.e. Hyperledger Fabric oder Quorum)
transation is valid? Validity of Transactions? We're ok with the transfer of phone number 0151-123 123 123 Signed: Telco B Telco C 0151-123 123 123 is not with Telco B, but belongs to us! • Solved by laws, contracts & penalties (post-fact) • Or by technology (pre-fact)
Read and write "World State": the actual information in the blockchain Smart Contracts Number Owner 0151123123123 Telco C 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z
01511111111112 Telco Z We are ok with the transfer of 0151-123 123 123 to Telco A. Signed: Telco B function confirmTransfer(number, transferTarget) { if (owner[number] == msg.sender) { owner[number] = transferTarget; } else throw; } owner[number] == msg.sender Cryptographic verification throw Transaction flagged as invalid Failed
01511111111112 Telco Z We are ok with the transfer of 0151-123 123 123 to Telco A. Signed: Telco C function confirmTransfer(number, transferTarget) { if (owner[number] == msg.sender) { owner[number] = transferTarget; } else throw; } owner[number] == msg.sender Cryptographic verification owner[number] = transferTarget; Changes World State Key Value 0151123123123 Telco A 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z OK
Block: 21 Node 2 – Max Block: 20 Key Value 0151123123123 Telco C 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z Node 3 – Max Block: 20 Key Value 0151123123123 Telco C 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z Block 21 (in progress) Tx #78 Tx #79 Key Value 0151123123123 Telco C 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z Pending Transactions (Mempool, p2p Sync) Tx X Tx Y Tx Y Tx Z Tx Z Tx X Tx X Tx Z Tx Y Smart contract execution for #78 Failed! Smart contract execution for #79 Block hash Key Value 0151123123123 Telco A 01511111111111 Telco A 01511111111112 Telco Z Block closed
• Communication with off-chain services: asynchronous (events) with signed answer- transaction to original requester • This concept is called "oracle" Smart Contracts & external data
your private documents or data on a blockchain • Technical proof of integrity and existence of documents and data at a certain point in time • Relatively easy to implement, quick ROI • No – or only small – focus on smart contracts
pricing) based on number of years of accident-free car ownership • But what about car sharing users? (2M+ users in Germany) • Challenges • GDPR-conforming data processing • Scaling to lots of parties on all sides (no point-to-point interfaces) • Data should survive bankruptcy of a party (no on-demand generation) Case: Accident-free carsharing kms per year
card, …) Carsharing provider • Connect digital ID with provider's customer ID • Opt-in on web site Insurer Blockchain May 2018 Cust 1122 – 97 km May 2018 Cust 5745 – 34 km June 2018 Cust 1122 – 535 km June 2018 Cust 5745 – 16 km Customer Periodic publication of data
958458205 755345… 9447757234 2349348572 345580923 84949283… 209389084 923840982 342394820 9348934… Customer Publication of signed data, encrypted with the public key of each customer Customer can decrypt her data at any time. Nobody else can. May 2018 Cust 1122 – 97 km - Provider1 June 2018 Cust 1122 – 535 km - Provider1 Customer can pass data to third parties after decryption. Even if the creator of the data does not exist anymore. (Ultimate data sovereignty)
Rental car provider Insurer 2 Insurer 3 0304... 4586... 6436... 9384... 5463... 5854... … Feb 2018, 50 km, Stadt- mobil Feb 2018, 25 km, DB March 2018, 1534 km, Sixt Transfer by customer!