Stories, B a cklogs, a nd T a sk bo a rd Stories (INVEST), Sprint b a cklog, product b a cklog. Estim a tion (story points) T a lk a bout t a sks; who is doing wh a t? Everybody is doing some progr a mming! Show a nd expl a in your Burndown Ch a rt. 14
di a gr a m. Use colors a s needed (Single Responsibility Principle) Wh a t a re the A, I, or D in the new cl a ss? (show the 2D plot reg a rding where your cl a sses a re in terms of the p a in zone) 16
Wh a t? (everyone should be a dding or upd a ting code) Show your Code a nd Code Metrics Are your metrics OK (LOC, eLOC, lLOC, CC)? Any signi f ic a nt a spect th a t you w a nt to sh a re? 18
is Good in the product? Wh a t is next for the product (next fe a tures to be a dded)? (your promise for the next sprint present a tion) Retrospective (Process & People) Wh a t went well? Wh a t did not go well? 20
(One or Two Sprints) One T a ig a per Te a m, but E a ch te a m member is responsible for their own stories. • T a sk bo a rd a nd Burn-down Ch a rt E a ch te a m member de f ines a nd upd a tes their own t a sks, foster a sense of a ccount a bility a nd commitment. This individu a l responsibility extends to code commits. 24
a m in Ast a h. One di a gr a m per te a m includes a ll cl a sses a nd their rel a tionships; however, e a ch te a m member is responsible th a t their own cl a sses a re correctly represented. • Apply design principles a nd p a tterns. M a inly but not limited to integr a ting e a ch te a m member's fe a tures into a single product. Consider Observer, Singleton, Composite/Decor a tor, but explore Null-Object, F a ctory, Builder, Memento, etc. However, “Design Principles a nd P a tterns a re not Supposed to be used r a ndomly; I will not ev a lu a te th a t you know the element but th a t you c a n use it correctly when a ppropri a te. 25
a lk more a bout this in the following d a ys - including unit testing a nd continuous Integr a tion a nd deployment. • Or a l Present a tion (5 minutes video) My fe a tures, my design a nd its integr a tion, my code, a nd the qu a lity metrics of my code. • Self- Peer Ev a lu a tion 26
Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC307 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.