Form) Formal, mathematical way to specify grammars ▪ → or ::= is defined as ▪ | or operator ▪ <nonterminal> or use uppercases ▪ terminal (lowercases) * John Backus and Peter Naur
Extended BNF include notation to indicate: ▪ 0 or more occurrences {…} ▪ 1 or more occurrences + ▪ 0 or 1 occurrences […] ▪ Use of parentheses for grouping ( ) * Niklaus Wirth
Ovals → Represent Terminals (Literals, Keywords, or Tokens) ▪ Rectangles → Represent Non-Terminals (Rules or Expressions) ▪ Lines → Represent the Flow of Parsing (Connections) : move left to right ▪ Lines Above (a baseline) → move right to left (usually a loop)
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