JavaScript is now running everywhere, but one of the most fascinating areas is in the crossroads of full stack JavaScript and prototyping boards. Join frog hacker, Jesse Cravens, and his 6 year old son Carter Clearwater, in a talk about how the open hardware and software revolutions are accelerating the everyday hacker's ability to innovate.
JavaScript's accessibility, friendly syntax, and asynchronous runtime, makes it the ideal programming language for makers of all levels, enabling a spectrum of entry points: those with experience in other languages can explore the more advance topics without being riddled with 'time-consuming' boilerplate, compilation, and multi-threading, while newbies and young learners can get started with a successful build in a matter of hours.
Discover newer JavaScript APIs. Explore a suite of prototyping boards, such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, and the Freescale Freedom, that are inspiring JavaScript developers to step out of the web browser and into the world of physical computing, robotics, and hardware. Leave with not only some new ideas for yourself but also your children.