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15分で解る Chef

15分で解る Chef


Tomokazu HIRAI

November 18, 2013

More Decks by Tomokazu HIRAI

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  1. Chef ͷߏ੒ Chef-Server WorkStation Node ʢ̍ʣ ʢ̎ʣ ʢ̏ʣ (1) :

    cookbooks, roles, data_bag, environments ౳ΛΞοϓϩʔυ (2) : node ʹରͯ͠ ‘bootstrap’ ߦ͍σϓϩΠ։࢝ (3) : cookbooks, roles ౳Λμ΢ϯϩʔυ͠ chef-client ࣮ߦ, ͦͷޙ΋ఆظతʹ࣮ߦ knife Λ࢖͍ૢ࡞ 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  2. WorkStation server% knife configure -i 伴ͷੜ੒ client% mkdir .chef client%

    scp <server>:~/thirai.pem .chef/ client% scp <server>:~/chef-validator.pem .chef/ client% vim .chef/knife.rb log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name 'thirai' client_key '/Users/thirai/chef-repo/.chef/thirai.pem' validation_client_name 'chef-validator' validation_key '/Users/thirai/chef-repo/.chef/chef-validator.pem' chef_server_url '' syntax_check_cache_path '/Users/thirai/chef-repo/.chef/syntax_check_cache' client% knife node list # knife ίϚϯυ͕ར༻Մೳʹɻ foo01 foo02 ... Chef-Server WorkStation Node 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  3. Chef-Repo chef-repo !"" cookbooks # %"" nginx # !"" attributes

    # !"" definitions # !"" files # # %"" default # # %"" tests # # %"" minitest # # %"" support # !"" recipes # %"" templates # !"" debian # !"" default # # !"" modules # # %"" plugins # !"" gentoo # %"" ubuntu !"" data_bags !"" environments %"" roles Chef-Server WorkStation Node 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  4. Cookbooks * Attributes * Templates * Recipe default['apache']['package'] = "httpd"

    default['apache']['pid_file'] = "/var/run/httpd.pid" default['apache']['timeout'] = 300 default['apache']['keepalive'] = "On" 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  5. Cookbooks * Attributes * Templates * Recipe PidFile <%= node['apache']['pid_file']

    %> Timeout <%= node['apache']['timeout'] %> KeepAlive <%= node['apache']['keepalive'] %> 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  6. Cookbooks * Attributes * Templates * Recipe package "apache2" do

    package_name node['apache']['package'] end 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  7. Cookbooks * Attributes * Templates * Recipe package "apache2" do

    package_name node['apache']['package'] end http://docs.opscode.com/resource.html Resources 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  8. Roles name "webservers" description "role of web servers" run_list "recipe[apache2]",

    "recipe[apache2::mod_fastcgi]" override_attributes "apache2" => { "max_children" => "50" } recipe/default.rb recipe/mod_fastcgi.rb 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  9. Environments name  "dev" description  "The  development  environment" cookbook_versions    "couchdb"

     =>  "=  11.0.0" override_attributes  "apache2"  =>  {  "listen_ports"  =>  [  "80",  "443"  ]  } 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔
  10. Data Bags % ${EDITOR} bofh.json { "id": "bofh", "ssh_keys": "ssh-rsa

    AAAAB3Nz...yhCw== bofh", "groups": [ "sysadmin", "dba", "devops" ], "uid": 2001, "shell": "\/bin\/bash", "comment": "BOFH", "nagios": { "pager": "[email protected]", "email": "[email protected]" }, "openid": "bofh.myopenid.com" } % knife data bag create users % knife data bag from file users ./bofh.json 13೥10݄2೔ਫ༵೔