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Open Source & Diversity in Tech

December 15, 2016

Open Source & Diversity in Tech

12-14-2016 Talk at the Worcester Web Technology Meetup
Location: Worcester Idea Lab


December 15, 2016

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  1. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d { Open Source & Diversity in Tech } D e c e m b e r 1 4 t h 2 0 1 6 W o r c e s t e r W e b T e c h n o l o g y M e e t u p a t W o r c e s t e r I d e a L a b
  2. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d Software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source Add a little bit of body text
  3. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d How to start: Find a project Read the documentation Look at the tests Look at the open issues Development Setup Clone the project
  4. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d Look at the README on GitHub Contributing to Bundler If you'd like to contribute to Bundler, that's awesome, and we <3 you. There's a guide to contributing to Bundler (both code and general help) over in DEVELOPMENT.
  5. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d Read the documentation Look at the tests Look at the open issues Try to fix a bug that you know about Development Setup Clone the project Submit a pull request Help Triage Issues Improve the UX Fix Bugs Review Pull Requests
  6. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d https://24pullrequests.com/ https://www.codetriage.com/ https://openhatch.org/ http://up-for-grabs.net/#/ http://www.firsttimersonly.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List _of_free_and_open- source_software_packages https://github.com/fullstackla
  7. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d Diversity in Tech
  8. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d R U B Y H A S H E S 1 0 1 invite encourage code of conduct pair programming group projects separate groups
  9. r u b y w i t h j e

    n d i a m o n d R U B Y H A S H E S 1 0 1 Thank you. Jen Diamond thejendiamond@gmail.com @jendiamond