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See the Truth

See the Truth

Un nouveau framework d'assertions en Java présenté à Devoxx France 2016

Code disponible: https://github.com/jeremiemartinez/truth_devoxx

Jeremie Martinez

April 21, 2016

More Decks by Jeremie Martinez

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  1. Failure strategy 1. Si l’assert échoue on arrête le test

    et on le marque comme échoué. : Assert
  2. Failure strategy : Assume @Test
 public void should_test_super_new_feature() {

 // Some assertions only run on Lollipop
  3. Failure strategy : Expect 3. Si l’expect échoue On continue

    le test et on accumule les échecs. À la fin du test, on fait le bilan.
  4. Failure strategy : Expect private final Expect EXPECT = Expect.create();

    private final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
 @Rule public final TestRule wrapper = (base, description) -> {
 Statement expected = EXPECT.apply(base, description);
 return thrown.apply(expected, description);
  5. Failure strategy : Expect @Test
 public void should_convert() {

    item = new Cart.Item(1L, "Tomatoes", 3f);
 ItemDTO dto = convert(item);