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My Adventures In HTML5 Gaming

My Adventures In HTML5 Gaming

HTML5, it’s the 800 lbs gorilla in the developer room. I tried to resist it for as long as I could but in the end I had no choice but to embrace it. So to have a little fun I decided to make a game. But not just any game, I created a crowd sourced RPG built on top of ImpactJS and powered by Wordpress. Crazy right? Well I was happy to find out that it actually wasn’t that hard to do!

In this talk I will cover ImpactJS which is a HTML5 game framework. I’ll cover my development workflow, how I converted my AS3 code over to HTML5, asset management (sprite sheets generation) and discuss the future of HTML5 gaming. I’ll also cover some basics of Canvas and how I used Wordpress to power my game.


May 01, 2012



  2. GAME DESIGN does not refer to the visual style of

    the game but the actual game play mechanics themselves. 6
  3. is a multi-page document that contains the general concept of

    a game, it’s core mechanics. At the very least it should give the reader a clear idea of how the game will look, work and feel. GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT (GDD) 9
  4. a term borrowed from the film industry and represents a

    “what if” scenario. When drafting a GDD I use a high concept to outline what the game is, it’s scenario and list any games that may already exist to draw inspiration from. USE A HIGH CONCEPT 11
  5. games are very visual by nature; most people get bored

    out of their minds reading a 15-page or more design document with no indication of the artistic style you are envisioning for the game. USE SKETCHES AND CONCEPT ART 12
  6. 13

  7. cover how things work and how they will interact with

    each other. Go into as much detail as possible around actions such as how combat works, leveling up, stats, rewards, etc. CLEARLY OUTLINE THE GAME’S MECHANICS 14
  8. include things like what properties a game actor may have

    such as life, weapon values and more. This will be incredibly helpful when you go into development as a point of reference. DETAIL GAME OBJECTS 15
  9. 16

  10. it’s always better to start big and scale down as

    needed. The last thing you want to do is limit your imagination or creativity. DON’T HOLD BACK 17
  11. some game devs create elaborate sketches to work out their

    ideas while others simply use sticky notes. There is no right or wrong way to go about this as long as you find a good system for jotting down your ideas. KEEP A GAME JOURNAL 20
  12. doing a small code example or trying to solve a

    development problem can really get your brain going and help you be way more creative when you sit down to finally code your own game. DAILY CODE WARMUP 21
  13. this goes hand in hand with the daily code warmup.

    I like to pick game systems or interesting mechanics then try to reproduce them or make them better. EXPERIMENT 22
  14. look back through the history of video games, you will

    see a natural evolution of one game picking up or modifying another game’s mechanics. RECREATE A CLASSIC GAME 23
  15. 27

  16. 28

  17. 29

  18. 30

  19. 31

  20. 32

  21. 34

  22. 35

  23. 36

  24. by Raph Koster. This is a great book that attempts

    to answer the question of “What is fun?” and more importantly “What is a game?” It’s an easy read with absolutely no code and all theory. A THEORY OF FUN FOR GAME DESIGN 38
  25. by Scott Rogers. If you are interested in understanding the

    technical side of game design as in how to build a game design document, pitching games and more practice than theory then this is the book to read. LEVEL UP!: THE GUIDE TO GREAT VIDEO GAME DESIGN 39
  26. by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman. The book is very

    high level and tries to approach the questions of game design from a very academic point of view. RULES OF PLAY: GAME DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS 40
  27. is a JavaScript game framework. Impact takes advantage of the

    modern browser’s Canvas Element in order to create high performance 2d game on the web and even mobile. IMPACT JS 43
  28. ONLY BARRIER OF ENTRY the licensing fee for the software

    since it is not open source. After purchasing a license you do get the full source code, Weltmeister and free updates. 44
  29. • Site – http://ImpactJS.com • Forum – http://ImpactJS.com/forums • Demos

    – http://ImpactJS.com/forums/games • Purchase – http://ImpactJS.com/buy-impact IMPORT LINKS 45
  30. • IDEs – Impact JS has no IDE dependencies; you

    can create your games with any simple text editor. I use WebStorm by JetBrains which has code hinting, project management, refactoring and debugging. • Apache – for locally hosting and testing your game. • PHP – for saving levels created with Weltmeister (Level Editor). • Browsers – Impact JS works very well on WebKit browsers, especially Chrome but any modern browser with support for Canvas should work as well. GETTING STARTED 46
  31. you should use an all in one solution such as

    MAMP. You can also use the built in version of PHP that comes with OS X. Simply search for “Enabling PHP in Mac OS X” in order to find instructions on how to do it. MAC MAMP http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html 49
  32. like the Mac there are some excellent one-click solutions for

    setting up Apache, PHP and MySQL. I have used XAMP in the past have had excellent success with it. WINDOWS XAMP - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html 50
  33. • Index.html - this is the main html file that

    runs your game • lib - this is the core code for Impact JS and where you will store your own game specific code. This also contains the source code for Weltmeister. • media - this is the assets directory and where all game art will go. • tools - this directory contains php scripts to compress and obscure your game. This is part of he license and is important so you don’t accidentally distribute the source code. • weltmeister.html - this is the level editor html file. INSIDE THE IMPACT FOLDER 53
  34. Since JavaScript itself does not have a include() function that

    can load other JavaScript source files into an object, Impact has its own system. MODULES 55
  35. is based on John Resig's Simple Java Script Inheritance code

    (http:// ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript- inheritance), but extends it with deep copying of properties and static instantiation. IMPACT'S CLASS-OBJECT 61
  36. // Create a new class "Person" var Person = ig.Class.extend({

    name: '', init: function( name ) { this.name = name; } }); // Instantiate an object of the first class var e = new Person('Generic Person'); e.name; // => Generic Person 62
  37. // Create a new class "Person" var Person = ig.Class.extend({

    name: '', init: function( name ) { this.name = name; } }); // Instantiate an object of the first class var e = new Person('Generic Person'); e.name; // => Generic Person 63
  38. // Create a new class "Person" var Person = ig.Class.extend({

    name: '', init: function( name ) { this.name = name; } }); // Instantiate an object of the first class var e = new Person('Generic Person'); e.name; // => Generic Person 64
  39. // Create a new class "Person" var Person = ig.Class.extend({

    name: '', init: function( name ) { this.name = name; } }); // Instantiate an object of the first class var e = new Person('Generic Person'); e.name; // => Generic Person 65
  40. // Create a new class "Person" var Person = ig.Class.extend({

    name: '', init: function( name ) { this.name = name; } }); // Instantiate an object of the first class var e = new Person('Generic Person'); e.name; // => Generic Person 66
  41. // Create another class by extending the "Person" class var

    Ninja = Person.extend({ init: function( name ) { this.parent( 'Ninja: ' + name ); } }); // Instantiate an object of the second class var p = new Ninja('John Resig'); p.name; // => Ninja: John Resig 68
  42. // Create another class by extending the "Person" class var

    Ninja = Person.extend({ init: function( name ) { this.parent( 'Ninja: ' + name ); } }); // Instantiate an object of the second class var p = new Ninja('John Resig'); p.name; // => Ninja: John Resig 69
  43. // Create another class by extending the "Person" class var

    Ninja = Person.extend({ init: function( name ) { this.parent( 'Ninja: ' + name ); } }); // Instantiate an object of the second class var p = new Ninja('John Resig'); p.name; // => Ninja: John Resig 70
  44. // Create another class by extending the "Person" class var

    Ninja = Person.extend({ init: function( name ) { this.parent( 'Ninja: ' + name ); } }); // Instantiate an object of the second class var p = new Ninja('John Resig'); p.name; // => Ninja: John Resig 71
  45. refers the to visual workflow you create for your project.

    This could be as simple as copying files over by hand into your game’s media folder or writing more complex automation scripts to generate the art for you. ASSET PIPELINE 74
  46. is a single bitmap image that is drawn to the

    display; in this case our Canvas Element. To help organize them better, sprites are grouped together into a single image called a sprite sheet. A SPRITE 75
  47. ADDING ANIMATIONS TO IMPACT JS this.addAnim( 'idle', 1, [0] );

    this.addAnim( 'run', 0.07, [0,1,2,3] ); this.addAnim( 'jump', 1, [9] ); this.addAnim( 'fall', 0.4, [6,7] ); 76
  48. • Desktop Browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9+

    • Mobile Browsers: iOS and Chrome for Android • Web Markets: Chrome Web Store and Mozilla’s soon- to-be-released Web Store • iOS Native: Impact allows you to compile your game natively for iOS • WebView Wrappers: AIR, PhoneGap and OS X using a native app with WebView • Windows 8: Windows 8 allows you to create native Metro apps with HTML5/JS SUPPORTED PLATFORMS 83
  49. this is a standard task that removes any files created

    from the previous build. You always want to run this type of task to make sure you don’t corrupt your deploy folder (where our final output will be copied to). CLEANUP 85
  50. when we are moving around a lot of files, we

    will create tmp folders to keep our script’s files separated from the main codebase and the final deploy directory. It helps to remove these temporary files once you are done with them. POST BUILD CLEANUP 86
  51. is run from the command line and is written in

    PHP. Luckily, Ant can execute PHP scripts as long as you have PHP installed in your system and are able to run them via the command line as well. BAKE SCRIPT 87
  52. this is the base build script. It makes sure that

    the code is cleaned up and ready to be deployed to a Web server. WEB BUILD 88
  53. iOS has its own Xcode project, we simply copy over

    the core game code into that directory. The rest of the Xcode project will handle initializing the game on iOS and is not worth us trying to generate any of the iOS-specific wrapper files. IOS BUILD 89
  54. this is going to be similar to our iOS build.

    We only need the core game classes, and we’ll rely on the default Visual Studio project to handle setting up and initializing our game for us. WINDOWS 8 BUILD 90
  55. two builds for our Web stores, one for Chrome and

    the other for Firefox. We’ll use our default Web build but handle creating the manifest.json file in Ant (another cool feature of Ant that allows you to write out text to a file). WEB STORE BUILD 91
  56. Alone was created during my first Ludum Dare competition. The

    game is built around an Edgar Alan Poe poem and is devoid of any visuals except for the words themselves allowing the player to image the game's visuals in their own head. http://gamecook.com/games/ld22-alone/ 94
  57. 96

  58. 97

  59. 98

  60. 99

  61. 100

  62. 101

  63. In Jetroid you land on a planet to explore for

    lifeforms and artifacts while trying to make it back to your ship before you run out of air. As you explore the caves underground, you find will find power ups (air, life & energy), new alien lifeforms and artifacts. http://gamecook.com/games/jetroid/ 103
  64. 105

  65. 106

  66. 107

  67. 108

  68. 109

  69. Resident Raver is a mix of Super Crate Box meets

    Elevator Action. The goal of the game is to survive wave after wave of raver zombies that have taken over the dorms at FSU. http://gamecook.com/games/resident-raver/ 111
  70. 113

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  73. 116

  74. 117

  75. 118

  76. is a crowd-sourced, coffee break roguelike game that gives anyone

    the ability to pick up and play a random crusade in just a couple of minutes. What makes Tile Crusader unique is that the players can also create their own custom levels to share with others. COMING SOON! 120
  77. 121

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  83. 127

  84. THANKS FOR WATCHING My Portfolio http://jessefreeman.com My Games http://gamecook.com Twitter

    http://twitter.com/jessefreeman GitHub http://github.com/jessefreeman 134