Display). Most games tried to cram in as much detail as possible but over time newer games have simplified what they show the player and tend to hide stuff that is not critical to the game action itself.
that needs to fill up before it can be used or there is a bonus applied to the player’s action there should be some kind of visual indication for this.
score as their motivation there is little need to constantly broadcast that to the player. Score should be moved to a dedicated screen that is shown when the game is paused or if the level is over. Also be sure to break down how the score is calculated as well.
aspect ratio, is your game 4:3 or 16:9 or even both? Good games can easily support either resolution, here is a sample from one of my game’s designs to show you how this works.
on slower devices such as mobile phones and tablets. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to simply run the game at a lower frame rate to smooth out the visuals.